Random thoughts thread

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Iā€™m experiencing right now first hand thatā€¦

Before elevation, you must go through the fire.


You tripping?

:+1: yup

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Depends on wym by tripping.

Psychedelics, lol

Have I posted this here? Idk

Imagine the existential terrorā€¦


Wow proof middle earth exists. Half earth has light other half dark. Then a vault that separates water from water. Vaults usually hold powerful items

If they could make pyrimids, then maybe they can make a huge tube that goes all the way, like in King kong vs Godzilla movie

Let there be light, Aries, earth tourus, light from dark Gemini and water from water cancer

Iā€™d highly advise reading the KJV of the bible over all othersā€¦ or the Septuagintā€™s if you have the neurons to learn Greek, or already know itā€¦

The amount of nuance that is lost for the occult-savvy due to mistranslation or un-enlightened interpretation of the original text is mind-boggling.

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xD The Old Testament was Hebrew

But, at least we have the Sepher Yetzirah to help decode its meanings

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Iā€™m saving this lmao

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I mean. Itā€™s common knowledge that it was part Hebrew part Aramaic, no?

The Greek translation by the Septuagint is the most faithful to the original text.

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xD. No. Youā€™d have to go outside of the Torah to find old Aramaic writings. Like Daniel or Ezra. Hebrew is an older language than Aramaic (at least as far as its use in scripture is concerned).

Nuzkul Virg Armash Karput. Sig Malar Vikund Doshar. Sundikh Merkat Cor Vik Alar. Smjol Kir FIog Dosh Ik Madar.

Breygvor Keykh Mora, Kreynder Korr.


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Ailhay Erisyay! Etlay iscordday andyay unknowingyay eignray. Allyay orfay ethay Olyhay Aochay.


Editā€“This is Pig Latin, by the way

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Fun books

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Nice :+1:

@Noesis Iā€™ve never seen you use ā€œxDā€ before

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I saw it somewhere in the past and copied