Random thoughts thread

Those are my pronouns, btw


Frecking psychics Ā¬Ā¬

Hi there grated :wave:

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btw what does this mean?

Iā€™m so tired of my mind or reality glitchesā€¦I donā€™t know if I have like minimal dyslexia (moving a letter within a name) or names truly are changing out there, Mandela effect and all that.

But yeah in my reality Patanjali had a different name.


Oh, Iā€™m just spouting off random crap because itā€™s what I do for entertainment.

A lot of people translate Patanjali into an Advaita framework because, after Shankaraā€™s time, it was considered the only acceptable truth for the political benefits that it conferred.

Patanjali, though, is from an older tradition. It didnā€™t involve the dialectics of later philosophy, it was just yoga and samkhya. Work, and basic theory to match personal development. No thought of a singular self was there. He was a ā€œNonā€- Non-Dualist. Everything was relational from a common manā€™s point of view.


Alright then.

This was useful. Now I donā€™t like the dude xD


aww lol

Heā€™s my hero. He keeps it real.

But anyways, many things change in history. With different commentaries, we get different ideas. Some take it back to Samkhya, some go forward to Advaita, some take a move sideways to Madhyamakya. A different gloss can move things in many directions. And, in 10,000 years of philosophy, it has frequently been the case that schools have been defined by how they talk past each other lol

I have no investments in doctrines. Itā€™s always better to watch what people do rather than what they say.

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Lots of Brilliant Ideas/Views/Replies are presented in this thread:


I need to fully read it lol.

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I need to read some Patanjali lol, All I know is that he wrote about Yoga, nothing else.

I do have a sample/semblence of an idea when it comes to duality and non duality, so the fact that you called him a dualist amazed me, as Iā€™m used to monism or non dualistic type of thinking coming from Yoga/Yogic Background (but again, I do know that there were some extremely popular dualistic yogis or gurus, one of them from the 9th or 10 century A.D./C.E., if Iā€™m not mistaken).

Also, except for a few Gurus/Yogis, I never remembered them, even if I watched documentaries or read about the (I usually remember something or someone if I study about it/him/her/them for a few times).

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Thatā€™s why I spout random things lol. Iā€™ve been in deep research for quite a few years. Iā€™ve seen enough, that just about every story has another side to it. And so, I bring a contrarian element.

My views shifted in so many ways over the years, Iā€™m not attached to any system of doctrines. I only really care about the persistent reality that all systems attempt to reach.

I liked advaita when it helped people break into a new awareness. I disliked advaita when people used it as an excuse to cause harms that could have been avoided lol.

But, all real yoga is basically dualistic. WIthout dualism, the Telos/End is presumed from thought rather than attained in deed.

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The word union itself presumes an union of 2 things/parties, although maybe they are one, Idk, or 2 pieces of the same puzzle, Idk.

Anyway, I gotta go.

Sleep duties lol.

Good Night. :pray:

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Good night :sleeping_bed:

But absolutely, unity presumes plurality ā€” at the very least, duality lol

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Thatā€™s how I am too although with less knowledge than You or others.
Waiting to read theSpart s reply, then Iā€™m good, sleep time lol.

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Maybe The Truth is Malleable, it depends who and how someone looks at it, and it changes according to our own perceptions and views (?).

Or itā€™s infinite, then it is all possibilities.


On that one, Iā€™d probably be unpopular.

Truth, as Zhen, is of supreme importance. ā€” For this, it is what it is lol.

But there are many ways of describing things, and many ways to navigate a terrain.

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Donā€™t know if it will make sense or not, but I think Yoga is a bridge that connects a person to ā€œwhat isā€ from where that person thinks to be atā€¦

:joy: Yeah, this is where I am right nowā€¦


Thatā€™s definitely not wrong :+1:


Now I can Finally go to sleep lol.

Bye,My Friends. :pray:


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Good night my friendā€¦ :pray:t5::sun_with_face:


So be it.