Random thoughts thread

wow i became enlightened now

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before we change topics…im just gotta say…play to stereotypes xD

being spanish is an advantage outside of spain…like oh spaniards are so passionate and romantic and sexy (we arent)…but it gets half the job done…or maybe i just have a cool personality when women are around…but still you will always be exotic and they will see you in the best light.

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This guy flirts.

Teach me the ways


greeks we are the real deal though

if economic crisis wasn’t the problem we would be 100% sexually active xD

we are at 78% now

and not to mention if you don’t like greece you are racists

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the chef looks like that? the joke is she is white or?

anyway i dont like rice…who destroys some delicios meat dish with rice…and liquid cheese in a can? dude that aint no cheese


natality be like a few hundred thousands kids a day xD

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unfortunately not only we don’t make enough kiddo but it is predicted by year 2200 that greek people will vanish.

if we ever go that far though

AI will be straight up racist and kill the supreme nation of greece first

they are not dumb xD

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greeks must be passionate too they eat a whole animal then break the dishes to not clean…they all about the good part of life not the bad xD

but seriously dude what you do with all that broken dishes? there is some garbage island somewhere with animals trying to get the food and it is all ceramics xD

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have you seen how actors practice improvisation? they have to agree with everything and then put their input

it is like that with women…no matter what they say it is good for you…they roll with your flirting, you take it further…they put up resistance, you have to answer with yes, like actors…and then make it mean they into you.

reframes all the way. if they dont like it you dont have much chance…if they stick around or laugh you be on their knees already.

and now the master tip when you are alone with them…

this is a joke. you get women showing them the utmost respect, dedication to feminism and extreme feminine sensitivity…they don’t want no strong macho man or superhero. they want a man full of fears, not fearless…you can still be a bit machist though cause what they gonna struggle with and how they gonna dramatize and romantizice your relationship? what they gonna change about you? you need to not be fearless but full of fear but show some toxic, devoid of true confidence, arrogance sometimes :ok_hand: :ok_hand: now you are 10/10 superman Henry Cavill Jason Momoa Dwayne Jhonson DILF

aka just be like Will Smith with Jada lololol

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Isnt it amazing how the convo weaves in and out the universe and the topics it offers

okay i see ur point i will shut up




i know…ive told some stories here already though so

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I keep forgetting this man is dyslexic :rofl::rofl::rofl:


sure you do

well how do we cleanse and purify and holy water the thread now?

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it do be like that my brother from another passionate country

but I will be honest with you were are not passionate either but from the other hand…we are

we truly are because people on other countries that are not as passionate they are really cold if you try and talk to them.

we just got used to be that way so we don’t understand.

For a greek to go without family, love etc it will be the end of life, I am serious. People that are greek and try the sigma male grindset and whatsoever and “reject woman” and stuff like that they go on depression real quick.

it is really different made countries.Italy,Greece,Spain,France

and you know the difference between those and Germany xD

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i know a german dude that gets chicks like moths to light and is the most emotional but he is half something else…croatian or whatever xD

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for one dude?

come on man you can think beyond that lol

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am not dsyelixc after all