Random thoughts thread

the look good stack:

kinetic quasi crystal
fat burning genetic advantage
hunger inhibitor
muscles beyond limits
shark teeth clinic
kinetic quasi crystal
the blueprint of life
plasma flaunt
max heal potion
plasma brain of youth

can’t promise you’ll look like me but you’ll be alright


You got me to Neville Goddard.
I also got the Proactive Brain :)

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That’s just projection. What matters is the process. Processes open the pathways and build the bridges.

You can get 1008 persons to read the same book or use the same material and each will perceive it differently, or get something different out of it.

The process itself just sets one of your Shaktis into motion. But it is only Shiva, the still mind, that can command the 4 remaining Shaktis to move.

Without a still mind, one cannot be free.

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I’ve only heard of Shakti in singular (and a couple of other numbers here and there on Google).
What do you mean?

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I guess you’re not vibrationally there for them to show in Google.

@Owl na zdarovya bratan, nam gdjot iteresnajo partjo


Ah, you caught one of those? Usually people don’t notice when they jump realities. Usually it manifests much subtler than that. I guess you’re in for a big one :ocean:


So it wasn’t a trick of my mind :flushed: oh boi… It seemed so absurd to me that I hadn’t mentioned it to anyone until I saw that Drift commented something about reality glitch lol

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Im drinking some Birch sap


It would be better not to mention these things in general.

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yeah I think that too, In any case, most of the people will only think that you are crazy or that you imagine things.

Well, you have “most people” inside you too. Don’t lose touch with that and you’ll be fine. When your ego begins to loosen its grip, it’s easy to forget that the ego of others is very much still alive and wearing the crown of their kingdom.

If you try to hurt it to save them, they will hurt you to save it.


oh I see, it’s good to keep that in mind :+1:

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This is… almost poetic.


You cannot prepare for such a thing… there is no measure of readiness to it.

I can’t claim to understand it.

I just know when I am on the right path and when I am not… and it doesn’t make me immune to making mistakes either. You just get better at getting back on track.


Of course, it’s the storehouse of your subconscious afterall … which is linked to most things out there.