Random thoughts thread

Well idk what the hell you guys are doing but i wouldnt put my happiness on another person

Have you guys not studied relationships? Neither are supposed to be dependent on each other. You guys are supposed to be independent and synergize together


I donā€™t either bro. I put my sadness though.


i say that is bs

love is dependence, attachmentā€¦there is no other loveā€¦in my relationship i just try to increase the dependence constantly, thats the only reason it works

all that stuff sounds nice and whatnotā€¦no co-dependenceā€¦and dependence being toxic and whatnot

well, you have to form a bond with someneā€¦we only do things needed for our survivalā€¦you need them emotionally or there is no love

thats how i see itā€¦eveyrthing else we were told is bs

there is just healthy attachment styles right (so healthy dependence styles xD)

so im sorry but you cant love someone and not care about them it doesnt work like that

but i know what id do if my girl cheated or started having doubts, fooling around or whateverā€¦go on a sex rampage xD

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Dont let that man find out



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you honestly need some work here.
and you be living in the center and source of the western society and culture thatā€™s the most cheating friendly ever xD

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I want to speak to women right now and tell me that everything good theophilos

your private parts are better than otherā€™s

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You dont love them because they are what makes you happy. You love them because of who they are and because they deliberately CHOOSE to PARTAKE in YOUR happiness. And vice versa.

Dont idolize anybody.



it;s ok to love donā€™t make it a personal debate

love to another human is experience not a debate

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i dont have my gf idolized but if she left id be mad depressedā€¦man what do you want? xD

it is as if your pet leaves youā€¦like bro yeah it is just a dog/cat but it was your dog y.y

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Okayā€¦ I guess

I just disagree with being dependent on another person. It will never work that way. Because what happens when that person does something wrong or changes/stops doing what made you happy?

The relationship then is ruined lol


You dont own her bro. Thats how you get possessive and controlling.


man why you pointing out obvious stuff im not that dumb xD

i have that under controlā€¦im not possesive myself but she enjoys it so id act that wayā€¦but as in a play pretendā€¦once she decides whatever it is overā€¦while she enjoys itā€¦i will act possesive

you are just putting out feminist bs and western mindset

meet some asian women (not in the US, in asia).

Women want nothing else than to be possesed. By the man they wantā€¦but once they are in love thats what they wantā€¦they want it to the point of not being an individual but becoming one with you.

so many women even lose their personalities once they are with a man.

idk manā€¦i just give them what they want and need. which comes in many sexual ways mostly cause they are insecure about their bodies and whatnotā€¦women want reaffirmation of their feminity from their menā€¦so that means you are romantic most time but also a horndog xD

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you are young

when you get older you will understand why you have to take divorce and go to a judge plus put kids in a position that will not break their life plus other stuff.

Itā€™s a whole job to be a lawyer for divorce at one thing, a psychologist for relations second.

Donā€™t try to judge things out of your own experience. Judge it by other people that went through it and you will understand what a human is, how societal love functions,how human love is, what lies you believe etc etc

itā€™s not that easy to idolize someone else firstplace donā€™t get stuck upon it. Just think about it for a second how your parents were together how other parents where when you went to school, how you made your first relationship.

Just by sitting alone and thinking will make you go way too far than get stuck in your own perseptions at that age you are


Okay man xD

Im not gonna say anything to you because you are broski but I hate when people pull the ā€œyou are youngā€ bs on me like if I donā€™t spend time studying what I say. But itā€™s okay though, I understand what you guys are saying, I used to think that way too, even worse. I used to cry my ass to sleep when my ex-gf wouldnt reply to me

Moving onā€¦



you will know when things come though believe it

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anyway all this we talk about is bsā€¦people are different

i thought all women were angels and you seeā€¦but then I met a good oneā€¦and luckily i wasnt cheated on a lot or carry a lot of baggage but stillā€¦i just see this bs happening (like in videos and sutff) and i get all paranoid. but i dont need to.

so it depends on who you are withā€¦you need to know your woman only, not understand all womenā€¦cause they are all different and for some reason the crazyness is in many xD

Hey maybe you are right

I have issues connecting with people and being intimate with women

I cannot be-stay committed either. So I donā€™t do relationships

It feels like my freedom gets taken away + I love flirting with women


see my gf didnt read my superromantic messages this weekend (like where the hell you been huh?) and now im on read and she wont answer in a month and im fine xD

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