Random thoughts thread

Maybe they hope to boost sales this way

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Actually I have a reason for this. In term of planetary wise.

Because rahu is in gandanta zone. Which about to leave aries. But during this middle zone area between fire and water. Things will get much smoother. And because of Pisces nature. Youā€™ll see. Lot like lot of people will do lot of charity.

And you will see. Like bigger cooperation ect. Will do this. As ruler of 12th is Jupiter. The impact is huge.


How much could a vedic chart tell about someoneā€™s future

Oh a lot. It has lot of different charts to specifically tell

But the most important thing is your mahadasha. Because itā€™s basically your biggest karma fruits.

And what do you do if your chart sucks?

Even if you have unfavorable placements of charts.

No one in this life will be 100% cursed. Unless if someone in their chart have higher degree of pitra dosha. Thatā€™s different.

If someone does have higher pitra dosha. That individual are meant to suffer.

But it is depending on the degree.


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I wish there was automated stretching

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Guys do you feel something? Did I succeed in creating dragon golem?

PU and Maitreya have got Yoga, Maitreya has got 8 Brocades, PI has something for Postureā€¦


Ladies (and not only), does having oneā€™s nails done with gel or similarly negatively affect energy sensitivity or have a negative effect energetically?
Thereā€™s something about my fingers and Iā€™m not sure what it isā€¦
Or maybe itā€™s the UV radiation? (which I wasnā€™t perceiving before)

Not really. You mean like nail polish in general right?

I polish my nails a lot back then. Itā€™s fine

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Yes, except Iā€™m mentioning this cause itā€™s a bit thicker, more permanent layer (lasts more) and it goes into a UV lamp to dry.
And thank you!

Idk how UV lamps areā€¦I remember back in the day renegade scientists were using UV light (is it in tanning beds?) to make their days longer.

More light (UV at least), more time.

Now, Iā€™m sure many have experienced time speeding up in the past. These people were having long days, getting a lot of things done, while having a sort of hedonistic lifestyle (such as taking time for hours of tanning and other stuff they did).

I think they could harness all this with scalar waves and other tricks.

Should be old tech now, but I havenā€™t seen anything like it again.

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As long it doesnā€™t hurt your nail it is fine. Things like tattoo do more damage to the aura. Cause it just shows in their energetic field.

But then again there is field for aura regeneration.

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Im ashamed

I made her fall in love with me already tho šŸ«±šŸæā€šŸ«²šŸ»

Would eating my nails be bad?

Thatā€™s just nasty and possibility of bacterial infection. Yea It is bad. For your health.

