Quasi Kinetic Aura

Remember the store you got it man?

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I got this the other day and am absolutely in love with it! :slightly_smiling_face:

  1. Keeps the good stuff in. I can feel the energy from my morning qigong session stay with me for hours afterwards.
  2. Keeps the unwanted stuff out!! I can stay grounded in spite of outside influences.
  3. Better energy management so far: Instead of feeling fatigue throughout my day I took some fire 3-4 hour long naps everyday since getting it lol, but then I feel great while Iā€™m awake.

Now I understand why Luna was hyping KQC audio so much!!
Also, a side note - itā€™s early to tell but it seems to be the first NFT that affects me by just being in my wallet.


They all do

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OK, slight reiteration - seems not to require being worn or looked at to experience maximum benefits.


I ate a tad too much junk food today and started feeling very sluggish as a result, so I opened QKA mandala and my fatigue was relieved within minutes!! It felt somewhat like spikes (from the bottom of the image) rearranging my aura back into order. I do still feel physically sick though :laughing:


is this nft also stored on phantom/cosmos?

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Itā€™s a Solana NFT


Already has audio :partying_face:


Ayyyy this is awesome!!!


Can someone send me the audio?

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can someone send me the audio, please? i have this nft also.
edit: got it!

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I have this NFT. Someone please send the audio.

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I also have this NFT, can someone please send the audio?

i have it also


Can you please send me the Quasi Kinetic Aura audio?

Thank you so much.

Please refrain from publicly sharing links. Be fair to the supporters and creator

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Would this creation support connecting to morphic fields/Nfts? Would this enhance the manifestation process? Any experience, appreciated! Thanks

Yes but in a different way.

Imagine Kinetic quasi crystal like a sponge inside your body and the fields being water.

When you use KQC before of after your play list is like as a sponge it absorbs all the water (fields)
KQC is not just a sponge that absorbs the fields, it has a non stop movement inside of you like if that sponge was squeezing and changing forms and with every squeeeze and new patterns your body keeps receiving and integrating the water (fields)

So the energy of the audios last longer because they are lest say ā€˜trapped in the spongeā€™ and then release again and again.

So in a way KQC does enhance the fields and helps with integration, because of the movement in different directions and patterns it reaches more and more places within you.

On top of that the KQC also has the M State Gold, Silver, Iridium, Rhodium, Chromium, Platinum, Indium and Platinum and we all know those are like energy conductors so the fields are even more enhanced and keep for longer the dynamic of squeezing and pushing out to the whole body.

QUASI kinetic Aura is similar but it does not have the Mstates and to me it feels stronger outside on your aura, when the aura is Crystallized the audios are absorbed with much more intensity however it helps you not to feel overwhelmed because it makes your aura more robust and the crystalline patters inside as well.

As for manifesting, it is not stated like that, but if we apply some logical concepts then when working on manifestation or playing audios to manifest etc along these 2 then the ideas you want to manifest are gonna stay longer vibrating in and outside you so obviously chances are they will come around faster because your whole body and outside is vibrating all the desires you want to manifestā€¦ longer and stronger.


I think Iā€™m gonna buy this. Been feeling overwhelmed with my NFTs lately and somehow need it make it more bearable without feeling too sluggish and irritated. Read all the comments above and feel so motivated to get this.