The Requests and Fields

Automated full body stretch field


The smart fungi slayer

Fungi are responsible for infections like athlete’s foot, ringworm, and ergotism, which causes vomiting, convulsions, hallucinations, and sometimes even death. Some are found inside humans, such as yeast.

It targets, the mouth, lymphatic system, outer skin, all internal organs and any were around those areas that fungi problems are sensed.

Tailored to your own needs.


A Just the hips field to go along with just the knees, shoulders, hands and feet.


Is the woven worlds series done?

The eye refresher- hydration sent straight to the eyes themselves, something ideal for people who use screens a lot

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Oh phew lol

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A Retinol/ Vitamin A audio would be incredible
Retinol is incredible for skin to get alot of it you need to eat Liver which is tough for most people just an idea


A new nitric oxide boost field

That field increase the size of my veins about 150%-200% in 3 months.


Live in the moment field.


Pinocchio effect targeted to all upcoming Items and previous paid fields



There is a similar sub-field in the Vision of Clarity. Plus all of the other benefits to the eyes/vision!

Visual processing 3.0 (potential public use)



ALWAYS!!! :heart::heart:

& omg
Have you heard his wisdom of the dying
Or Aphrodite’s or St Michael’s? Or ambrosia/navigator of awe? OOF😍
I often times just buy fields just to listen to the new music. No, Not even the field. Yes, just his music lol

Atopic dermatitis is also amazing; gives me woodland vibes lol

Gratitude of Blessings btw is a blend of two other compositions of his; guide of breath, and a paid one

Oh and
Have you heard touch of voodoo yet or his collabs with Atomic omg :speak_no_evil:
What a total 180. A m a z i n g


I heard this one which is amazing

The wisdom of dying is really good too

I don’t know what u mean voodoo which one is that

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A touch of voodoo

Enjoy ;)

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It KILLS my soul when I hear it though bc I REALLY want to dance again ahaha
I choreographed an entire raqasshariq (belly dancing) in my head to it. Literally I’m not even kidding


Bit of a request and question really.
@Dreamweaver have you ever made any fields on Vinyl?
A Sapien Medicine album on Vinyl would be so cool to have.
An album of Funk/Disco/Soul music that would be for good vibes, happiness, joy, laughter, love to dance around to at home and create a wonderful atmosphere.

I can just picture putting the needle on the Vinyl first thing in the morning and when the music starts, get a feeling of…Yeah, today’s going to be a good day.

Just a little dream of mine :joy:


I would like to request a field for sibo. Sibo can be the underlying cause of many IBS and stomach issues.

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Request field

Congenital Hyperinsulinism - A rare genetic disorder where a person produces an abnormal amount of insulin, thus causing hypoglycemia.

There seems to be a lot of other people asking for request fields. I’m sure they all have personal problems some are dire and some are serious. Not sure if you will ever read this, but one day maybe one day. :crossed_fingers: crossing my fingers you will. But if you don’t I guess it is what it is​:laughing:.

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An ultimate attract money field

An upgraded more pleasant version of this :