Resentment release

Which fields or NFTs can be used to heal resentment? Deep resentment that keeps disturbing you everyday. Thanks

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Depends on the source of the resentment.

If you don’t know what’s causing it, then the whole JAAJ’s Self Love stack.

Conceptual Realizations / Conceptual Conglomerate can greatly help in identifying and understanding what you are secretly angry at.

For a quick instant release I would use the “Anger Management” field, as well as the “Emotional Release” one and the “Forgiveness and Release” one and the “Repel Negative Energy ver 2.0”. And also add “Etheric Cord Cutter”.
Also “Trapped Emotions Release” from PU’s patreon.


I was going to recommend forgiveness and release (that field is very good) but JAAJ already did it in addition to other excellent recommendations, I think that with those fields it would be enough. It only occurs to me to tell you to use Amethyst Cloud from energetic alchemy. The transmuting energy of amethyst could help you.

People often overlook the fields of crystals but they each have a lot of amazing properties.


Thanks @JAAJ and @Jay

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You can use the mandala of Jesus.

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Maybe the way of integrity can help too.
The mandala in the patreon one is fielded too, you can print it and carry it


Thank you @anon75179789, @Aprendiz and @Lunamoon22 :+1:t2:

Although I didn’t understand how way of integrity fit in.

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Read the words to understand why, resentment is just one of the many faces ego has.

And one of the most detrimental ones for us to host inside
