Recommendation from Advanced Users (Nervous System Health)

Hey Palls,

looking for advice, been using energetic tools and audio for a while now but it appears that I incurred some energetic overload, without much responsibility I continued to use and it permanently affected my nervous system, the electrical signaling, and actual physical nervous damage which needs correcting and healing.

Mostly in the brain areas, but also the bottom of the feet, and sometimes even the leg.

The feet seem to be connected with the nerves in the hemispheres though as stimulation in one or the other has a correlating effect.

Any ideas on how to resolve this and which fields would be most beneficial?

Of course, keep in mind this was likely caused by the overuse of fields in itself, so I now feel it might even be best to not use any fields at all, or just very low exposure not to put additional strain on the nervous system.

Also, open to hearing other biohacking solutions for this problem.

I appreciate it, and thank you!


What kind of overuse?

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I’ll let field advice to others more advanced users.

My advice is grounding but extreme.
Go into the nature and lay down on the ground. For at least an hour a day. Or how is it comfortable for You. You can even start with few minutes

Not just feet. Whole body.

Its the best solution i know for energy overdose.


Hi, Marcus!
Sapienmed Exp

Energy Blockage Removal
Automated Grounding


Just overuse that overstimulated and damaged my nervous system

Overstimulation by which fields? Just ground as much as possible in general, then Brain Regeneration as much as you can get, some NGF and Anti-Autism daily.


What you feel might be both overgrowth or actual damage.

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Also potassium ,magnessium, Q10 , omega 3:6 suplementation is something to consider .

But id rather You get second opinion from people more advanced when it comes to nervous system…


Cold shower


Using all of those already, definitely something weird going on with the electrical signaling in the brain tho

I think I will try this one alongside Plasma Brain of Youth, Longevity (ISIRB and RBM3)

It seems very promising

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It may be an energetic thing though and a blockage in the meridians instead of damage to the nervous system, so will have to reassess in the future


Been having GREAT success with Plasma Flaunt, Plasma Brain of Youth, and Longevity (ISIRB RBM3)


:grinning: :grinning:



Maybe chakras fields and some mild energy work, to slowly stimulate (don’t listen too much, start slowly) your chakras and meridians (also, just some suggestions, besides what has already been mentioned - Pranic Swirls, Mana circuits, Ojas, chi and Jing Infusion fields, Shen, maybe micro orbit too), these should or could be helpful, but Grounding, first of all.


How about the Aether field?

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No idea, to be honest.
It’s best if you try it, but you can also read it’s thread or other posts or threads mentioning Aether.

I only tried it for a little while, too little experience to be knowledgeable about this field.

If you’re into paid options, as you feel normal, take a bit of rest and consider Energy Awakening course it just came back online.

Insane, I used these 3 for 2 days now and my condition has improved 70 percent, wow, amazed!