Public Project - Blueprint of Hair

Send the draft to Dr. Manhattan and Rosechalice


I can take this project


Thanks, the script is quite long, making it into three main fields and 3 sub-fields for each main field is going to be a huge task, can you do it? :smiley:


I can do it 
 just that I can’t buy immediately
 this semester I have bought fields worth 2000$ and I have no more left for fields 
 that’s the problem. Although I do need a hair field for sure đŸ« 


Great please create the draft and share here, thanks.


So did we get approved from captain for this field or will the draft be made first and then the approval will be sought

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Rooting for you guys. This would be great!


I think together as a community we can make this happen (of course with Captains permission)

As long as we have the draft the way Dr Manhattan explained


At Last this will Happen, with all the Toil it took in helping to put the Research Materials with others for the draft Script and the delays/circumstances we all went through
YES we are here!!

As long the procedures are followed correctly and with Doc being the middle man it should be easy to submit this. Embrace the full hair fellas :sunglasses:


2 Clarifications

  1. Is it Possible to Include Subconscious Negativity/Blockage removal regrading Hair Loss and Embracing/accepting ourselves and letting go of Misery of Hair thinning and attachments to results? Letting go Manifests results Quickly and no Resistance as we don’t tend to be Overly Attached.

  2. How many Copies are we looking at? perhaps 2000?

I don’t know, I think usually the draft gets submitted first and then Captain will decide whether to do or not, someone can correct me.

This time with the change of rules the draft first goes through Rose & manhattan, and they might update us on the next steps.

Have you asked him?

This has clearly more than 50 interested, it should work as a submission for a public nft.

At worst, we may do another poll.

Nowadays, you submit differently, via this:


Not anymore, I’ve just learned in the past day that public projects are called off, it’s only group NFT’s

No, public ones still can be made, just there needs to be a high interest.

Here’s the word of staff:

Where have you learnt that in the past day?

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I’ve talked with @Dr_Manhattan and he said for now they don’t accept public projects

Keyword: “for now” so not sure if that’s gonna be forever

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Maybe that has changed or maybe it was meant that there wasn’t enough ppl prepared for it. So with that word, this project may continue as it was to be.

@Kalacakra I recommend u making another poll to make sure at least 50 ppl want it and if so, then pile up what’s here, adjust it to the form and then submit it.

It evolved as we went and we figured that it would be more fair to get some public projects but with high enough demand to prevent abuses


Cool cool :+1:t4: