Resilience - The Antifragile

Thank you, dear sir


I’m just come to realise that this one was meant to be an NFT project by @anon14224340, which minted price would have been something between the lines of $250-275, and now all of us have it available for free! :boom:

Thanks both, Dream and Jon, for your gigantic generosity and make it possible!! :pray: :pray:


my apologies

I didnt see it, I saw on the request’s thread
My apologies Jon


No fucking way. I picked the book up a couple of days ago. The synchronicities are getting scary lol.
Guys, this is an incredible concept that could be worth a couple hundreds of bucks, and we have it for free. Extremely grateful and excited about the progress we will all make with this… :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Why not both?
Antifragile and Happy?


Lol , we live in the future :joy:


Wow, I feel so great being able to study calmly with 3 assignments due by today lol.


wow I guess I was resilient all my life xD


Stop bragging smh

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This is very exciting. Paired with the mental health nft, I can imagine feeling unstoppable. Very thankful for this.


@Dreamweaver :100::fire::heart_decoration:



thank you Dream!


Wow a lot has happened in a few short days -

On my end as well as the forum I can see.

What a release. Thank you Dreamweaver for creating this.

This… I couldn’t help but cry a little.

A pillar was mentioned in the description and I forgot that, but when I listened the first time it was like I was a tree, roots spreading through the earth- but at the same time I’m at the edge of a great expanse but I’m not afraid. Leaves, swirl around me that have fallen. The leaves are the many things large and small that lately, I had given way too much air time.

But the feeling I get from this is that, the leaves are temporary. All I have to do is stand firm.

I don’t know if I’ve known what grounding has felt like at all before this.


A friend of mine once said, “take care of yourself. Everything else can be fixed.”

It was a comfort, but I didn’t really believe him because at the time there was this constant anxiety about this or that, just bubbling up all the time. Like I’d feel like I was constantly forgetting something I was supposed to do.

This reminds me that I, too, can be fixed. And that I have the “stuff” for lack of a better term to make sure everything is okay. It’s okay.

P.S. I didn’t mention the absolutely gorgeous music. Those violins, they get me every time


First day, played once.
Second day, played twice (only field played this day).

Very, very subtle in my experience.
Like I couldn’t really notice or feel anything different, compared to nearly every other field I’ve played, during or immediately after.

A few hours into my day though, it was really cool.
The experience was like “I didn’t care” about my thoughts or feelings as they came up, or rather, everything has less weight. The thought and feeling would come, and then simply go. I simply kept going as if there wasn’t any stress or resistance. As if I was moving toward “the goal” and was simply matter of fact.

An analogy of an image that came to mind, was of a web. A horizontal web from Spider-Man that catches people when they’re falling before hitting the ground, sinks, and then elastically moves upward to equilibrium. Strong without weight or pressure, tensile I suppose.

Felt like I was just moving along, whatever arose, and that was it.

And yeah, those violins.


Music is beautiful

Feels like a movie scene, a warrior running through the rain all day and finally resting watching the sunset. After the rain comes the sun.

powerful effect obviously.


I couldn’t help but think of this meme.

Before vs. after listening to antifragilty😉 :


Have to tell u how much I LOVE the free audio
Ive noticed a positive effect after listening to it for a few hrs each time/every 24 hrs.
I feel more positive and I feel more inclined to get needed things done. These things that felt like a mountainous burden before, now feel like MUCH less of a burden. I felt this effect in 3 days

Thank u Dream :rose:


Is this field help to remenber the listener ,what s soul purpose and goals ? What field will help with that ,how i created.miracle and events/situation for my benefit ?

You can try

Patreon release : Imaginarium Divine

New Release: Depths of your Soul

New Release - A Dream of Purity

Maybe this?

The Blessed Path (Public NFT)


Gratitude for blessings

Any one you choose def add the antifragile one. If you have questions about the ones i suggested pls ask in their thread

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