Random thoughts thread

wow the cat is named getty image? what a cute name hello kitty kitty


It is! Nice Getty


bro this would have been so good for truth or dare

like confessing bad stuff for the truth or the dare xD


Lets do it then :smirk:


ist only us two now here and i gotta go

man sad thing is i can say a lot of bad things i did

i dont remember my “best”…was juts helpful to people in general i had many friends as a kid (that were being outed by other kids) and made everyone friends in the end i dunno…people liked me, thats it


I am back


If I said everything “bad” I’ve done here nobody would talk to me again

I cannot bring myself to say any of those things lol I haven’t forgiven myself


Anger is crazy crazy


Ok forgive now and tell


Yeah I’m not ready to delete this account yet


Ok make another tell you are anonymously and want to confess and then you good


its fine man

i will start

i stole 600€ during a month at work

i wont give details because it is really messed up but i feel totally justified

well i feel bad that i did it but…these people were pushing me to brink of suicide (was taking 16 pills a day to try to get sick and get a couple days break at the hospital)…so i started thinking…they are doing this to me, **** them, why am i the one dying when they are doing the bs? and same with the money…so i took it

big middle finger i have high and mighty still to them

they didnt even notice, or if they did they didnt say anything cause they know what they did

i feel like i already said this here but my memory sucks so

and i gues thats the worst…but who knows…i also lied to some people about something totally insignificant and most of those people arent in my life anymore

a few are…and i feel bad for them…havent told them cause i want to be face to face when i tell them

again it is insignificant but a lier is a lier

i know some people will forgive me

idk what some will do…probably not trust me for months and have me on probation…when im a honest asf mofo so it will go back to what it is, hopefully

and i dunno what else i did bad, really

ive been treated like sht by some people so if i did bad things then…well deserved is well earned xD


Damn bro in the brink of suicide?

What job was that?

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yeah ive told this already i remember now xD

job was waiter…in a horrible place though

eveyrone there a drug dealer (including the mayor xD)
some dude was just out of prison for homicide
friends with an ex-policeman (yknow the kind of policeman xD)

nobody had no manners or respect or anything…they were like beasts man…and then drunk all fkn day

they’d show up at 9-10 in the morning and not leave until 3 am…yeah they kept me there cause they wanted to keep drinking

seriously i didnt like a single person there nor made a friend or anything…almost everyone sucked

man it was a relief even when people from other places came…that village was the worst

then my neighbours (that also frequented there) would throw days-long parties full of cocaine…i was like…how you come to the bar the next day after a party…and you gonna be partying tomorrow once again u.u

although i gotta say my neighbours were good clients…chill and stuff…must have been high asf every time they came xD

but also some dudes would come on cocaine…one physically attacked my father…police does nothing

i think that guy doesnt even have an ID…he is totally out of the system so…

nobody cared about laws (ive been working during quarantine, serving the local police and civil guardian chiefs xD…without putting on a mask or gloves, ofc xD)

so yeah shtty place but the thing is i have all my health issues and i was there a mean of 15 hours a day for 6 days a week…my free day wasnt really free and i was done man i was draggin my feet…i slept all day if i could cause i got no sleep during the week (i felt as if i had only slept a couple of hours, even the lucky days i slept the most)

i fell asleep with explosive headaches, palpitations…i woke up just as wired as i went to sleep

plus i lived in a cave-house which is basically a place with no ventilation and i think thats why sleep wasnt restorative cause i got no oxygen

then the place was always full (since nobody works there)

i remember i was always running and breathing through the mouth cause there was no rest or easy times

plus i did a lot of bs besides being the waiter (being a waiter in spain is basically doing everything that is done in that place xD) and then my “bosses” pressuring me psychologically to stay or not get too aggressive with them

they wanted to keep me down cause all that stress had to explode yknow


U stole 600 Euros to those kind of people? How are you alive



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They are all drunken he tells you

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i worked for 6 months for free

15 hours a day, 6 days a week, 6 months

and i got 600€ and had to steal them

so yeah…first these people arent that bad (bosses) i mean…they did that sht but once im out what they gonna do? i can report them to the police and exploting me wasnt the only illegal thing they did

im sure they didnt notice either

but it wasnt the murderers or sht i stole from xD

even leaving would have gotten me killed then, i think xD

bro i didnt get into problems

same dude that attacked my father was getting violent one day so i was like “i invite you man all is free” and he left happily

im not gonna risk my life so the bosses get more money xD

but the whole thing was unnecessarily stressful…they just didnt want to do anything and preferred that i took it all on myself

so yeah i was just going mad…i saw no way out and i imagined once i was out of there (since i had no money) id be fricked anyway…plus all my health issues back then were all maxed out so i was like…im just gonna do it myself rather than die of pneumonia in the streets or smth

but now i dont do these sacrfices…people in the unemployment thingy in my country tell me i have to sacrifice a lot to get out of my situation and put up with sht and im like…naw…you put up with sht and you get nothing in the end…i want things clear and straight now, no fooling around

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I used to be a bully bruh

My mom and dad are divorced, but I remember my mom talked to my dad to take me away cus I was a little demon

Apparently I used to rebel against everybody, insult everybody, abuse them, etc lol

So they took me to my grandma and goddamn boi she was that I mentioned above but way worse, on my 9-10 year old a*s

That gave me trauma fr. Pretty much, she used to abuse me, and I would steal and do a bunch of bad stuff still

I used to get into fights and bully hella people at that little town :joy:, they used to mess with me cus I was from the city and I had to step up you know

I was the only grand kid that lived with her pretty much ever, none of my cousins ever got to live with her like I did and man I was pissed about that.

My cousins and the whole family used to visit us (my grandma and me) during summer and I remember I used to tell to my cousins everything abt the people I used to fight and my cousins and I used to beat them all at the same time sometimes XD

Then when they left, it was me vs them again but by myself :rofl:



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