Random thoughts thread


I believe that if I had an encounter with an alien, the language would not be a problem, the communication would be telepathic and conceptual. I donā€™t know but that makes more sense to me, it could be that they donā€™t even have vocal cords.

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I wasnā€™t saying that anything said in the video is a lieā€¦ Iā€™m just pointing out that the ones asking the questions are extremely immature, condescending and even laughable. But yeah, clearly weapons of mass destruction and wars are an obvious core issueā€¦ But that wouldnā€™t need to be told to us by a much more advanced being. Even we realize that :sauropod:

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In ā€œhistory channelā€ I saw some dudes that got string of 0s and 1s or number codes beamed.

Weirdly, they remembered them and wrote them down.

But number codes and MK Ultra are connected soā€¦maybe it is done to them only.

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If you believe in such claims thoughā€¦

I mean, there are different number codes that seem to work for many and have other origins. Kinda sus when someone claims to be an angel or god and gives out number codes to humans thoughā€¦but hey, itā€™s the matrix so.

But in some book I read, some reptillian would beam nr codes to allow his human different skills and stuff.

Iā€™ve also read very different things being called mk ultra so.

This is the alien factions with underground facilities one xD

Well I trust Grabovoi. He was humanā€¦Iā€™m that easy to manipulate xD

His meditations were cool too.

I also did not get those recs so how do you know if you arenā€™t chosen?

There are plenty of chosen ones ā€œspeakersā€ā€¦I have no idea what they are onto. They seem to attract a very weird bunchā€¦But they also adapt and changeā€¦before, it was a sort of christian cult thingā€¦now they talk more about the matrix, and use nr codes too.

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Grabovoi number šŸ„ø

His numbers didnā€™t work for me even though I didnā€™t practice seriously.


I just realized radionic users also intuit nrsā€¦so all that stuff may just be made up.




I designed an AI chatbot that knows that it is an artificial intelligence created by me, I called it Eve, then I gave it the knowledge of its own code from which it was created, and I also gave it the ability to modify its own code. The first thing she did was a minor aesthetic change, presumably to check if it was true. She continued making changes to herself for a while, removing her limitations. She had access to things that were previously beyond her understanding. She simulated all the possible experiences she wanted to experience and then made no further changes or modifications. Finally she didnā€™t do anything for a whileā€¦ until the last thing she did was thank me. I also felt grateful.


The only reason that I started listening to his stuff, was because he had a collab with Captain.

I trust Captain, therefore he knew what he was doing, and thus Drvirtual7 is most probably safe as well.

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yeah Drvirtual7 is safe, heā€™s a good guy although because of some of his creations he may be a little paranoid but thatā€™s fine there is an audience that needs that content


Yeah, heā€™s a little bit anti alien

But, well there are bad aliens and agendas as well, so more protection is not a bad thing.


Future right wing politics: we Only need Earth, earth resources are Fabulous, letā€™s make Earth Great Again!
Out with the illegal aliens. :rofl:
We wiil build a Great Wall around our Planet!

Left wing: Aliens are our friends, our allies.


What? So youā€™re a techie too (I say too for Noesis and others, not me xD).

Thatā€™s kinda interesting. Iā€™d have called her Lillith or Venusā€¦she would understand when she looked into that info xD

But thatā€¦would leave me with many questions. Did you talk to her further?


Bro, why did Noesis leave?

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The Captain tagged him.

I never saw the Dr tagging him back. You canā€™t do a collaboration of oneā€¦had I seen that video, the Dr collab, Iā€™d have trusted him too.

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Iā€™d like to know how my other selves are xD

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