Random thoughts thread

The context I think its the event that dream has made for people all around the world to meet up and its in that place I forgot the exact name but they spoke about such event today or something, its in the uk.

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Ha ha ha

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Lol i tried actually asking that to Sammy but only once i think and he LIEEEED lol and said it couldn’t be done, but he knew my effervescent personality back then and that it was just a tantrum, at the end just love for the forum and its members remains.



Tax season is upon us in The States, and I pay my annual respects to Mr. Royce.


Amazon Source Link

The out of print legend. (sadly, his insights are just theoretical for me)

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Come to Soviet union
No taxes
Only potatoes


I’m not a polyglot, but that looks like more than potatoes:


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It looks like a lot of potatoes.

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I didnt want to like it as i dont drink alcoholszzz

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Whats it mean to use positive motivation? To do something out of positivity instead of negativity?

All my life is pain, how can I not use it as motivation, lololo

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Nevermind he just moved servers…been there since the 90s.

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Oh no I meant an old page I was looking for. I assumed I wouldn’t find it or it would be no more online.

But it is. The website has been re-modeled many times.

So, there was something in the webpage but there was no link to it. So, even if people archived the whole website, I wouldn’t be able to navigate to that page, that I used google to find. So yeah it is a matter of having the specific link unless I can do deep-searches with words on the archive.

I did find something using some weird method once, so maybe it’s possible.

The new website includes a link to that specific page so it’s all easy.

I had all this archived in my old laptop but until I resurrect the hard drive…lots of things lost. I sometimes think I have something saved but nope. And maybe it is on some pendrive or on some cloud thingy but I have a few so I don’t feel like looking through them all xD

If only there were cloud services back in the day xD

So, it seems I got this like in 2013 cause it was published then. Going back to the same thing 11 years later…but now it may actually work.

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Oh… hmmm … Which site? A lot things are gone for good, but I could see what I can do

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It’s all good, I meant that the website is still online and I found the page I looked for.

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Cleanse thy Soul from sin:

Posibly the best AMV:

Imagine running this in your GB or NES:

Probably not possible but I don’t think the true potential of consoles were reached back then.


Good Night Everyone.,