Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence

Can i expect boost in confidence and reduction in anxiety by using this field?
( Like the Fearless Tag)

If yes, is it will like 100% anxiety cure or subtle reduction ?
Thanks in advance ~

Edit : sorry if sound disrespectful, im just curious. My question is on Mr Gregg’s work only and not on Sapien’s work.


Then look for answers on google about it because we wouldnt know how fast or accurate depending on the person the technique would work.

The audio here is automating that technique plus additional benefits and extra goodies which is why is worth buying.

If interested in the audio yes in my experience so far it def not just reduces but eliminates anxiety and fears, and boosts confidence but from a simply (in words) grounded heart and connected to the reasoning 24/7


Thank you for sharing your experience on anxiety. I’m going to buy this , hopefully can cure my unlimited anxiety.


Have you tried other fields for this?


No , just started Unbreakable but inconsistent


Dont know much about the source of anxiety for you… but there are a lot of threads about it with good suggestions

For example


All-purpose anxiety removal
Internal alchemy crucible
Devil in reversed
Soul restoration(core) (might help if you have brow)


Thanks mate for sharing, learnt alot . Ill add Oxytocin, Blarney stone and Unconditional love with this field , and will see how it goes (for my anxiety)


Thank you. Devil reversed works too fast - always make me face uncomfortable situation so i dropped it. Will try it in future when i develop enough confidence.


In short, it makes everything cleaner, clearer, smoother, purer, more vibrant, more present, more alive.

Harmonize & enhance ALL that you are, experience and have access to.

Although this probably continues to sum it up about right.

giphy (47)


I am loving this field so muuuuuch ugh :sweat_smile::heart_eyes:

In the environment i work you can quickly get dragged into little bursts of negative mood, or stress or ppl sucking your energy, lets say all the other fields, work; clean the ambiance, strengthen you, give you confidence, a sharp edge, bring down intercession for you, change the fate of luck in your favor, calm down ppl around etc.

But this gem here gives YOU and only YOU the power to control everything that might want to disrupt your good vibe, whether it comes from you or from outside, you get to feel for just a few seconds what is wrong and immediately puts you in a positive mental state and happy heart like i can literally feel good vibration, thoughts, energy, love moving up and down from heart space to brain then to arms and legs then stomach (all the places where normally tension finds its home to get you sick or weak in case your brain and heart are pushing negativity down more ignoring the issue than addressing it) somatizing feelings pretty much.

This does not let you get to that point AT-ALL

It bounces me back right away to positive thought as in “nope, doesnt matter whatever is happening, here focus on the positive of that situation” then i feel just happy and forward again!!!


Amazing review Luna :clap:


Feels good to not be empath anymore I thought this field would do what emotional mastering protocol did, it did for a bit but this truly puts me in a state where nothing bothers me all the time


Yassss best one for empaths for sure :partying_face::partying_face:


Just pondering hard , if we were to play in the following order : 1) Blueprint of life
2) Knight/Warrior mindset
3) Magnetic Heart coherence
would one’s body (physically ,psychologically and emotionally) be imprinted of the characteristics and aura of the Knight/Warrior down to the DNA level more efficiently and at a much faster rate ? Cause the Blueprint sets the stage for fresh change , the Knight mindset imparts the respect onto the aura and wires the brain with a Knight’s characteristics , and then the Coherence field syncs the now knightly brain and the heart and in turn produces magnetic field of knightly presence and causes biochemical reactions in the body which will have the knight’s impact on the body’s cellular level ……

Or am I thinking too much and getting very far-fetched with this idea?:grimacing:


maybe, maybe not seems cool.

But hey give it a try! mindset albums should work great with this tho especially abundance both in logical and in heart :slight_smile:

I’m currently doing this myself but not because I thought of it how you did but rather I wanted to instill the mindset of “unbreakable” while strengthening the brain and heart coherence.


Had a big smile while listening )
This field is for sure lovely


so first of all so much appreciation what you have released with this track, for someone like me who spent alot of time in air / swords energy ( In my head ) I cant possibly tell you how GRATEFUL I am for this @Captain_Nemo

also not to be dramatic but also maybe a little lol, This is my impression of what it felt like after a few days of just a few listens in the morning and some at night…


Really? Wow my comment was ignored cuz it merely mentioned someone else’s field even though it was related to this one. Pretty pathetic whoever did that (I know who). I didn’t violate any community guidelines as the post was completely on topic. So done with this forum. For a lot of reasons. :v:t2:I spend a fortune on SM. Arguably more than 90% of people here id confidently posture. Just to get censored over some BS. All good…


Well, a sincere thank you for sharing your valuable experiences while you were here. It is appreciated and I’m sure it helped a lot of people. Best of luck in the future and know you’re always welcome if you decide to come back.