I’m with you on how great this one is! It pulls me through the most intense playlists and always end up comfortable and relaxed. Your Aura literally becomes a field integrator LOL.
Follow this up with Tuaoi Crystal. Kinetic Quasi Crystal and Ego Dissolution, then Microcosmic Orbit for a powerful pre-stack. If someone wants to be really thorough, they could do the Aura cleanse, and others to cleanse the area too; before this stack + use the higher being experience + Raise Your Vibrational State to create a great trifecta prestack. If one were to bring the book of cards into play, they could use Aura cleanse, chakra stimulation, energy sensitivity along with others to enhance this.
The Energy Storage item can store the environment that you have just created (up to this point); so you can release and use it during a latter playlist (then store that new, compounded Energy & continually repeat the release & capture snowball effect). The Cone of Power is a great way to end each session, that you will store to send your gratitude & joy out as well