Since I have returned to my home country from travel (6 months travel with the intention to live there but didn’t work out yet) I have come out in an intesnse neck to ankle rash, eczema.
It is not normal eczema. It is burning like acid, extremely hot, dry, flaking, inflammed
At night I have to wrap my arms, body in towels from the freezer to cool my body down.
The insomnia is insane, I get to sleep sometimes 34am sometimes 5/6am, because my body is on fire, so hot, itchy, wired awake.
I had this EXACT manifestation of symptoms previously, it’s all exactly the same development, sensations, symptoms for 6 years chronic (2010-2016).
I went through ALL the treatments (uv therapy, naturopath cleanses/supps/tinctures, nutrition, food sensitive tests/diets, kinesiology, accupuncture, chiro, EFT, etc etc).
However, eventually it healed in 10 DAYS!
I had a series of 20 NAET session - 2 sessions a day (not the normally done that frequent).
I also did forgiveness work, I meditated, rested, I did this 10-14 day experience “away” in another country I felt free again, emancipated, ended a 6 year relationships (yes the whole rash lasted the whole relationship) like my life was starting over etc.
I share this backstory as it seems relevant to current manifestation.
Since the new rash I have been seeing my NET/Kinesiology/NAET guy (neuro emtional technique).
We cleared through NAET - Zinc and biotin - for physical reaction - but no other vials of substances tested up as creating the skin manifestation.
We cleared through NET - Skin & epidermis - for emotional reaction - my body is trying to get rid of my skin, because I don’t feel like I can be me, i don’t feel like the real me (in my home country).
We cleared some deeper trauma around love, connection (connected to my mum) and my body trying to get rid of itself for being “wrong”.
Also around being able to be myself whereever I am (I felt like the real me in Europe, not in my home country) (connected to mum and dad)
And around belief around “needing to escape to heal”
My NET guy, thinks it was me who healed the skin the first time, through following my heart to do that 2 week trip to Bali, doing forgiveness work, meditating, resting, loving & accepting myself completely, feeling free, feeling alive again, feeling i could be me again. He thinks the NAET was only partly the cause of such an instant miraculous healing.
I don’t want to be here in this country. When I left in June to travel, my intention was to relocate and live in Europe. Then some unexpected things happened and I came back abruptly (booked a flight and flew the next day from UK to Australia).
I have been doing my best accepted that I am back here for now, that my plan to travel and relocate failed (at that time). I simply do not like living here (been back 3 months).
But my body is not happy. It’s screaming at me. It does not seem to understand visas and money and those things.
Fields I have been using -
Deep Aura Clearing
Eneregy blockage removal
Auto immune reversal
Hepatocyte GF
Nerve Growth
Self love acceptance
The trauma series
Faith and Prayer
Now taking - Biome eczema probiotic, GABA, 5-HTP, adrenal support, ER-911 homeopathic NET remedy
I have had no improvement with fields or with these NET sessions (so far). It’s been getting worse.
I would really appreciate thoughts on fields, or what I am not “seeing” to do on inner work
I do feel trapped because I can’t leave this minute, I have to work out a new plan (a better plan), visas or some strategy, get more money to go back. I am doing my best to work on this on all levels, because even though I’ve been trhough it before it is almost unbearable, hard to wear clothes, do normal daily activities, plus my brain is mush from weeks of insomnia.
Thank you for reading