Quasi Kinetic Aura

Yes because it grows and thickens your aura and then you absorb more fields, energy and so they linger for longer

No it doesnt.


Is this NFT still available? Original link doesn’t work and couldn’t find it on Sapien Shop

The Sound Weave seems to be gone for now. In the meantime you can check out Kinetic Quasi Crystal on Gumroad, or wait for SM’s team official announcement as to what will be

Been working with KQC for past 2 weeks now and been liking it. Was just looking to take energy capacity and field assimilation capabilities to the next level with this.

Thanks anyway


link doesnt work

@ecaiii thanks

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@Shendos because


does this field expand my energy bandwidth and allow me to listen to more fields

Yes, explore more testimonials in another thread about this.


ehh what the difference brtwr3n the crystal and the aura? i read some comments about this but I didnt really understand it.
thank you


If I have this, is there any point in getting QKC??

Great benefits from this so far, and I haven’t even printed it out and worn it.
If I also get additional field boosting effects from QKC, I will be inclined to purchase that also, due to its low price, and amazing field ‘information’ absorption and indirect boosting effects, I would simply just play QKC 1x, and having this NFT printed out in conjunction should suffice in getting benefits from both.

I picked up this great audio and NFT a while back, and it has become a 2x staple of my morning stack.

As I was brand new to NFT’s at the time, I did not save this to my Phantom wallet. I did, however, take a screenshot of it which I have been using for printed copies. I was also neglectful in this manner to the Smarter Rife, which I bought primarily to help my ailing mother.

Even though I own these both legally (and have not tried to sell or give them away), will they still work in this manner? Each new NFT I’ve gotten, I have been careful since then.

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Yes they greatly complement each other.

QKC works on the inside
QKA on the outside

Plus QKC has the Mstates that enhance the power even more


Hi can someone send me the audio for this amazing creation

if you buy it, the creation will become several times more amazing

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I have already bought it

I just do not have the audio

would u say this one or the crystal is better for expanding my energy system so I can listen to more fields

thx for all the advice u give


This but its not for sale anymore.

Youd have to ask in the buy and sale thread if someone wants to sell it

The main benefit or improvement from the KQC is that it helps integrate deeper and wider the audios that you play but also makes them more powerful and thus you wouldnt have to use more than 2 loops some fields are so strong not even daily youd need to play them, so dont confuse “absorb more fields” for “absorb fields deeper stronger and faster” because in a way if your energy systems are not strong it can overwhelm you real quick.

But you can take advantage of its enhancing quality and first for a few days or weeks use it only with fields that strengthen the energy systems so it works faster and then those other fields would help you absorb more fields.


Mana Circuits
Auric Repair
Energy Blockage Removal
PONR (in case the not integrating more fields is due to blockages not due to energy systems being weak)

Print the Expansion Energy Card from the Book of Cards/Instagram and activate it all the time specially while listening to KQC and youll grow the energy systems way faster

Im sure there are others but im busy now and those are the ones i remember


Did you get it?

I know you legitimately got it so let me know if not id send it

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thank you so much man

luckily somè9ne is willing to sell me this nft! cant wait lol