Resilience Max+

i swear i would like to be already a doctor cause i wanna buy all this new fields and become a fucking lucky rich genius with a happy life. i forgot to mention new perspectives. i think two months passed since i bought it. life changing. this is the field you need to listen forever and it will be always better.

the truth is that seeing the improvements that these fields bring to your life is the prize. it’s not money or iq or luck. sometimes i think that i lived a hard life with all the problems just to discover morphic fields and level up my life. yes i will graduate 3 years late, but fuck it i will be a really smart, happy, lucky person and it just goes up day after day.


That’s really beautifully said ;)
Thx for sharing


I think it’s important to share various experiences in order to reinforce the positive beliefs on morphic fields. It’s like a circle where we support each other.


Thanks @riky



Forget I was wearing my Cyber -Magi top, and had added Resilience Max+ on my playlist for today . Felt like I was buzzing all over, by the time my playlist finished…



“Job’s not finished.”


I think this is helping me to improve my running training. When I have to run that last session or last minute I wanna use all my energies to complete the run. At the beginning I was more prone to say ok that’s all I have stop, now I think I have to give more than all I have continue to run. Nice


just by the looks, it looks like I can stop taking ashwagandha :rofl:


And here we are…

On this day a month ago, a friend gave me a challenge:
Do 200 pushups a day, every day for the next 30 days.

And here we are.

Now, my friend offered me money, but I quickly realized I do not care about this money. Rather I wanted to present myself with this challenge. Funny thing was, he asked me “Test your mindset, you have this mindset?” I said “I have this mindset” (I was thinking immediately about Resilience Max). Little does my friend know about my real life cheat codes. And obviously I didn’t tell him.

Anyways, you might be wondering, wow 200 pushups a day sounds a lot but is definitely doable right?
And I would agree, for some people its very easy. But with a full-time job that is pretty mentally taxing, plus the forum and everyday life, I really struggled to find the time at first. Essentially I knew I would have to do most of these daily pushups at work. :smiley:

Here are the results:

Day Set 1 Set 2 Set 3 Set 4 Set 5 Set 6 Set 7 Set 8 Sum
1 35 33 30 30 25 18 20 18 209
2 30 30 30 27 25 23 23 18 206
3 33 33 28 30 28 28 25 205
4 33 30 31 33 30 27 25 209
5 30 30 33 30 30 30 22 205
6 30 30 25 30 30 25 30 200
7 33 30 30 30 27 27 30 207
8 33 35 32 33 30 20 22 205
9 30 30 30 30 30 30 22 202
10 33 30 30 33 30 30 30 216
11 30 30 30 30 35 33 30 218
12 30 30 30 30 32 30 30 212
13 30 30 30 39 33 30 30 222
14 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 210
15 33 30 30 35 30 30 30 218
16 36 30 30 32 30 30 30 218
17 33 30 30 40 34 33 200
18 33 33 33 33 37 33 202
19 33 33 31 35 33 36 201
20 30 30 38 36 34 32 200
21 30 33 33 30 30 30 27 213
22 33 35 33 35 33 33 202
23 36 41 36 33 33 31 210
24 34 33 36 35 35 33 206
25 33 39 34 33 33 33 205
26 37 36 35 33 33 33 207
27 37 36 33 33 32 30 201
28 33 36 34 33 33 33 202
29 38 38 35 36 36 36 219
30 37 42 36 36 40 36 227

You can see how I went from 8 sets a day in the first two days to 7 sets a day on day 16, and then from then until the end 6 sets a day, with the exception of day 21 that was another 7-set day.

With time and effort, I was able to do more reps each set.

Its also cool to see how i broke my personal best several times throughout and reached a set of 42 as a current highest PB on day 30.

The total amount of pushups completed is 6257 in the last 30 days.

Here are some of my observations:

  • This kind of challenge (and imo this applies to many, if not any, challenge) was entirely a battle of my own mind. I had no enemy except getting those 200 in each day. It was me against myself. Hence the responsibility and accountability are both in my own hands. It was all up to me. Actually several times throughout the challenge I questioned myself and thought “You really wanna continue?”
  • The words of David Goggins couldn’t ring more true. Especially when he says “Its not supposed to be easy!”. I took that as a mantra when it got more and more difficult. My mind was struggling and I kept repeating this phrase to myself that it isn’t supposed to be easy. That actually helped tremendously as silly as it sounds.
  • In the first few days, prior to a set I would always whisper “FU Goggins” :smiley: for self-motivation.
  • As mentioned above, I noticed on numerous occasions intrusive thoughts entering even whilst doing a set of pushups. Stuff like “Give up”, “Leave it”, “Its pointless” etc. Again the mantra above really helped
  • Several times throughout the challenge, I was not feeling well, overwhelmed, headache, stomachache - you mention it. It didn’t matter, I had to push through. To me it felt like a graceful determination, a certainty of destiny.
  • Several times throughout the challenge, I would still have around 50 pushups left and it would already be 10-11pm. Those moments I really only wanted to sleep but I pushed through.
  • Oh right, another extra challenge I did was stopping coffee on day 3 - I haven’t had a coffee since. I still did have tea, however. It was not a no-caffeine challenge. For this little coffee challenge I noticed sleep and dream improvements.
  • Also, especially in the beginning of the challenge I had issues with muscle soreness that I also pushed through mostly with the Dotto Ring


Well, obviously I became stronger, my physique improved. Though for me tbh, the upgrade in mindset, that felt the most beautiful - to have a goal every day and get it done, no matter what. And that means I can set my mind to any new goal and stick to it.

