S3xual harrassment

Hello everyone, I hope you’re having a good day/night.

I unfortunately had a pretty bad experience a couple of days ago, when going to a university party for the first time in like 5 years. I was having fun and finally rewiring my brain to feel like it’s OK to do this kind of stuff (social anxiety sufferer here :slightly_smiling_face:), and one guy decided to do something he shouldn’t have done.

I’ve been having panic attacks for 2 days now, having trouble to sleep and to eat because the memory pops up compulsively in my head. I feel molested and dirty. I even talked to my therapist, but he said that my reaction is totally valid and I have to wait for my adrenaline levels to lower. The thing is that I’m using xanax to even function, and I’d like to just go in with my life and not think about this anymore (and start feeling happy again, something which I haven’t felt since this happened… I feel numb).

So, have you got any fields that can help me with this please?
A big hug to all of those who lived this experience too… I feel your pain.

Lots of positivity to you all, Healy.


I’m sorry to hear you had to go through that. Yes, your reaction is valid, albeit unpleasant. I’ve been dealing with something similar and what helps is Positivity (I’m using the Powerful Positive Vibes field on my phone) and Love (I’m playing the Quantum Love album, but there are many fields for this). Also some clearing should be good, you can do the Aura Cleanser field for a bit and then maybe Energy Blockage Removal and Cutting Etheric Cords, to get that creep out of your head (many harrasers are motivated by trying to establish a negative link with others). I personally use the Your Energetic Being field which has all of these functions.

Also you can try And Justice For All + Repel Negativity.

Hope this helps, keep your chin up, Healy!


I agree with Zonkmeister,

I’ll add:

You can try This Alchemical Revision (Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Trauma)
for inner healing and processing.
Combined with The Shades of Light Album for immediate energetic, emotionnal and health balance.
Also, Self Love, Cardio/Sport, Salt Cleanse, fields will get your flow moving on a daily.
I personnaly recommand finding a “play” field as well, anything that can be sparking joy in your life, that you’ll be happy to see results from. :nazar_amulet::heart::sparkles::mount_fuji:🪬 :yellow_heart::sunny:


Alchemical Revision and Pre-potential Revision of Sexual Trauma

PTSD help, it also has the amygdala healing field


I am so sorry to hear this, if you ever want to talk to someone, I am always here for you.


Internal alchemical crucible


I think Jay’s recommendations are good. Adding cord cutter (free or paid version) will be even better.


Thank you so much, really

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Hi! Could you please explain further? I’m afraid I’m not really getting what you mean since I’m not a native English speaker

I am just sending you a lot of love, healing, energy and support, that is it all.

Let no one tell you your feelings are invalid, or you are not feeling the right thing as you navigate through your current emotions and circumstances. This is the worst thing someone can tell a person who is undergoing immense trauma. Do it at your pace, at your time and your will.

I would highly suggest looping Angelic Intercession to get guidance and support. :heart: :heart: :heart:

My tulku will continue to send you healing and support for the next few days. :slight_smile:


I had to hold back the tears while reading this, that’s how much it meant to me.
I definitely felt your positive energy, thank you for your support, bless you :heart:


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@Healy75 I’m so sorry that you had to experience this trauma. No one should invade your space to do you harm. All the field suggestions above are great.

Also, try this new release by Captain - Emergency psychologist 💤


Dreams and PUs sexual trauma healing fields, for both, healing and prevention.


So sorry this happened to you.

Plasma Charged Mitochondria is a field that helps me with stress responses, though I’ve never been in the situation you are in. Also, I use the stress field and breathing fields.

A quick, always available strategy that I find useful is box breathing.


So what has he done?
I still do not understand what happened.

As for the panic attacks, the best fields would propably be “PTSD Help”, “Amygdala Healing”, as well as PU’s “Intrusive Thoughts Dissolver” and “Fix Neurotransmitter Dysfunction”.


If things keep repeating all the time i would put my focus mostly on revision fields and PTSD help or New Perspectives.

Doing deep breathing techniques is a good choice too also exercising.

There was one more field i had in mind which i forgot…

Good luck on your healing.



I’d use all energy clearing, entity removal, etc fields, then intercessions and then shielding, for the energetic part.

Then I think All Purpose Anxiety Removal + Stellate Ganglion Block to stop anxiety and be able to go through the day, for a while, and heed the warning on SGB (don’t drive after listening to it, to which I’d add more activities that can be dangerous). I think that’s safer than working with trauma release, etc right now. Something to regulate neurotransmitters after using this could be helpful too.

Then, I’d work with the revision fields, and when you’re feeling better, with trauma release, PTSD, etc. And some deeper clearing fields like Bushmen Medicine.

I’d also wait to be feeling calmer before using self-love fields even, as they can resurface feelings or memories.

I’m not familiar with PU’s fields but seeing he has a field for intrusive thoughts, I’d check the rest, he probably has other fields than can help.

And once you’re ready, there are fields for unwanted sexual attention. How preventive they can be I don’t know. But maybe they could help you feel safer when going out. Besides shields, the authority sigil seems to already repel certain guys. And SorcerySupreme had some field for this.

I hope you receive all the support you need and it gets better soon.