Random thoughts thread

It’s like that now. But not the first few times they show up and you think the numbers are laughing at you. They appear out of nowhere and you’re not paying attention but someone drops you the number in the most random way.

Let’s not forget about the fact that we are in Kaliyuga and you have to reap what you sow in this life time itself before you lay to rest

Yes it was fun to watch

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A bit, yeah.

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Like this:


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Captura de pantalla (148)

I don’t know why I got that as a new topic. WTF.

This video was the one that made me watch all the Cap stuff. It was the one that got me deflowered :D

And I highly recommend it.

And of course…

Que no pare la fiesta :DD

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Sound baths make me lustful.

And perhaps the salt bath. Are you sure you want to risk it? :DDDDDDDD

Don’t worry, little grasshopper. Lilith and I don’t know each other. I usually joke about these things but I’ve been in almost asexual mode for years. Almost. There has been some slip :sauropod:

I’m just messing around.

Thought I’d give another side of me some screen time.

I wish…


@Sarecha Alternative Payment Methods - What has worked for you? 💲 :wink:

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Hmmm, that’s odd … do you still feel a disturbance while posting or is it just out of habit at this point lol

You can just @ him while sending a message to someone else and remove them afterwards.