Random thoughts thread

Depends what flavor was it


I take cranberry flavour vitamin C it counts?


Vitamin d does tho


nowadays I sleep at 12 pm and wake up 8 pm and then I sleep again 12 am and wake up 4 am

good job


Totally counts


Now I kinda want to make a draft for another project lol. A maker item so that I could have an actual genie attached to a bottle lol


And then just call it The Magic Lamp to not offend the Jinn people lol


I “joked” about this too…but making such a servitor or field would be nearly impossible? It would be the OG anyway…I’d be fine if it had a limitation like Aladdin’s genie (his powers are all about appearances…but so is our reality so xD).

Anyway Im with you in this. Dream finally put “Pinocchio” effect in his fields…now he just needs to add djinn to shut everyone up xD

Rec: watch 1000 years of longing…not a good movie overall but the jinn stories are cool.


How to listen to Sapiens audios knowing they didn’t pay?

Wouldn’t you feel guilt? The guilt trip alone makes me uncomfortable to even enjoy it. If you don’t have the money for fields, save up for fields that help make you thrive, so many gems. Then you can buy what you need one by one. You can’t lie to your subconscious and try to trick it to thinking its a honest purchase

I mean its whatever rocks your boat, i just don’t see the logic in believing a product will help you if you don’t believe in its protection. And Capt protection isnt subliminas but beings very powerful


I get Dream taking issue with these guys, it is his reputation and business that gets hurt. But honestly I don’t know why the community pays them any attention. I know many just flag them and call Sammy…but people overthink this too much. Try to find ways for Dream to protect himself, etc.

Well, Dream will be fine. And people aren’t idiots. I read in the Solfeggio field thread people saying some buy pirated fields innocently.

Hell to the no. Are there people that dumb, really? At the expense of helping someone that may need the money, any time I find any product in the internet, through an affiliate link (or a suspicious looking link), I go to the original page, or search it in google.

I only buy straight from companies. And once I know the product/company, I may decide to buy from a store like amazon or whatever if I find the same item cheaper…but once I know it is the same item and not a scam.

Also, products in the internet are usually even more discounted in the original page than in affiliates. (I may use an affiliate link if it is a way some creator monetizes their content and I know it is legit).

And given the nature of fields…why would people not do some research first? I’ve never bought an NFT so before I do I’d read the threads on it…and even then, I’ve never seen opensea mentioned in the nft threads…so I know whatever is on opensea is probably fake or a resell…which I can just go look for the owner here in the forum and ask them directly.

And I’ve been around enough to know who to trust.

Thing is I won’t go to opensea or any market to buy nfts…id look for them from the forum.

So honestly, I’m sorry for whoever buys something illegal innocently (if that ever happens)…but people should just do their own research and be careful with their money.

Protection is well placed cause there aren’t that many “innocent” people out there.

I’m sure Dream didn’t even direct the protection to them, but to those knowingly doing illegal stuff.

Well, end of the vent xD

they be doing ninja level mental acrobatics xD


It is supposed to be determined by the intent that a person has. If someone genuinely didn’t know, then they shouldn’t be impacted. —If the pinocchio effect would occur for any non-owner who interacted with the field, then we’d have an epidemic of big noses lol


Yeah, 11 year olds with big noses


Well, lots of people wear mandalas. Those would interact with a lot of people all the time


Yeah you’re right- my
Comment was more a bewilderment about how many children are just online all the time and so sophisticated


Thank you Capt for financial protector, to many jealous people. Im a subscriber for life. Hope there a way to subscribe yearly


Yeah, I guess I’ll back out of it and not post more just so it can be buried.

I flagged my own post, and it actually gave me a type of “achievement” for doing that since it was my first flag lol.

I do still like the idea, though. A wand that functions like a wand, a genie bottle that functions like a genie bottle. I even had the idea of a crystal ball that can work a bit like a palantir. —things that can bring qualities to life beyond paper and tags.

But the change in vibe is too much, I think. The negative reaction in the past has a sort of resonant psychosis quality in the energy once the topic is brought up again. —Interesting, unexpected and undesirable.


Why does being hungry hurt so much… not only that the longer I sit with it the more cravings I get and the more intense they get


Dunno… usually the feeling will go away after a while and then recur in cycles.

But I’ve been having fewer carbs lately… I recall that hunger pangs tend to be worse when people are in the habit of living on a lot of carbs



I cannot eat anything lol

Cant eat foods high in histamine or that trigger histamine release, no carbs, no sugar, no foods high in heavy metals, no foods with chemicals in it



You know

I might actually have gastritis

I don’t necessarily crave food but food makes the pain go away, I crave large quantities of food too which is easy to achieve with junk food.

I usually get tired of eating fruits because they don’t “fill me up” or rather “make the pain go away”
