Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

Wait, is that what you want to debate about instead of Marxism ?

I’m not talking about the origins of life, we talking Marxism. You afraid I won’t comprehend the depth ?

If so you can tell me

That wouldn’t be much of a debate… it would be dead in the water…

since none of those things prove knowledge to be inconsistent… they only demonstrate that reality exceeds the boundaries of theory

I’ll go back to lurking

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Let’s not not make this a gangbang lol

He is working up his appetite, he will come with lots of precise and practical observations.

Using sound logic and accurate data, I’m sure.
Far from eternal digressions and unproductive mental loops.

@heidegger I’m ready to let you talk, you can take as much time as you want, hours, days. I want you to give your best.

I’ll be there when you are and we’ll do this together.

Tell us how you see the political system and economy in your own words. But like grown ups, we have to stay focused.

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I haven’t read any of the responses yet. Wasn’t home but something occured to me while riding in the train and I wrote this down to share. I will get to the rest of the responses tomorrow, including the older ones I haven’t even got to. This does take quite a bit of energy so I should take it slower. But hey…

You know what’s interesting about this forum? There are 3710 users that have joined and about 224 active members. About like 186 are from when the forum opened in 2020. We have only grown like 30 or so active members in over 2 years. Thousands signed up and hundreds would post then leave soon right after. Time and time again, I would get messages of how the behavior and vibe here is unwelcoming. People’s actions here have had consequences. Let’s explore that.

The vibe of the forum changed over time but throughout most of it, the way many of you would talk to people would repel people away. Then most active users now withdrew to nft groups, from which a lot of drama has occured since we started that. Now the forum has divided into clicks and there are people who literally hate eachother here. The vision for this forum was a welcoming, peaceful and harminious community with spiritually productive discussions. The forums essence doesnt seem all too reflective if this vision. I probably wouldn’t want to stay here either if I was a stranger looking in.

Some of the behavior here cost the forum some beautiful minds that would have done well with this community. Some wise teachers too. I got to interact with some and they could have helped this community thrive more and perhaps been people some of you really connect with. The behavior also cost the growth of the forum over the years.

Maybe I should have grown to dislike and treat some of you the way you guys do to the others for being problematic, as that’s what you were to me. Maybe I should have removed some of you from the forum.

But… you know what love is? I sacrificed the vision of a welcoming community and the growth of it to keep you guys here cause I believed you guys had the potential to grow.

I chose not to be the thought police. I would forgive many of you when you’d cross the line. I would defend you guys time and time again and merely try to nudge you all to do better. And why be so nice to people who aren’t?

Cause I love ya’ll that’s why. I an welcoming to all. To the blind, the dumb, the ignorant, the hated, the hateful, the loving, the unloved, the beautiful, the ugly, the everything. I tolerated all your behavior because that’s what unconditional love is. It is being compassionate even at the hardest of times. And I truly wanted to see you all grow and well, you guys have been growing over the years. Even the guys I am having this debate with have grown in many ways over the years. It’s been beautiful to watch you all blossom.

Many of you have become good friends. Many of you have helped guide eachother into growing in more ways than one. So much wisdom shared. This became a safe space to vent to. A space to be heard. A space where many of the people here are rooting for you to grow. Many of you are so warm hearted and even eager to help others. It’s beautiful… A community where we all share our love of sapienmed and a piece if ourselves. There’s a very striking duality to it all. I still love this forum and everyone in it.

Life is hard and I understand how draining it is to to get along with people you disagree with. But the only path to peace in this world is unity. Love is the hard work that will pave that path. So I will not give up on my fellow humans and continue to spread my loving light to anyone and anywhere. I would hope you all could grow to do the same someday. But that’s your choice to make.


It’s something that I can’t really stand this forum energy. Even with so many shields. It is very draining.

I always feel like there is something going on in the background… And sometimes it does pop up to the surface

The forum is nice. But idk where that dark energy coming :sweat_smile: but it’s very draining lol…


I am probably wrong, but I think the forum energy went downhill with the private NFTs. It creates much jealousy, capitalistic thinking, hate and disharmony. Instead, fully using and appreciating these creations, people and me included of course tent to only think about value increase and making money with it in the end. It’s of course our problem and not Dreams.

Furthermore, with these private NFTs, people only talk in their friend groups anymore. So the rich liveliness went away. Many people miss the times with Luna and Om (I don’t know what happened between him and Dream, so please don’t scold me).


I agree.

“Power doesn’t corrupt; it reveals.”

That honestly makes me sad…
I also noticed on myself that I am replying less and less to questions, for example in the Ask for Advice section or elsewhere. No excuse really either. Like… WellBeing, he replied often and in such detail, it was inspiring. In the beginning I also had noob questions about the forum. I will try to change that and reply more, particularly to new users.


Many people have left because of conspiracy theories, anti-vaccine stuff too.

A lot have complained that the forum was too woke.

I personally invited some people here, who have never been in an argument with another user. They posted like 10 messages in one week then left.

When I would ask why they didn’t stick around, they’d say “oh, I still read sometimes” but I can’t take the boohoohoo, somebody didn’t do this or said something bad. Now I have trauma.

They’d quote the most ridiculous ones and talk about the unquestioning, unproductive feel good porn where people would form a line and come to feed on it “aww no, poor you” without reflecting deeper or getting tougher.

