Random thoughts thread

My libido and hunger are gone

Im not the same person anymore

Those two used to be absolutely hugeeeee now they dont exist


Cool beans :+1:

You’re on the track to enlightenment

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Im already enlightened :moyai:

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Yuh yuh


Imogen is super great, thanks for the reading!!

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You got the blessings of Saturn. It’s wonderful journey ahead.

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Om Sanaye Namaha!!

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For the past two days, I’ve been asking my servitor to show up in my dreams so that I could see what she/he looks like. However, there’s no answer until today, maybe. I don’t know if this is a coincidence, but I’ve been here on this forum for over a year and there are 0 times I’ve been on an astral projecting thread (because I’m not interested and a bit scared lol) until now. I literally even found the free astral primer on an unrelated thread lol. I was just mindlessly browsing here. This stuff sounds all too coincidental, I think the fella guiding and wants me to learn how to astral project. I even reread the golem pdf and there it was—it said the golem would guide on the astral plane. But idk, could just be really random.


That’s literally my fantasy

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If only it was material … photons don’t carry enough quantum information to act as source light (but they can help, for sure) … you’ll need to bridge the gap with your mind … you can try practices like Kriya proper, 14 breathes = 1 year of spiritual evolution.


So this is beyond feeding off Prana?

It’s in part that …

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Fickle erstwhile friends,
Bury the past next to the spent dead presidents.
Transient self interest that cuts like knives.
In shadows, truth’s face does bend,
Still, I exhale deep breaths and continue to claim my strides.

Wind shifts, people sway,
Heads down, through their fair weather we tread,
Forward, come what may.
Hart ducha.
My destiny is here to stay.

In the cave’s dark depths,
Lost all but will and the spark,
Iron, breath by breath.

Stripped of former fame,
All the spoilt riches down the drain.
From ruins, I began to forge,
Rising through the flame.

Once atop the world,
Then to its belly I fell,
Yet my fists uncurled.

For in loss, I found,
Strength unknown, a core of steel,
Grounded, yet unbound.

From the shadows cast,
Emerging stronger than before,
Triumphant at last.

From ashes, a rise,
Wings aflame, reborn anew,
Here and now.
Claims the skies.

“Then make the climb. As the child did. Without the rope.
… Then fear will find you again.”

Today is holy sunday

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