Random thoughts thread


Angelic Intercession
Higher Self Connection
Hand of Glory x2
Probability Wave x3

Cathartic Moments Ahead!


I won


Interesting. So above the plays of what lower dimensions can imagine

Arenā€™t there many superior Being-s above the laws of this Universe? Donā€™t they have ā€˜specialā€™ things among eachother? Like the angels above, donā€™t they get ā€˜recognizedā€™, ā€˜called uponā€™ in some way? Or is it just by ā€˜energetic signatureā€™? Itā€™s interesting to me that youā€™ve brought this up.

These questions are too profound to answer using language. What they require, is experience. Some things simply canā€™t be verbalized.

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Mr Robot?

Yeah, that

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Itā€™s interesting. I havenā€™t been an avid follower of her channel, but sheā€™s always had interesting things to say and Iā€™ve taken note of that even 15-ish years ago.

Every so often, I wind up finding myself on a specific current of thought and feeling and itā€™s usually had some correlation to the different things sheā€™s been talking about. A key summation is at 23:33

I never knew that anything was going on in Septemberā€¦ but over the past few days, Iā€™ve been wondering at how almost everybody here seems dead to the different things Iā€™ve been picking up on lol

ā€“Itā€™s nice that at least some other person was on the same wavelength


Got any info on that?
Or just look up a something like this?

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Somehow the algorithm gods brought her to me and I ignored. Maybe cause it looks like a readings channelā€¦and no matter how good they are Iā€™m simply not interested.

But this was truly fruitful. Thank you. Ofc I relate to the information in my own symbolic ways (for the positive stuff she mentions cause the negative I donā€™t know how to relate to or even how it relates to the positive but welp), but it may still be useful to me (measurably in the physical so hopefully I remember to come and mention it and will leave her a note too). Itā€™s always nice to destroy the lower to emerge the higher so all good though xD

She mentions there are key dates constantly, but also the equinox. Say, there is always higher awareness emerging in the equinoxā€¦11S is a catastrophe and terrorism day. I guess most times it is ā€œinsider jobā€, but why such a huge impact thing just to hide something? (Iā€™m assuming this is the counterpart, theyā€™re trying to shun increased awarenessā€¦but of what? and it never works as the S attacks are instantly a conspiracy theory). Well Iā€™m glad this didnā€™t happen this year.

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I always thought if ā€œspiritual growthā€ doesnā€™t result in immortality and a perfect untouchable stateā€¦I was kinda distrusting of said higher beings.

I feel a sorrow in my heart when I find out a higher being (let alone a god) has a lifespanā€¦

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It depends, Immortality is a way of being.
A dharma, of sorts. A dao.

There is only one Great Dharma/Great Dao/Great Law.

To become genuinely immortal will require according with it.

Most of the gods donā€™t seem to do that. I canā€™t say that itā€™s good or bad. Each course of action has a response. One continues in harmony as the universe shifts through the ages. The other continues as long as it can according to its own way.

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That sounds to me like setting something into motion, and everything that doesnā€™t align is off-Law.

Isnā€™t upgrading, evolution through ā€œglitchesā€ included in the Dao?

I mean, what Iā€™m reading is maybe gods donā€™t align with it cause theyā€™d be helping humans (one example), but thatā€™s not the direction the flow was taking.

I also read into this that gods arenā€™t emanations of ā€œthe thingā€, but individuals that grew in power and use it as they see fit. To a certain degree, that must come form alignment, be included in the One Lawā€¦but then they use their true free will to go on their own.

How can ā€œtrue free willā€ be different form divine will/Dharma?

Unless Iā€™m reading it all wrong.

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This guy is def a fanā€¦but his description makes me go like ā€œthey should use this game in schoolā€ xD

Also some of the counter-ideas were crazy. Thesis-antithesis-synthesis done right.

And they had to go through three publishersā€¦at least they could bring it into the world. I wonā€™t get to play this as Iā€™m no gamer but still interesting.

I wonā€™t claim to have any answers.

But, as I understand it, there arenā€™t really glitches in the Dao.

Gods could align with the dao, or break alignment with it. I donā€™t know that there is a specific rule. But one teacher that I respect highly spoke of a moral law that permeated the universe.

From one of his lectures, he apparently met with gods who existed as entire realms and had their own existence serving as the ground for a world of other beings. And yet, they and their world and all the beings that were connected were dying because they departed from the law.

Not as a matter of judgment, but as a matter of accumulated patterns that couldnā€™t sustain themselves.

From what Iā€™ve heard, it could very well be that the gods were different individuals who grew in power through their own efforts. But I donā€™t know one way or the other. In the writings, they may have been inspired by people. But I see different symbols that have a significance in cosmology when you know how things ebb and flow and how yin and yang alternate.

Free will can definitely depart from the Dharma. But it depends on how you want to think about it. The Dao/Dharma continues no matter what. Your place in its procession depends on how you live. Some can live in perfect accord, some can be strong willed and then be ground into dust.

The Dao/Dharma is like a big waveā€”if you want to become immortal, you will need to learn how to surf. Continuously go back to the basics and donā€™t play around when hurricanes show up lol

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There is that one thing in the energy that people donā€™t seem to understand eitherā€¦ Most people only seem to think of energy as different spatial arrangements. Flow patterns, shapes, etc.

Those are all like electricity. The significant energy work is like nuclear power. It involves inner fusion lol. The sort of stuff that only happens in deep meditation.

A significant point in Taoist meditation is when the ā€œqi of great unification emergesā€.

An idea related to this is that there was unity before these different lower levels showed up. So a lot of the different ideas related to probability and variety donā€™t actually apply.

A portion of the ascent towards immortality steps (in a literal and, though weā€™ve pushing the bounds of significance when using the term, physical way) beyond those considerations.

People can wax poetic all day long about oneness. It is easy to apply to consciousness/awareness where we canā€™t directly observe any of it. The bulk of alchemy is transmuting all that is observable to a point where it serves as a complement to consciousness/awareness.

If you consider a piece of clay as something perfect and unified ā€”and all of reality is different in-foldings and stretchings of that clay to generate the variety and spectrum of the world. Alchemy harmonizes those differences away.

It brings someone physically to a state that is similar to the very beginning of existence/the universe

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That sounds like what Iā€™ve read about Kashmir Shaivismā€¦though the energetics there are different. But itā€™s a bit likeā€¦opening the physical vessel to God. So, the energetics (flows) can be whatever as itā€™s basically oneness annihilating you.

The part about fusionā€¦yep. It seems kundalini is basically creating a plasma beam. The fusion aspect I can relate more to the consciousness shifts, specially the non-dual, void, destruction of ignorance stuff. But on the energetic, I donā€™t see it.

I mean in yoga itā€™s more like perfect conservation of energy, stillness. Fusion, again, is more like what happens in consciousness.

But not like I can speak about this either from book knowledge nor experience.

I will listen to Way of Integrity and hope for the best xD. Sounds better than best path in life or hand of glory right now xD

Daoism is simply not my thing. I always liked the intersection of science and metaphysics just cause I liked sci-fi. Then when I tried to learn some science I found it out it makes me sleepy.

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i wonder whoā€™s the mofo making this for us now. I assume this is the demiurge.

It also reminded me of beings that pool their consciousness. I guess that can only end up in a Borg (total collective, or collective with a queenā€¦there are two types of borgs for lack of a better term). And the patterns that bring their demise could be the individual voices trying to dominateā€¦even if only subtly. Trying to raise up and be the main one now that they are a Godā€¦or maybe simply they just have conflicting viewpoints and canā€™t dislodge peacefully and they mess with patterns.

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