Remove Unconscious Clutter (DESNA)

Are this field available as AMP 3 because I’m in areas they don’t have cell coverage most of the time.

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No not yet and I don’t think it would be uploaded without having it like the other DESNA track Zealot/radical change since this is a collab and has its own copyrights

You can download the video to play offline if you have YouTube premium. But this means going on YouTube to play it as well only without the need for an internet connection


Few days ago I was going through the Parad Energies thread and I found this amazing stack by Pranic Climber

So I thought to share this here since it is exactly what I was looking for when the idea of using a field to recharge the space left behind after releasing the clutter came up!

In this case, it would be:

Remove Unconscious Clutter
Parad Energies
New Perspectives or the Outlook Retrainer

I still believe that for me personally the Environmental accumulator would be best for its neutral energy.

In fact this one just played randomly on YouTube now!

The energy from this one alone is massive and has the ability to shape into whatever you want it to be.

For me, it makes space for everything that follows! And it frees up the mind and heart space just perfectly!

So now when I play this stack I use Energy Accumulator and follow it up with Parad Energies… Very high vibrational and makes for an effortless rewiring with the Outlook Retrainer

I call it the blue crystal field myself :slight_smile:

Original stack from Pranic Climber:

Amazing— hats off! :relieved::tada:


Self respect might be the one you’re looking for


Maybe not a single field (although you and @Alexander both came up with good candidates!) but there is a stack (because a lack of self deservingness can have a variety of components): JAAJ’s Daily Self Love Stack :white_heart:


Nice idea! I second that. I looped Remove Unconscious Clutter for a while first, then looped Self Respect for a bit right after. I find both so easy to just listen on loop. Then finished it up with one round of New Perspectives.

Thank you for this treasure, dear Captain :) As usual, your timing for this was perfect :sparkling_heart:


I listened to this audio + self respect and later abundance mindset.

I randomly come across this video

And now I have made myself a video with pictures affirmations and voice over ,of my dream life.


This is great for anyone burdened with a downright vicious inner critic. I have been at my wit’s end wondering how to make that little voice (“well, you’re a loser, and repulsive, and good for nothing, this will fail, they hate you and why wouldn’t they?”) SHUT UP for even just a moment. This field brings blessed silence for a solid 3-6 hours at a time. I listen 2-3 times daily followed by Outlook Retrainer and Memories of Joy.


Ego dissolution, remove unconscious clutter, divine love :eyes:


lets talk about classical music :partying_face: :sweat_smile:

if Caps work are peaces of classical concert then this new audio is the moment the conductor waves his baton(the woden thingy, learned the word today) before beginning to conduct the concert.

then one continues with PONR Audio and completes the concert with New perspectives.



:mechanical_arm: :mechanical_arm:


does anyone have a copy of this?
would you send it over to sapienmed email


I’m on it
Sending it now

Edit: sent


would have gladly… didnot see this post.


Here is where it is for those who were looking for Your Self Love

Thread: Your self love


Whoa this is also great with Etheric Cord Cutter (attachments to old /heavy ‘items/memories/places/projections/consciousness’ a heaviness that’s gone) with the neutralizing effects that @Desiree mentioned

Also the sister Clutter track here

Edit update: Eventually we won’t need etheric cord cutter when we do this New Release - Soul Restoration (Heart Storage Center) - #6 by Maoshan_Wanderer


Oh man, the music and beat in this one is so dope!
Can loop this for hours :musical_note: :notes::musical_note::notes:


Update edit Aug 20

This is also great for releasing and neutralizing anyone else’s :poop:… like “your :poop: is yours! My :poop: is mine!”

Im laughing so hard what a release!

Makeshit Stack for today which includes the sister track
  1. Ego dissolution
  2. Automated grounding 2x*
  3. Higher Self Connection*
  4. The Tree experience
  5. Transmute curse - spirituality zone
  6. Moonlight*
  7. Your self love*
  8. Depths of Your Soul* (Our Soul? Typo)
  9. Empress
  10. Jealousy Shield*
  11. Protected righteous

Note: i mean to post in the Sister track not this oops but still works


it surely does not remove only subconcious stuff and works very strong with New perspectives. did you mean shit? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Try the self respect out after that as a combo with this :slightly_smiling_face::+1: