Random thoughts thread


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Yep…I stopped using it years ago. It turned to…yknow.

And now suddenly it seems artists have migrated to it again.

Lots of occult and magickal art (when not downright sigils).

I think it has revived thanks to AI though…but the artists could have been using it long before. I just stopped going long ago. Artstation was the place. Then they left cause AI.

Hell…even tumblr was good back in the day. I use pinterest that just has old tumblr stuff xD

And then there is twitter, weibo and chinese places that don’t have a friendly UI.

Anyways…yeah I go to increasingly darker places in the interwebs thinking the old stuff is dead. But it’s not. Good.

Deviantart is still hard to navigate and finding the artist you want may be a headache. I can’t even filter the results.

I think I quit when I found a guy that painted using his own blood and “pain” xD

It is just the fast consumption/doom scrolling culture that has ruined everything, really.

Good stuff they have.

Pintrest is still overall better tho.

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New pic
I forgot who u were lol

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You probably were like…weird energy this mofo has xD

That’s why I was in DA looking for dragon pics, to change my pfp cause new one isn’t convincing…but it is all epic stuff. Rather not mess with it.

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This is exactly what I was trying to do xD

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See if any of this resonates.

If not, I have a hunch about these for you:


How about the dragons from highschool dxd? :skull: jk.

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This is literally Drift :grin:

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A whole community effort went into this … Nice :joy:


Who would win, Fierce Deity Link or Sephiroth?
Place your bets :money_mouth_face:

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Sephiroth stomps … objectively, judging by feats alone … Aside from creating a pocket dimension where supernova occurs (making him 5D+ minimum), even in the 3D, he can go toe to toe with Bahamut who travels at 1200+ the speed of light, lol.

Sephiroth also transcends the “Weapons” which are anti-deity machines.


All of us really… which is normal due to the high frequency resonances … lucid dreaming and astral projecting should now be easier than ever.

Bear minimum is vivid dreaming … but it will only increase if I am to go by feel … not sure how exactly, but, it seems to be in a harmonious and balanced way.





Well, I haven’t played any Final Fantasy game so I knew nothing about Sephiroth, but damm… impressive feats.
I just know it is broken in Smash Ultimate.

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Well, Final Fantasy scaling is very odd tbh.

But it’s a bit like ancient legends and myths back when supposedly all dimensions were superimposed and stars and constellations had a living manifestation as opposed to a metaphorical one.

I mean, in one legend, Hanuman ate the sun thinking it was ripe fruit, lol.

Our brains function far too differently now to understand how things were perceived before. (It still floats somewhere in our collective unconscious)