Remove Unconscious Clutter (DESNA)

Thanks! I don’t have that one yet but will definitely try once I do! :hugs:


And Depths of Your Soul

Wow it’s interesting how i forgot that bit for the stack… until now. Probably a big part overlooked


Yeah depths of your souls is such a good one. Really helps with just beeing yourself, overthinking and self consciousness.


I was getting major resistance to play this field when it first came out not really sure why so I stayed away from it. So anyways I have been using the alchemical revision of childhood and have been feeling awesome more alive and can actually feel emotions again. But after playing revision everyday for two weeks I recently started getting depressed and fatigued for no apparent reason. So today I was just watching random youtube videos and saw at the corner of my eye a Joe Dispenza video on personality traits which autoplayed and while I was watching I had conceptual realizations looping in the background and had so many epiphany’s don’t really know how this video ended up being what I needed to hear. So I realized the unconscious mind wasn’t just in the head but also the body. I looped unconscious clutter 3 times last night & woke up this morning feeling like a completely different person. I feel lighter and clear minded but also different like my personality has faded. Also thoughts of feeling insecure and wanting attention came up today and I was like why am I thinking these thoughts lol. I have been a calm person since childhood and didn’t really develop traumas my parents were pretty chill but I do notice that I went through major periods of depression from time to time but thought it was normal. I also don’t exercise much and pretty much live a sedentary lifestyle and something joe said was how we reacted in the past the body holds a memory of that and depending on how strong the emotional reaction was created neural pathways in the brain and if left unresolved would cause unconscious reactions later in life. So my parents weren’t abusive or anything actually gave me everything I ever asked for but now I realize that I never felt super close to them. They always worked my dad in the daytime and mom worked at night and would only spend time with them on Saturday and Sunday. Looking back I think I felt abandoned when I was 6 yrs old and became an attention seeker but that never worked out so I guess I closed myself off emotionally from attachment. I am 19 and been single most of my life with no interest in dating and got bored from friendships after awhile so this probably explains while I like being alone all the time. On a positive note I feel more comfortable around strangers and caught myself talking more to co-workers than normal. Man I think I wrote a whole thesis statement here Iol also on adderall. I apologize for the long text this just caught my attention for some reason. Gonna keep playing unconscious clutter and see where it takes me.

Heres the video that gave me those aha moments- THIS is how an EMOTIONAL REACTION turns into a PERSONALITY TRAIT | Dr. Joe Dispenza Impact Theory - YouTube


Ive been using this field since it came out and suddenly some subliminals started working for me…

Before around 1 out of 100 subliminals would give me results (if not less) so I try them here and there out of curiosity without much expectations…a month on this field, tried some subs and they worked, not all but the number definitely increased.

Unconscious decluttering at it’s best, amazing!!!


This audio has changed my life so drastically these last two weeks and I feel so much inner peace and a weight I didn’t know I was carrying has finally been lifted. I agree with @Ale I can feel other fields way better like the outlook retrainer and love fields where before I felt them a bit but returned back to my usual self and now I feel the audios I listen to are having a more permeant effect. The first week was a little intense with feelings of past experiences & different personas I was surprised I forgot about came up but crucible of the past and the bIack mirror shield brought me major relief. This week has been sooo much better every time I listen I feel instantly joyful & lighter also noticed a voice in my head that responded to me whenever I was looking for a solution and I would randomly think of it and wonder where those thoughts came from lol. I am glad I gave this another chance I feel like how I was when I was a kid like pure & innocent with no more worries :innocent:


Bro kenny i love reading ur recent progress, ur leveling up


Do you listen to it alone or together with Outlook Retrainer and others?
Congratulations on the results you have achieved.


He will answer ur questions but I wanna point out somthing this field says make sure to do other happy stuff after listening to wire those experience, so maybe they had a more profound effect?


Thank you @Dyslexic_Professor I feel the level up big time lol. @Fender_Cad Yeah I listen to outlook retrainer right after a few loops of unconscious clutter & notice I am more motivated to be productive I work in sales and work with people constantly and my interactions have improved alot I noticed clients of mine have been more friendly and even going out of there way to ask me about my life which never happens lol. I grew up thinking I was introvert but this field has shown me some extrovert qualities I didn’t know I had.


Can I buy this track anywhere?

The sister track with same field but different music and separate thread is available for purchase at The Sound Weave

Edit: I recommend Inner Self Critic to Inner Self Supporter afterwards, good as a basic combo but also within a larger stack with others.


Made a mini stack utilizing this
:ocean: Psychic Refresher Mini
Standard version linked in playlist description


I’m currently on day 7 of OM_'s modified PONR stack, and I stumbled across this field. I think it would pair well after SLR and before the outlook retrainer;

Energy body/aura deep clearing cleaning x1
The mana circuits x2-3
SLR x3
Remove unconscious clutter x2-3
The outlook retrainer x2-3
Love, gratitude and appreciation x5


Just wondered as well, as it isn’t even on Patreon. But remembered Odysee, it’s there:

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Because it’s by DESNA and the sister track is on Energetic Alchemy, so both can’t be on Patreon.
I use it daily, it’s back on SapienMed YT

and still on Energetic Alchemy