Random thoughts thread

I wished there was a way to play the ego without the way being another ego-trap xD

If anyone mapped it out and found ego-proof techniques he could become a false messiah easily.

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I still think the world is good, there’s just seem to be a lot of questionable influences that have taken up residence on the planet lol

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For a long time…but I think the world is a toy for them. They be making new timelines and stuff at will now. Maybe even humans have that technology (it was the main explanation of Mandela effect). But to us it is matrix over matrix.

Though I must say I see this on a different level in different place.

I see video of USA’s nature. It feels pretty matrix-like. I see videos of nature form other places and it’s much more free, open, gentle, organic.

Israel, Palestine, middle east is kinda matrix-like too. Some people that claim to have developed “bodies” (rainbow body, phoenix body, etc), talk of the matrix, and they seem to be in a matrix, not the shared reality of ours. I haven’t seen a single sign of aging on them though. They be a projected hologram within the code at this point.

So…yep I think our native world may be disappearing and is overlayed or replaced with artificial stuff.

Hope the equinox and the elementals bring forth more natural stuff and dissolve and flush the synthetic bs.

Also…I see how some things are of my own making, so I don’t blame the influences. But they wouldn’t have escalated as they did without the influences. To what extent we have to be tested I don’t know…maybe we could just stay innocent. I don’t see why not.

So I see that…but I also see the fricking consequences and dark times these influences are bringing.

Seriously with all the crap people are willing to take for their wishes…nobody takes karma from “destroying” the dark forces. Guess there must be a reason…killing a person doesn’t stop the force from doing it’s job here.

My Unmatched Perspicacity Coupled With My Sheer Indefatigability Makes Me a Feared Opponent in Any Realm of Human Endeavor


Use it while you’ve got it.

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Ah, found your link about Xeno, of that was it @Alkul

Replied in DM.

Thats an andrew tate “quote” or whatever

I’m just playing around. I still find yesterday’s discussion funny

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I totally missed that.


Is the thread still up?

You’re going St Theophilos’ work

People that split winrar archives live life on the edge.

The Apocalypse have begun!
The 4 horsemen arrive in the opening of Revelations once the horn is blown!

The QB of the Cowboys? #4, Names Dak, means
transport or post by relays of men and horses

Cowboys and Giants always are the entiry of the NFL season, the Giants represent the giants from the bible, fallen angels offsprings. But they never got blown out 40-0.

Doesn’t mean its over, supposed to be at least 8 years, many said the number 47 like Capt Steez “free the robots” who got murdered. Which was code for 47th president

First game of the season to begin like this? No coincidence

Why am I so delusional sometimes :joy:

I really thought I could make myself immune to heartbreaks


No way emotional alchemy is no longer available


Don’t worry, Mary Jane still loves you


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I dont think so :sob:

Everytime we hang out she leaves me traumatized


No other choice back when you needed discs for storage and the limit was 700 mb for a compact disc and 4 gigs for a DVD.

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