Sapien Medicine Thanksgiving Sale (Black Friday/Cyber Monday)!

I feel lucky to have Cognitive & Memory Enhancement & IPF coming my way. Shout to @anon28389016 :crossed_swords: for pushing the IPF and opening my eyes to the benefits of this. I reckon these two will be a great combination… especially since I don’t have a lot of time in my day to add brain audios


All of Us Introverts hoping this works staying at home :laughing:


Hmm, maybe if you boost it like 47 times…



There’s no “No fap” field yet, the best you can get is for any field that helps with addiction

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Sad news.

I’m sure you’d have already made up your mind about it… but for those of us who realize this aspect of the field, and still want to purchase it, please reconsider:’)

A bolder description might help if this is the only problem.

Personally, I have been waiting for all lockdown until I can get back to work and be able to get it, only to find out that as soon as I did, everything had already moved to the new shop.

I trust your decision either ways, but there might be a room out there and… it’d be of great help for those who realize its true potential. :)


These are the problems it can give

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… and Sammy’s accurate explanation


@Fender_Cad quite doing the opposite, thanks man :joy::sweat_smile:

I don’t know about anyone who could be in a true relationship without ever understanding their authentic self, so I don’t really know about the tag affecting that…


@Fender_Cad This post from Uial could be of help.

This one from _Om too.

OP, @lol


How do I apply the discount code for Gumroad? Doesn’t seem to have a field anywhere to fill in…

There is a field for the code (if I recall, it was the second) when I bought the Curse/Spell Remover audio 2 or 3 days ago. I got the discount. The following day, I got the Epsilon one but there was no field for the code. Maybe it’s the price disparity.

The discount code box appears under the email box when you click on the checkout button

After adding it to cart

Don’t see it…

You can add internal alchemy, then you will see the discount code section. After applying the discount, take out the internal alchemy.

So far I discovered that…

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Guys, is Dec 9th suitable for delivery? Esp if it has SLR in it? I’m having a hard time finding a traveler who is coming from 11-15th of Dec. so I was wondering if I could check my options with the earlier travelers? (That’s how I have to ship my pendants)

Also, my deal with the traveler (on the app I’m using) got cancelled and I have his address for delivery. Can I still change the address- before it ships- to the new one?

@SammyG I believe you might have the answer so any input of yours is highly appreciated.

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More of a @Dreamweaver question, so I’m pinging him now

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ahhh i dunno

remember the items are made per purchase
and this can be up to two weeks, including the extra time due to the excess orders from the sales.

So it is difficult to say


@Captain_Nemo Right, anything you recommend that can be done?
Perhaps a pre-shipment email so that I have time to ask more travelers?
I just don’t want to have my item there shipped early while I’m just sitting there eagerly waiting for them. That’d be so tough haha
Also if it is only 2 week-ish then 15th should be fine, but then again their flight could come up while still not having received the shipment.
Okay, guidance time!

Also can I still change shipping address?

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Thank you Sammy!