The Requests and Fields

This could be quite useful and address a lot of root issues. A premium field on patreon for a balanced state according to the studies of TCM.


A request to sapien please make a filed a seperate one for vax shedding and blood purifier stuff. It will be great help to the people not many are aware of the filed works and it’s great results. Please make somthing which can be shared freely and used freely a much stronger version for what all is going to come. Unlike me there are many more people who use fileds and are against the jab cab,so please do take this under consideration. Thank you


im not promoting a channel but quadible integrity has a vaccine neutralizer formula on patreon

hi, hope we can have an updated 2.0 version of The Hyper State Sleep as the sounds are harsh in that field, a field without music / pleasing sounds - that could be listened to repeatedly would be incredible, current version sounds very grating

a darker eyes field would be beneficial also, especially those people with lighter eye colours who have disadvantages with how light affects them and would have less issues with darker eyes

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Vitamin K field?

Shorten overgrown, long mandible. I know there is a mewing field but it doesn’t fix the mandible that grew too long because it improper breathing and causing a long face instead of L shaped jaw. Not sure if it’s possible to make a field like that or not

An Aurora Borealis Portal would be nice :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: or meteorit showers :stars:


Woven Worlds SLR

To help push forward in life, to take action and get rid of all limiting beliefs


That’s such a cool idea!

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An Even Skin tone field
To elimate all hyperpigmentation, moles, freckles and give flawless skin tone :)


An updated advanced healing field
combined with plasma light :handshake:🏽

Hopefully we can get it back on sale soon

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Portal to Soglio, Switzerland


Would that work for what I suggested?
That sounds great would love to get my hands on it

I really like the design from The Gastrointestinal Specialist which links physical processes with energy working in a synergistic way. It can save a lot of time in a huge stack and i would love to see more of this.

EAR And NOSE hair removal field:

Some thing similar to full body hair removal field but just targeting nose and ear.
As a male, prefer natural hairy body, but hairs at outer ears and nose are signs of middle age…
maybe laser treatment added .


you know Soglio? there is a little company makes natural cosmetic products🥰


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Great suggestions !