Random thoughts thread

Especially now bro.

Fiery times.


:muscle: :muscle:


heard you can ground yourself with the sun not only the earth, how true is that @Alkul


Om Satyam Narayanam.


In theory,

Would be better.


Thank you for this :blush:

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i wish to attain that higher consciousness in this life time.

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:muscle::muscle::rocket:šŸŖ½ :om: :yin_yang:

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Itā€™s crazy to think that about 4/5 years ago when I was around 13 I was trying to practice semen retention what a ā€˜weirdā€™ kid I was lol

Now I practice semen retention with some ā€˜magical soundsā€™ boosting the practice to levels I couldnā€™t of imagined back then and now with much much less mental resistanceā€¦ I donā€™t even want to release at this point :smirk:

They not like us

Wow you were lucky to discover SR so early, but were you already wasting your semen before that? well at least you stopped in time. I donā€™t think I even knew what semen was until I was 16 lol

What are you currently using? sounds interesting :hushed:

Yes I was but at that age I donā€™t think semen retention even made a difference tbh but I still tried was actually very hard at that age compared to now (17)

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lol itā€™s just another name for fields I was tryna make it more of a joke. If you want to know which fields if you donā€™t already have a look at Rockets adventure through life :rocket: to see which i personally use daily

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oh I see, thanks bro. There are a lot of fields :astonished::grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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If you keep physically fit and a top diet and understand when you need a break etc itā€™s easy to do :wink:


I think it does make a difference, not so much in energy since a boy still has a lot of energy but it can affect male development, due to the constant loss of testosterone, I remember seeing a case of a guy who said he had He started masturbating when he was 12 and did it every day. That guy was already about 20 years old and still looked like a preteen, with a high-pitched voice, no muscles and not many masculine features.

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I didnā€™t think of it like that thatā€™s very true

Manly man enters the chat :smiling_imp:

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