Recruiting by the Virtus Victoriam Legion

I would like to apply


I am at the start of my journey, restoring what years of neglect and hard living did to my brain. A brain which, in my youth, was my proudest achievement. More and more, I see the journey shortening with what is already available. I cannot overstate how life changing that is.

I am thankful for your consideration and look forward to working with the entire Legion in service to each other and the portion of the public ā€˜in the knowā€™.

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Here. Canā€™t wait to be inside

I would like to apply!

Please Accept My Application for joining the Virtus Victoriam Legion Guild

I would also like to join!

I also apply to join, i am proud owner of all brain fields but the ones that dropped today, also chose the griffon yesterday out of the first 3 servitors made by the etherforge Consortium and have it running my brain stack already looking forward to and commiting to peaking my intelligence/brain potential and becoming a honored and dedicated member of the Virtus Victoriam Legion!


Sounds interesting and I love the idea.

I would also like to apply.

Iā€™m probably late to the party, but itā€™d be a delight to be a part of this. Iā€™d like to ride (and help build!) this rocket ship to the stars.

So the members of the VVL, if we can say so, must engage in a kind of brainstorming,
therefore availability in events such as webinars?

Well, unless you donā€™t want to contribute to brain field designs


Hi @Random_Element welcome to our awesome Forum :white_flower:


What events ?

Your embassies will work on designs

No webinars.


Guys, we havenā€™t selected people yet.

Itā€™s not closed.
It hasnā€™t started.

Plenty of room


applying! :brain::muscle:


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Lessgooo. Thereā€™s still hopeā€‹:speaking_head::speaking_head:
Thanks for the tag btw @Sagonquest

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If not to late, iā€™d like to apply

To provide a more serious answer, for years of being here my activity mainly gravitates around brain fields, I started with the Permanant Brain Enhancement, Brain Hemisphere, ADHD field and Superhuman Genius even before registering myself in the forum.

A little after, Conceptual Realization, Brain Growth Work that I even had to ask Sammy to get because it was unavailable and I started participating in threads along with Plasma Flaunt too as Plasma Flaunt was replacing a lot of brain fields in my stack at that time.

I would say a good part of my acquisitions spins around brain fields and my first goal was always about brain improvements.

I have worked with nearly all brain wiring non-NFTs even the most recent ones and they ALL improved my quality of life, I did not give testimonies for everything though but my most exciting testimonials are about brain fields there are always so much things to say and results can be quantified and observed easily.

Itā€™s even easy to track consistency according to my participation in brain related threads through years to see my interest for these fields, even very recently !

I say it again but this time with more conviction, I would like to join and good luck everyone, we are a lot it seems.

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