Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence

I’d have to agree! Although, when I listen to the grounding track, my feet tingle haha.


What did you use?


you mean, what kind of medication?


O u used medication, I meant like what did you use to heal from Sapien! Haha


I don’t remember the exact combinations of the fields anymore.
(relaxation, emotion, anti-anxiety)…

But this field gave instant results (by the way, I have already forgotten what it means to take betaxolol) :grin: :+1:


Haha happy for you


This field managed to get rid of extreme hypertension after a cup of coffee and anxiety, even both blood pressure fields didn’t work.


That’s how I know I have to keep this field in my stack, trying to minimize it as much as possible


This field is a bless💖


Does anyone else randomly hear the music from this field throughout the day even when it’s not playing?


Do you listen to this on the daily? Or more frequently?

Sometimes I hear the fields in my head, like a random pop up visit. Sometimes I notice it’s when their effects are extending during the day. And sometimes it’s because the field is letting me know I should be listening more to it!

They have their ways, for sure :D


I just saw this picture on Facebook and it immediately reminded me of this field.

It’s time to actively work with it :joy:


If someone does experience a “healing” of the physical heart from this field, I would call that more of a “secondary” or “downstream” result of this field, rather than this field’s intention.

This field is to bring the the energy system into greater alignment with the powerful energy center created by the physical heart. Since the energetic bodies form the template for the physical body, any improvement in the energetic bodies will eventually manifest in the physical body.

Heart Restoration is focused directly on the physical heart.

Hope that helps.


How is life


No, this is not his goal, but it may be a byproduct of clearing the specific chakra area. What this does, in addition to energetically cleanse that area, is to make the area of the heart coherent with that of the brain; when the heart and brain are in coherence, two toroidal fields are created which also allow the manifestation. The magnetic field of the brain is already powerful on its own, but that of the heart is much more so, about 4800 times that of the brain, so it is important to have a heart chakra that is coherent, and this field does.


the purpose of the mind is to give birth to new desires and then close the gap to those new desires by becoming one with the heart but the mind has taken on the function of sorting it all out so that we can come to
decisions sort it out so that we can move forward and that messes things up because our mind thinks that it’s helping us to sort things out but it can’t do so because it does not have access to complete information.

your mind is operating on the basis of limited information your heart is the part of you that has complete information your heart is the part of you that not only sees the physical reality but also sees what is in the vortex your mind only sees physical reality and so it is missing this whole big set of data and information because of that the mind cannot help us to sort things out because you can’t really sort things out and figure them out and come to a decision when you only have a minuscule amount of the information required because the non-physical realm of information is massive compared to the physical realm of information available.

So when we try to figure things out using our minds it does not go well unless we can find heart and mind alignment. When we find heart and mind alignment that is when both our heart and our mind are taking unified action and that is when the mind actually can have access to full realm of information by blending in with the heart.

you see the mind says show me the evidence and then i will trust and the heart says the evidence is there but it’s non-physical but the mind says no i want to see physical evidence show me the physical manifested evidence and then i will believe it and the heart says the evidence is is there but it’s non-physical you can feel it you cannot see it, touch it, taste it… and so this is where things go wrong with between our heart and our mind you don’t need to sort it out…

let source sort it out and your heart will understand


My favorite field of all time


I love your words about the heart and this field!


What’s the difference between soul restoration/ heart and this one? Are they somehow similar if you know you have some energetic heart blockage?

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The way I think of the two is that Soul/Heart restores the middle Dan Tien to its original, pristine condition and function.

PMHC brings the magnetic field generated by the physical heart (and its associated neurons) into magnetic coherence with the magnetic field generated by the brain. This coherence is said to mirror the magnetic field of this planet.

That always depends on your perspective.

If you know you have some energetic heart blockage, my preferred approach would be to first clear and heal what’s causing your blockage. (We have tons of fields, depending on what’s causing your blockage.) Skipping over this step is sort of like putting a bandage on without removing the embedded splinter first. IME, that has not played out well.

When you’ve successfully cleared and healed what’s causing your blockage, you can restore the middle Dan Tien with Soul/Heart. I say “can,” because you might not need it. Our energy systems are resilient and repairing. And if you do any sort of spiritual practices, those may assist and aid that repair.

And then, if needed, you can bring your magnetic fields in line with PMHC.