Resilience - The Antifragile

Link please?




so, has anyone read this? Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder (Incerto): 9781400067824: Taleb, Nassim Nicholas: Bücher

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Thank you very much for this one. After playing it for a while , my heart is lighter more open. I am so grateful for everything you do, :heart:Dreamweaver. Music :clap::two_hearts:


Yes, it’s very good. Sound advice on life and our lot in it. Recommended!


I had to double check to confirm it was a new field with so many comments, ive liked a lot of them without even reading them lol because the enthusiasm is so high!!

To pair with so many right after PONR!

Thank you!


That’s one enlightened robot.


Lots of possibilities with this one. Acknowledged.

Someone might want to try this:

Alchemical Revision of Inner Self Love (Dreamseeds channel)
Self Love and Acceptance (Sapien Medicine channel)
Resilience (Sapien Medicine channel)

14 and a half minute playlist.

Power it up a bit? Try this:

Say this to yourself out loud or silently while looping this playlist. Repeat it every few seconds, giving yourself a break in between so it’s relaxed and not hyper. You can get in touch with the feeling behind the words.

“I love you p͟u͟t͟ y͟o͟u͟r͟ f͟i͟r͟s͟t͟ n͟a͟m͟e͟ h͟e͟r͟e͟. I want to give you the best life.”

That was good. Did that for a while. With some Angelic guidance I believe. Not assuming what I need is what everyone needs but I have a feeling this isn’t for me only.

Then took it down to just the 2 shorter tracks in the loop. That part on my own, not claiming guidance there.

The third person speech thing is about the superego, replacing it instead of competing with it. learned this from using the method in Love Yourself Like Your Life Depends on It first.


you can only bring people to the truth with metaphor; you can’t tell them the truth.

Using metaphors, you try to tune the mind to an experience that would be close to something they can draw upon, something they might have done that would assist them. Metaphors are an attempt to work with what you’ve got with understandings that you know exist in the people you’re trying to bring to a different understanding.

but indeed an enlightened robot.

I think i found it’s new purpose for now.


Thank you! The music is beautiful! Very powerful audio!


I need this, we all need this.
Thank you, Dreamweaver. :pray:


The “Today I Am Unstoppable” Stack:

1x Ultimate Integration Tool (Psychic University)
1x Astrologically Inclined
2x Self Refresh
1x Consciousness Repair and Expansion (Psychic University)
1x Angelic Vibrations (ver 2.0)
1x Ojas Refined
2x Devil Reversed
2x Unbreakable
3x Resilience
1x Essence of Faith and Prayer
3x Excalibur
2x Tower of Power – Holy Light
5x Spear of Destiny
3x Freedom (Psychic University)
3x Prestige and Grandeur NFT
3x Cosmic Intercession NFT
1x Angelic Intercession
1x Ultimate Integration Tool (Psychic University)


Don’t forget point of No return :sunglasses:


Challenge for testing your resilience and antifragility levels:

Try playing through Tomb Raider 3 WITHOUT ever consulting a guide or walkthrough. And of course, without using any cheats.

This game is difficult AF.
It will beat you down.
It will treat you unfairly.
It will ignore your logic and common human sense.
It will dial your frustration levels to the maximum.
It is gonna make you throw the towel already at the beginning of the first level.
You will die inside the game more often than there are Lego bricks at Legoland.

But everytime you are going to master a level, you will feel totally awesome, like you’ve conquered Olympus Mons and you will celebrate it with your friends.


#ResilienceChallenge #CantHurtMe


I just go to walmart but I’ll keep this in mind.


i think best suited to combine is the project mental health NFT. and also the new rose and auroch potion.

i feel these tools will work together.

the mental health NFT wll restore you mind and soul
the two potions will give you the neccesarry healing of the soft parts of your soul and give you back strength you lost due to enviroment people, negativity and attract better enviroment people and positivity

and at the end this audio and grounding after it so seal the deal so you dont loose your parts so easily

thank you for this creation Dream!



Coincidentally (as we all know this means not a coincidence at all but Dreamweaver having a finger on the pulse of the collective once again) I’ve been taking a series of online classes on Positive Psychology, and no kidding, the exact module I’m on right now, this very week, is on building Resilience.

It was good to listen to this track while thinking about what I had just learned in class. Perfect combo. As I’m working on the conscious part, the fielded music is doing its work in the deeper parts.

If anyone is interested in using the mundane to boost the metaphysical, and vice versa, highly recommend the course. It’s free to watch the videos if you sign up to audit the course (the only difference is you don’t get to take the quizzes and exams to get a certificate.) I myself applied for financial aid and fortunately was accepted. No other affiliation otherwise.

Coursera - Positive Psychology: Resilience Skills

I have to add that I enjoyed the previous 2 modules also. Really helped someone like me who tends to be pessimistic or defeatist. Optimism and Grit and Resilience can be learned. And now we have this wonderful field to accelerate the process.:blush: Thank you Dreamweaver and Team Sapien Medicine.:pray:


Im still at Tomb Raider 1…and my controller isn’t accepted somehow. Will keep you posted :smiley:


I wish you good luck on your Journey :pray: