Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity

@Godofworts Feedback please

The Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity field has several common benefits and can offer various transformations to individuals who engage with it regularly.

Here are some general observations based on the remarks:

  1. Reduction in Anxiety and Stress: Many users reported feeling less anxious and stressed after using the field. This suggests that it may have a calming effect on the mind and emotions.
  2. Increased Confidence: Users noted feeling more confident and self-assured after using the field, which could positively impact their interactions and overall sense of well-being.
  3. Deepening of Voice: Multiple individuals mentioned experiencing a deepening of their voice after using the field, indicating potential physical changes associated with masculinity.
  4. Greater Assertiveness and Control: Users described feeling more grounded, in control, and assertive in various situations, both physically and mentally. This could imply a heightened sense of empowerment and agency.
  5. Improved Interactions with Others: Some users noted positive changes in their interactions with both men and women, experiencing a sense of camaraderie and respect from other males, and improved dynamics in their relationships with women.
  6. Personal Growth and Transformation: Many users emphasized the transformative nature of the field, describing it as an alchemical process that affects not only physical attributes but also mental and energetic aspects of their being. This suggests that the field may facilitate personal growth and self-realization.
  7. Enhanced Masculine Identity: The field appears to strengthen and refine the user’s sense of masculine identity, leading to a deeper connection with their core values and behaviors associated with traditional masculinity.
  8. Integration and Refinement of Psyche: Some users mentioned experiencing a deepening connection with their psyche and a sense of purpose and direction after using the field. This indicates that it may facilitate psychological integration and refinement.

It appears that the Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity field operates on a deeper level than just physical attributes, focusing more on psychological and emotional aspects of masculinity. While the Manly Man field may primarily target physical masculinity. In summary, while both fields may contribute to enhancing masculinity, the Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity field appears to offer a more holistic approach by targeting psychological transformation and empowerment in addition to physical attributes.

Overall, the Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity field seems to offer a comprehensive approach to enhancing masculine attributes, including physical, mental, and emotional aspects. However, it’s essential to recognize that individual experiences may vary, and the field’s effects may depend on factors such as frequency of use and individual predispositions.


Between this and the manly man, would I need any other hormone balancing fields? or would the combination be enough?


Great field! Whats the recommended amount listens during a day?
Appreciate you!

Hi there @Mega

Welcome KY Illumination

Here’s :arrow_down: a Welcome Package for you!

Info to Guide Your SM Journey

Thank you! But I was thinking about this specific field?

How many listens a day would you recommend?

This is my first review of any audio, and it needs to be for Quintessence of Hyper Masculinity.

To say I’ve changed over the last 3 months is an understatement. I purchased this January 1st for myself and have listened consistently while other audios flow in and out.

This audio brings me back to my core. Who I was before porn, lust, greed, pride, insecurity, anxiety, shame and all the things that have piled on me over the years. This audio causes me to not care what others think, to not seek validation from anyone but myself. The words Calm, Cool, and Collected are the words I would use to describe this audio. It transforms me. It relaxes me. It removes my stress and reminds me what I need is within me. I stand up for myself more. I value myself more. I feel calm more.

My entire life I’ve been hyper charismatic as a means of filling the hole in my life. I now don’t value it as much as this audio has made me realize that I covered my insecurities and lack of love with charisma.

I am more of a man because of this audio.

To anyone on the fence whether or not to buy this audio, I would rank this as my #1 field for men. As stated above, it will transform you.

Stay blessed brothers :pray:


Need some help guys. Not Sure if i should cop this or the holy paladin

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what are ur goals ?


To become as fearless, driven, principled and disciplined as possible


A Tool i can use to navigate life feeling safer and more confident, being more driven
Also standing up for my principles more. Both fields just seem great and worth the investment to be honest. Would like the changes to be permanent, i guess the Revision of fear of the paladin would become permanent


I dont have this field but holy paladin has been dong all of that for me and more but wait on other ppls advice b4 buying boss


I would say,
Before you embark on this journey, you would need a well defined goal. Because what you describe, those look like character traits that tend to require an extended time to build up. With such a journey it’s easy to lose motivation. In essence, you need a why.

Can you picture yourself in the future, the future version of you that possesses all these character traits? How would your daily life look like? Are you running one or several businesses? Do you go running for hours every day? Are you competing in the Olympics? Have you mastered martial arts? How is your outlook on life? What’s your mindset? What are you thinking about? Etc etc etc

These are just sample questions.
In essence you wanna find out what to use these newly built character traits for - using them as fuel into which endeavours?


Well for example im going to take a few risks by going to another country for a little while and im going to start doing some online work while supporting my cousin with his Business and the field should be something which helps me stand straight and stable while dealing with adversaries or unexpected things. I dont want to get run over. In the end it all goes into becoming as competent as possible in any endeavour but just having the balls to go through stress and handle difficulties regarding Business, sport (working out, etc), and dealing with difficult people aswell or not getting overwhelmed so quickly.
Also to not be afraid of people, negative outcomes. Calculated risk taking. Not acting fearful more from a place of power in any regard.


This field overdelivers. One of the best purchases ever.


How was your experience been with this , as in effects and also do you stack it with others ? Thanks man for sharing :blush:


Please , could you explain a little bit ?

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