Random thoughts thread

Meditation, especially to empty my mind, now that’s Extremely difficult for me as well.

Trataka on the other hand is OK.

I’ll post a link.

Just looking at the flame for a few minutes and somehow emptying my mind, I find it easier than deep meditation, without an object of observation.

But, there are many types of meditation.
Focusing on innumerable things, concepts, thoughts, energy centers (chakras, etc.), Deities, time, space, people, objects, Yourself, Nothingness…


Why are men sexually aroused when looking at female nipples, but are not when looking at male nipples?


Because they are sexually attracted to women and not men



I don’t have a better answer.


Probably the energetics.

When the body develops, women actually begin as more yang. The activities from the central channel begin sooner and cause the body to develop. When men are developing, the activities from the central channel begin at a later time.

This causes the defining energies for women to begin at the top and to descend. For men, they begin at the bottom and rise. --This creates a defining pattern for the development of the body and the aura layers.

When the energy fields interact, the complementary opposites cause an increase in kinetics due to an ease of flows. If either a man or woman were alone, the defining polarity would be their own against a fairly neutral backdrop. But, males and females in proximity will have complementary positioned anode and cathode centers for the energetics. --This is perceptible even through images due to the holographic qualities of information in an energy field… I wish I had a better description for it, but it is what it is.

So, in that sense, men respond to women precisely because they are women :laughing:


I was thinking the following:

If you look at male and female nipples from the very near and zoomed in only on the nipple and areola, without seeing the breast tissue around it, then it is almost impossible to tell just from the picture alone whether the nipple belongs to a woman or a man.

But when looked at the breasts of men and women in a regularly way, i.e. with also seeing larger other parts of the body, it seems that 1. on average female nipples are larger than male nipples and 2. the additional visual information of the breast tissues around the nipple (male versus female) gives the limbic brain a context of whether to interpret the perceived nipple as a female or a male one.

So the nipple itself is visually perceived by the limbic brain as “genderless” by itself, but in the visual context of the rest of the perceived body (relative nipple size and breast tissue type around it) the limbic brain receives context of whether see it as a female or a male nipple.



The aura-layer thing applies applies to just about everything, though.

If an image is taken, it holds the energy pattern of the entire person even if the image is only of a part of them.

The ability to perceive depends on the elements in the observers energy body as well as the elements in the person observed—so there’s massive room for variability. But the mechanism of arousal itself is basically “morphic resonance” in the most basic sense.

Very similar to the static discharge from a van-de-graff generator

But not as concentrated because the aether doesn’t insulate like common air and there are other structures that hold a charge as well (and cause a lot of the responses to be more diffuse).

The limbic system isn’t really causal, and neither is the brain. A lot of the activity takes place in the more subtle energy fields. Things in the brain/body are mostly just taken along for the ride. --There is a capacity for 2-way influence, but the pliability of the more subtle layers tends to give them priority in terms of behaviors. I don’t imagine that a person would be locked into what their limbic system is doing unless most of their energy body has ossified… but I guess most people are fairly ossified…


How did it go from nipples to morphic fields

Anyways I can personally tell when it’s a woman’s nipple vs a man’s

Im pretty sure men’s are flat. At least the ones I’ve seen and mine lol


morphic = relating to form.

The form itself holds/anchors the principles, memory, and energy signature that identifies it.



But why


I give up lol



I don’t understand any of this science stuff




Why are men attracted to 45/55 though?

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I don’t know what that means…


Liar xD

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Oh… I had to google it. Of all the things people can develop specific terms for…

Beats the hell out of me. Maybe there’s an evolutionary reason? Maybe there’s something in the mathematical ratio that has a specific resonance. I have no idea lol


I was thinking just that.

Maybe they do are more fertile, more nurturing to children…dunno…there has to be some information in there.

Not gonna call Dream for this, but these are the questions we need an answer to xD


I can recommend some graphic research too, ngl xD

Ofc reddit had to be the first result too xD


Where does it say this?


I never knew that was a thing, lol.