Question about matchmaker

If I Wear this tag and I want to be in a faithful marriage for the rest of my life, will I also attract a person who wants to be in a faithful marriage and be forever?


People change so if you have the matchmaker and after the marriage you want to leave you will attract another married woman who want to divorce.Also if you attract a marriage partner and that attraction is based on the dogtag then I think by the time you are not wearing she/he will lose interest as she/he will be there for the “marriage” and not for you.Not a profitable future for me I guess.


Also don’t take my words one by one as humans in general don’t stay in relationships for attraction nor money, most of the time its based on feelings so you have to be sure that the feelings are not based on the attraction between you. A marriage is based on respect or an idea of foundation that a couple wants and that should be enough.There are many other aspects but you can understand that wearing the matchmaker could be a disaster because the things you want now will not be the same 5 years later and that dogtag is based on your desires.

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Interesting. So if I don’t wear the tag after the marriage, my partner will lose interest in me. If i do continue wearing the tag, then I better have the same type of desires and feelings.

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Yes,you get my point.It can lead to good things of you are complete yourself but a disaster if your desires are not your true self.

Matchmaker attracts people to you that are in a similar vibe as you, people that would also vibe well with your current vibe even when you are not wearing the tag.

But as with anything in life, as our vibrations, feelings and energies are ever-changing, how well we vibe with others will change and vary over time in accordance with that.

The Matchmaker experiences in The energy items thread and these posts by Sam might be of interest to you:


Gee, this “sammy” fella is smart! :wink:


After I find a person, do I need to wear the tag or is it useless?

of course not,… and yes, you can take it off.
It doesn’t change who you are…

That endorphins effect when they are within 5 ft might be something that can add some “spice” to your life with, but don’t overthink it.

If they like you for you, they will continue liking you for you.


good. Just what I needed to hear

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I have my doubts. If the person is attracted to the energy and effects of “MatchMaker”, the person who is wearing it.

If one day you stop using it and since it is not a permanent effect, would you lose the attraction for not being that person who emanated that energy?

Will you feel like you are someone else? Thank you.

I don’t think so. All the field does is attract someone who has the same vibe as you and you 2 would have very good chemistry. The field is there to attract that person. After you find that person, you won’t need to wear it because you two are already together. It is not like your vibe will change or attitude changes after you stop wearing the field.


So, If the matchmaker attracts ppl with a similar vibe, then does that mean it’ll also repel ppl who are not a similar vibe?
Or will it just be the same as trying to seduce her without the matchmaker?

Also what about that endorphin effect? Is that part restricted to only ppl with a similar vibe as well?


No, it shouldn’t repel. I don’t think endorphins are limited to people with a similar vibe

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