Random thoughts thread

How cute is this correlation matrix

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te rogamus, audi nos.

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Fiddle diddle with AI.


What are you guys using to create these images?

Most of what is shared in the forum comes from Mystic Tarot so chatgpt actually.

I think designer here uses the same “model”, if you wanna try it.

Mystic Tarot output looks better though.

Alkul’s stuff looks Midjourney-ish to me :eyes:

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It’s a secret :shushing_face:


Random thought:

We need new programs. Everything is obsolete.

Having a music player that can only read a file and turn it to music is not enough for the times.

Everything needs AI.

Random thought brought to you by an AI implant infection.

No worrys
Soon we will have AI chips in the brain.

Brain needs upgrading too. It wouldn’t even be bad if it was done with a good intention, in an aware society.

I don’t imagine developed alien societies chipping their citizens for slavery and stuff.

But we have brain fields and even cyber-brain and we’re on earth so it is a pass for me.

If any of that stuff is positive, we will have a field.

Was the “magi sweatshirt” caled cybermagi or am I tripping?

A cybermagi nft would be cool. I know there are many projects that would do the same…but I mean, the theme would be cool. I don’t know if Dream would like to make it though.

Also cybermagi can mean many things…with AI, there are now many places and layers to be a cybermagi.

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Mofo signed up for half the karma of killing a zillion chimps.

Wasn’t there some country that gave people the wrist implant/tattoo or brain implant already? I guess those were safe and basic.

People volunteered for it. There are always people running to the blades…

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Alright i usually dont follow these conspiracy theorys
But its funny lol
No idea who he is

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This attention to Neuralink is overblown not only because of ungrounded fears, but also because there are simply dozens of medical neural implants just in public making and testing for about couple of decades. While Neuralink promises if it succeeds a next step in this technology, it’s highly questionable if it will be “IPhone” of neurohacking.


Ok I watched the video now. That is a very timid and low-profile version of him.

They still pretend when in public, it seems.

He was a bit more forceful (how you would imagine Hitler being forceful) when in some panel or meeting he was saying people must get vaccined.

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Haha he was born in germany

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And his childhood was WW2

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Once in a morning, once in Evening
Good stack


Thank you TI-NE for leading me where I am, but now it’s time for NI to emerge

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