It was oddly interesting to struggle through pushups when your muscles are already sore, and you knowing that you have to push through. Feels like shit in the moment. Feels fantastic when you complete the challenge :smiley:

I am grateful.
I listened to Resilience Max every day. Thats why I write this here.
A top notch field to inspire new habits and stick with them.

Thx for reading
Be blessed


Hi, but does this field give you more concentration to better assimilate the other fields? I don’t work, and I don’t intend to work, and in life for what I do I get by, I would need something that makes me better assimilate the fields I use, maybe giving me more energy. I would like to ask you, with this field, in addition to having benefits in general life, have you also had benefits in other fields? Thanks.

Awesome challenge and victory

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How’s it going with this Guys? smoking Procrastination is the best thing we can do in life!


I went from not working out to working out 7 days a week beginning in January. That being said, I’d only exercise at night when my husband would be home to workout with me. It’s like I did it, but there was still that internal resistance to discomfort. That element of self sabotage or refusing to allow myself to be great.

Now I wake up at 5 am religiously while he’s fast asleep. I have to have that high first thing in the morning. For me it’s not even physical, I’m addicted to the mental benefits. It’s practicing over and over being comfortable with discomfort, and just like the description states, I just get more addicted to pushing out of my comfort zone and sitting with all the thoughts and feelings that arise, and this practice of course extends into daily life.

I do my my own shadow work, reiki, and mindfulness practices that attribute to my success as well, but my results and changes also align with when I started working with this field about a month ago, so its been a great addition. I only play it once a day and I still am extremely happy with my results.

I feel a key to success is to play the field and then forget about it. Rely on your own mind and moment to moment practices to
create micro shifts in your reality


I don’t have this field, but

this is the #1 thing that saved my life. I overcame addictions, became more disciplined, and made commitments to grow even further. I always had a “growth mindset”, but my attachments to comfort was holding me down secretly. One day, I realized that “this is a war against myself. one side has to die and it’s not going to be comfortable” and funny enough, it wasn’t even that painful after I made a resolute commitment and embraced withdrawal pangs as victories. It took like 10 days to renew myself 1000x. then it became easy.


Yeah I can relate to this a lot.
I vividly recall during some very dark times, somewhere around 2017-2018 I’d say, however low I felt, I finally made a resolute, an unwavering decision with complete faith that I’m gonna maneuver myself out from this and into the life I want.

Still I think I found fields in 2019-2020 and joined the forum shortly thereafter. Had I had a field like this 6-7 years ago, I mean… For sure it would’ve been easier.

No regrets though. I’m happy and proud that I was able to do that. In fact I just sent a deep deep “thank you” to myself at that time. I think the me at the time would’ve loved the support.

Which makes me think, do you think we are influenced by our future selves?


You weren’t directing to me, but 100%
and I say this because it’s one of my favorite things to think on.
I get glimpses of it from time to time, and in one of how dispenzas books he has a story on how he experienced that phenomena


Yes I think so too.
I read it in a couple of books and all very different stories.

Really cool to ponder on


The intelligence of the newer fields are so top notch. I meditated to this one today at it was, in my mind, doing things you wouldn’t even think are in its scope. The implications, to me is you can be an absolute magician, even with just one field. It’s something I think on a lot.

I saw mother-daughter healing, I saw a birds eye view of the places & times that were traumatizing in the past. There were angels that met me there, and when my mind wanted to look for safety, they intervened and revised with me, and we held that moment and that energy and we alchemized it.

They were talking me through it like “okay, don’t look for anyone else in this moment, this is all you” and as I did that the energy moved differently in my energy body and the past was changed/altered. If even just a bit. Micro shifts, micro shifts. There is no static you, right? :sun_with_face:

At one point I found it interesting because I saw and felt all this work being done in my womb, but I understood that it was all revisional. It’s like it was very important to this field to not only heal myself but my mother and children in past-present-future time as well, which I found to be fascinating and amazing and once again a tribute to how the “outside world” is really us. I ceased to exist for a split moment of time.
It is an extension of us and our being and our psyche. A non-dual awareness. But alas, I plug myself back into the matrix, so I can further experience this unfolding story :books:

Such an intelligent field, absolutely amazing. The way we are holographic - the way you cannot change the present without affecting the past and future. It’s Mind blowing. It just left me with “nothing is real. It’s just not real”
Your disease, your past, your story—it’s just not solid. Forgetting is remembering :sun_with_face: it’s my hologram, I can see what I want to (energy)

:rainbow: :umbrella: 🩷