Pure Magnetic Heart Coherence

Thank you very much, after I wrote my question I saw Beltloop says this may be in plasma flaunt… it’s a maybe of course.

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Well, the description of this field does highlight the potential biochemical and health benefits that heart-brain magnetic coherence has been found to have, so that aspect of this field might be what our friend was noticing in PF.

Fields aren’t combined wholesale, so it’s not a 1-to-1 equivalent (or “replacement,” as is often asked on here). The way I’ve described it in the past is like making a stew. I might add a carrot (PMHC) to my “stew” (PF, in this case) but the effect of my carrot in that stew is going to be different from eating the whole raw carrot I had started with, and its contribution to the final stew will be different from the whole raw carrot I started with.


Yes thank you. Indeed, this is something I completely understand.


The negentropic coherence in mythic would then be closer to this one i suppose.

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As its title says, it’s a full body magnetic coherence, which could considered similar to this one, yes.


This field should be really 1000000$


With the personal invoicing that’s been done, I’m sure if you sent a message to Sammy that you wanted to pay that value, he’d be happy to send you an invoice to reflect your desire.


I can not stress enough how underrated this field is. Perhaps it’s individual, but this is VoDL on crack to me in terms of feeling light, love, extreme vibration and manifestation power, if looped like 5 times.


Hey Gnostic,

Curious if you’re still using this one. I am currently using PF and Order by 3 (got it this morning) and want to add a heart one. I also do the Heart Math with the device once in awhile and Dr Joe Dispenza meditations to feel the love. Interesting to see how the “Intense bliss” here compares.



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I was just wondering how this compares with VoDL… This will be my 3rd purchase in 2 days… I’m going to stop after this lol…

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Just to let you know that, when you see a screen name of “anon” followed by 6 digits, that’s an account that’s closed. It’s unlikely that you’ll receive a reply from them.

To answer your question, the two fields do very different things. It’s possible that that former member “misdiagnosed” themselves and needed this more than they needed VoDL, and felt the effects of both in the same way. But that doesn’t mean you’ll have a similar experience.

I think it’s best if you guide your purchase decision more on how the description says the fields act and on what you need most.


Thanks Well-being for that info. I’m going play this for awhile with PF and order by 3 for awhile before buying more.


Will this field release emotions from my heart area like the emotional release field does?

Yes it does, a lot actually… We can actually feel them releasing

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Oh man. That feeling sucks. That emotional detox is just terrible. I remember listening to the emotional release 3 years ago. It screwed me up. I’ve never dared to go back to it ever since. I mean it was not the field which was causing it. I did some LSD a few months prior to that. When the emotional release kicked it felt like the comedown from the lsd trip i had and it lasted for months. Still feel it sometimes today as well.


Yea man, personally I liked the pain, heart throbbing and took it as a new experience. Sound weird but it was unique experience even though discomforting one. But stopped post Cvid because of heart palpitations etc. as it’s increasing with this one.
But couldn’t find time to put it back to my stack. Maybe in few weeks will retry again


I remember playing this a few years ago and feeling something in my heart and it scared me so I never listened to it again.


What was it like?

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Physical sensations sort of started giving me anxiety so maybe it wasn’t even anything dangerous at all but it made me react with fear.

It was like a twitch. I felt the same thing during an MRI last week. In my chest area. But that was radiation.


They should be the effects of reaching the state of heart coherence.
I had the same effects almost ten years ago when I attended a live course based on this.