Question about chakra spin

takes a bit time, i do not notice much after 1-2listens but after 25-30min i really feel lighter and notice some good activities in the spinal.


SAW taught “Bhur” as a mantra for the root chakra and “Bhuvar” for the sacral and I see those are the bottom 2 lokas. Now it makes sense. I think the “Va” in Bhuvar has to do with the water energy of the sacral chakra. (Va bija)



also i created (or requested lets say) to the arc something astrological

just say “astrological perfection” and see how it goes


I am subscribed to PU’s Patreon. Are you referring to the Crystal Alchemy for Karma or is it a different one?


Yup, I think Bup was referring to this one…


I haven’t used it yet. Usually my go to for karma clearing is Crucible of The Past. I feel like there are several fields that can clear karma in different ways.

Panchanga Yoga must clear a lot of karma, it feels. You think?


Absolutely. Tapasya (tapa = heat) was done in the past for burning karma as without it, one would not attain the purity of mind to perceive non-dual nature of the self.

One can see that in the life of Ramana Maharshi. For him, ever abiding in a non-dual state, there was no localized consciousness restricting his notion of “I” to his body-mind-complex and hence also not to Karma or its impact. Whatever happened to his body and mind, he just did not perceive it as affecting him the real “I” - so he really suffered nothing! The body suffers, so does the mind, and the emotion - but when one’s identity is experienced as the True Self beyond these, there really is no suffering!


And this comes to mind:

As the blazing fire reduces wood to ashes, similarly, the fire of Self-knowledge reduces all Karma to ashes. Undivided, yet appears as if divided in beings; He, the object of knowledge, is the creator, sustainer, and destroyer of (all) beings. As the heat of a fire reduces wood to ashes, the fire of knowledge burns to ashes all karma.

So if we take this into account, any field or practice that directly or indirectly brings self-knowledge also clears karma (Conceptual Realizations). Now, the Meditation field from the Energy Course popped into my mind and how I don’t use that enough.


I meditate/contemplate this a lot. Karma comes from identification.


Do you have a copy of 10 Paramitas? That is another one that is beautiful for cultivating that state of consciousness. My ego tries to keep me from it and it’s my own NFT. :rofl:


Yup, the non-dualists use intellectual faculties to refine their contemplation so much that the delusion of “self” collapses and the knowledge that I AM THAT arises.

We do it differently in Tantra. The Maya is the divine delusion that keeps one bound to the body-mind complex. Now, what if we approach Mahamaya, the great Goddess who controls this matrix - she is simultaneously in the matrix, beyond it as well as the matrix itself? You get a gate-pass out of the matrix - this is the path of Grace or Anugraha…



I go in and out of this state of being. I certainly do experience it but it’s another matter of sustaining it.


This new PI mandala is amazing, guys.


With Arc Light?

Btw Idk if they have mantras of their own or some form of their archetypes they manifest sonically or what but I do feel a powerful shift/expansion in consciousness when I ask them to imbue me with “Arcturian archetypes and mantras.”

I could be retarded for even entertaining it, but I like to experiment. :rofl:



best to not perform strong samsaric actions since it has an active intercession to all those realm that are linked with your chakra system (also draws power from the underworld but only for grounding purpose, no intercession with beings there)

i wrote once: "i told the arc to break all possible walls and install all astrological archetypes as you would be born with each one

also the perfection is for a reason there imbedded :) so no matter which constellation is currently more active, everything is made to always have the best possible way for you avaiable like you would have all 12 signs healing and development avaiable at once working + the underworld (integration and just the energy that holds the physical body)

and also intercession with every beneficial being from the realm that perform their blessing in a guided way"

Beside the mind expansion i really could feel how i started to do everything in this realm better…even on the most trivial things like taking a shower have been optimized lol

Hmmm have to try it once.

Haven’t played the panchanga yoga for a couple days but afer you guys mentioned it, it was time again for a round ^^

On the last one (refinement) i used the Rainbow Guide and asked for secret Rainbow practices (that i do not know but i assume he or my higher self knows) which i linked then with the audio…phew, quite a nice high

(i have other presets on the arc, if you want them you can write a pm)


That is all great information I will have to experiment with for sure. I will message you in a bit after i shower and eat and we can chat about Arc Light.

@Maoshan_Wanderer I just read that article about Ramana Maharishi and was very moved by it. Wow. What a Master he was and I had never even heard of him. It also made me wonder if there is something to the relation of terminal illness and Mastery due to such lack of identification with the body…like one becomes so One with the Source that they collapse their existence in this realm, manifesting in illness then death of the physical body. I’ve contemplated this from time to time. The identification with the body seems to be the only thing keeping us here.


Ever since I got the Panchanga Yoga series, I instinctually grabbed and used The Rainbow Guide while listening to it. And later, now also Arc Light Body. They both go perfectly with Panchanga. Purify. Refine. Build.


@Gnosticmedic27 @steeler @metaphystwolf @Kalacakra and especially @Maoshan_Wanderer

Thanks really much for all the great answers! I really appreciate the insights from all of you and how this topic developed. Seems like I was overthinking stuff. Was always a bit worried I might hurt myself in some way.
My fault was that I never tried to figure out how the idea of spinning chakras formed.

Also really cool to see some additional information and insights that relate to chakras for example the possible planetary connection, the seven planes of consciousness etc


No problem, your experience is all that matters. Don’t try to reject anything what your experience shows and avoid anything from braggart people and name droppers, such people are talkers with out an iota of experience!