Random thoughts thread

I can attest to this, not only in person but also by distance, call or text. I’m even careful with what I read because sometimes people want help with their problems but they give a lot of details and they impregnate all the megative emotional energy into what they write, it can be exhausting if you don’t have your aura very strengthened, in my case I always look for way to strengthen my aura or protect myself with crystals because from time to time I expose myself to energies like that from people and I don’t want to feel drained or contaminated.


As time goes on, my view has changed a bit.

Early on, it felt like anything distinctly different from my norm was usually something that seemed wrong or like a problem. Whether it was emotional negativity, or things that seemed to be morally outside what I thought was right. From what I have seen, people tend to call anything that they like high vibration and anything they dislike low vibration.

But having someone project anger at you technically increases vibration. It amps fire energy into parts of your energy body that previously didn’t have it. And, in many cases, when a person vents at you, it is actually something that causes more ambient energy to become available. Although, it will usually be in an unbalanced form that is difficult to integrate and, when not integrated or transmuted, can aggravate other things.

But most of the things that felt disgusting or problematic in my early days of training were actually dense pockets of my own energy that were dislodged when different things were projected at me. As the years have gone on, my own energy has refined and the things that get projected at me don’t feel the same. I can get a sense of the form that they have, but they flow through. Even the sense of exhaustion, from before, has basically gone away; it only happened when dense pockets of my own energy had been dislodged and moved where they weren’t supposed to be.

The difficult thing with describing energy is that most people never get a clear sense of the mechanic and never move beyond a murky view of things.


There is an awesome field from PU called projection shield that works exactly with what you are talking about, and yes we can easily go into the timeline of the person, trauma and negative experience, and that information can be impregnated in your field, however that depends on your level of consciousness and perception, if you start to move into the paradigm of unconditional love, where the divine potential there is infinity, then it won’t enter you field, because you will see it with love, and understand all that suffering comes from a higher divine plan of evolution, however, if you feel sorry for the person, and sad, it will open the door for that energy to affect you.
Also protective fields like aura and energy body repair helps, but that is common knowledge in this sub.

I feel like people need to understand the difference between compassion that stems from seen the suffering of another, and feeling that suffering, to divine love which is seen the suffering in another, but seen the divinity and potential of the being, most people who feel compassion etc, say they feel so much love and complain from absorbing all this negative energy from others etc some use the term empaths, yet that is a distorted love, true love is infinity in power, and when you feel true love, you never feel like you have baggage or sad for human kind because its in a low state, or for others, instead you are infinitely uplifted by an empowering truth that everything is of infinity love, and you become a channel to reflect that love to all

Even if the person is in a low state, instead of tapping into that low state, field, you see the divinity of that person. I feel this is a difference a lot of people seem, to not able to discern. True love never runs out, goes down, or becomes exhausting its an infinity connection with the source.


Im not high

Sicko mode


That sounds hard…having grown up with works of fiction that are basically the source of anyone’s morals, ideals, behaviour…and some of them having access to parts or what have you that the work itself can have a healing effect on you.

I mean…life is about attachments and stuff. We enjoy them. The way that sounded is as if everything (even a damned book) is just preying on you, when it could be more of a symbiosis.

I think we’re supposed to experience things…not just emptyness or voidness and not just superhigh layers of divinity, etc. We’re here for the low and the whole spectrum.

But I understand the messages come from a certain place.

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Thinking of partying


Well, all of that has a purpose. You know what you’re doing and why. Maybe the why isn’t enough anymore.

I used to be concerned about losing knowledge. That’s a lost war.

Listening to fields…well, if they don’t give the results you want, stop. If you don’t care about the results, stop. What else can one do?

Your writings are helpful to us too. But I think most here aren’t interested about the failures of science or the science method. Or simply accept its shortcomings and work with what there is.

Arguing over scientific stuff over the internet may not be a good use of time either.

I do take notes and save the posts and hope some day it may be relevant to me.

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My grounding stack

From elektrosmog
Radiation protection
3g5g prot
Emf protection
Tree experience, maybe


You good? Did you recover from whatever “getting sick” meant?

I think Shungite Shake may substitute all that. Unless you really want the effect of each field.

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not really


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Take care then. Hope you recover soon.

Make a request for a Rosechalice gif xD

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Good idea!

Yeah, @Owl. I hope you are feeling better.


Thank you :))


Probably Classroom of the Elite.

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Classroom of the Elite

I don’t recommend the anime though… the light novel is a lot better


Does the same happen with books like the Bible or others more oriented to mysticism like the Kybalion or the Key of Solomon? I had heard that when you read one of these texts written by very spiritually and high-vibration people, it can make you raise your vibration. It makes me think that if time is not linear but everything is happening at the same time when you read an ancient text it is like communicating with that person at the moment they are writing it, although it is a one-way communication.


It’s a feedback loop and a slow, somewhat unfocused way of making a morphic fied.

Most books were inspired. When that happens, the writer is possessed, in a sense, by the specific spiritual energy that has inspired them. This gives an initial burst that electrifies that they write.

Just looking at some of the written words of saints, I can see a sort of light infused into the letters.

But, when people read the books, their eyes and mind make a connection and their own energy blends into it.

Most people are not spiritual, but their basic interaction still inputs an energy into the collective energy of words, artifacts, and ideas. It can strengthen the energetic structure that exists there and refine the energy of the person that is reading. And, when we are dealing with religious tects, we frequently have exemplary individuals who will come to interact with them at a point. Those are the people who can strengthen and develop the strong spiritual qualities around different sacred texts (as well as ground, and make more accessible, some of the more spiritually/energetically elusive elements of the text).

And, even apart from human interactions, there are many cases where different beings steward and guide different writings(and people who affiliate with them) because of the connection that they have to the source that inspired the writings.

There’s literally an entire universe of things in sacred writings. And that’s not even getting into the more pedestrian stuff of symbol interpretation and hermeneutics lol.


Exactly, i can percibe that too.

It is a very interesting topic in general, good point of view.