To a lot of people, it’s about a crowd of entitled first worlders crying over fruits and cats, overvaluing their feelings without ever being checked. It makes some people uncomfortable too. Some see it as privilege mindset. Whoever post is right in his story.

I’m sharing this because it was not just one person. I guess few would come to you with these complaints. Some people just read and stay for the fields, but they can’t take the most popular ideologies around.

Also, I heard it, I said it to Sammy and it makes sense from what many users say and do. Many don’t care about the community, they joined to read Dreamweaver and learned like a course. They keep asking at every posts, “did Dream said that ?” “Is it official ?” ”people just make up whatever” “Plz, I want answer from Dream himself”.

There are the people who thinks Dream pushes an agenda and the ones who ask “Why isn’t he teaching more ?”

Whether these people are right or not, they also count, it’s not all rude behavior. Been here 3 years, I had conversations with people, quite a few came by to say bye and why they left.

It sounds a bit contradicting. Seems to be that people are split into two camps today. Not able to tolerate different opinions. I could understand if people leave due to racism or bullying, not because of such topics.


We all have our preferences

Also, there are a couple more positive reasons, some people do come because they are sick or need help and once they get better they go back their lives improved. Not everyone is looking for the connection.

Most people join the Sapien Med because they have a hard time.

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Lets not pretend like covid situation wasnt a massive power grab, a lot of talk about vaccine side effects was silenced in mass media, and many people had their businesses closed because of “pandemic” about as deadly as flu.
Which by the way magically disappeared the moment covid showed up.
And we barely hear about oh so deadly covid since war on Ukraine started.
And lets not forget the constant narrative shifting,from one to four doses being needed,
and from “vaccine giving you immunity” to
“vaccine not giving immunity but protecting from death” to
“vaccine not protecting you from death, but slowing the spread”
by the way the last one came about time when most people were already after covid, so the spread would be slower by then anyway.
Im also not a fan of woke agenda, much of it feels like crazyness for me. Its about as discriminating as totalitarian regimes, except this discrimination is against other kinds of people.
And if you refuse to admit that, lets say “sky is orange” they call you evil and hate You. You are evil because you violate them with not agreeing with their opinion.
And the moment You call out their attempts to distort reality you should be cancelled.
But this woke agenda is often being pushed by the same bunch of globalist that pushed the vaccine.

I agree with what you said about people not only having negative reasons to not be active on forum.
That happens on every site, I dont think this forum would compare bad to lets say subscribe/like to commenter ratios on youtube.


For the record when I first joined the forum I almost did leave because of the conspiracies and anti-vaxx stuff.

The vaccine threads are like echo chambers with a very unwelcoming vibe to anyone pro-vaxx.

It was people like Dr. Manhattan and JAAJ that inspired me to stay. And also Sammy and Dream once I discovered they had also been vaccinated.

I’ve always felt quite distant from most people in here. I don’t feel as close to the community as others do.

I stick around mainly for Dr. Manhattan’s fields.


I never said the contrary. Even in the anti-vaxx thread although I disagree with some versions.

But that turns a LOT of people off, you wouldn’t believe how many people see this thread and are like “nope” and are glad they saw it before committing.

I don’t know how many messages Sammy got about that, I did.

See ?
I can’t blame him.

But we can’t pretend that it’s bullying that makes this type of spirituality/magic forum not mainstream.

See, I go in, I disagree, no one likes my post then I get a couple PMs about people saying they agree. A lot of them I never talked to before.

I know many people agree with stuff I say even if not publicly.

The venting thread, random thought thread, male enhancement, masturbation talk. Lot of threads and subjects are disqualifiers.

Some people come and then decide Sapien med is haram or anti-Christianity. Some people left when Kevin Sorbos sent a simple shout out.

For some people it was Trump.
Other people are tired of hearing the capitalist mindset is evil when they struggle to build their business.

Sapien Med made some people decide to become Monks and leave everything behind including the forum. At least a handful.

Many people consider the forum to be a stopover, they become smarter, more beautiful, then they leave to go party and live and materialistic life. They needed “just X or Y”. Even more people are planning to leave because they reached their goals.


I think You are right, this surely turns many people off. But as long as I doubt in majority of conspiracy theories, its kind of weird that people who are willing to accept, or at least consider “magical, life changing music and images” are repulsed by them.
Like arent morphic fields “conspiracy” enough?
Imagine high dude on a party telling someone about them.


Lol, it was just an example, a real one.

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It proves that reality is not inside our understanding.

Therefore, there is no pre-discursive reality.

It proves to be inconsistent because by determinating itself it alienates all sorts of indeterminations, and it will never be able to access those indeterminations. The nature of knowledge is to petrify what wasn’t petrified in the first place, and that has nothing to do with reality as an un-knot consistency outside of our subjectivity.

To this point even objectivity and subjectivity cease to exist.

There are relevant levels of details in conversations.

Knowing more about math/ physical/quantifiable reality won’t change 2+2= 4

We can build rockets and nano devices. Enough is enough at some point.

You’re not thinking in terms of utility.

Somethings a real and we do with the best of our understanding and we can be successful. There are rules for thinking and talking.

You the type of guy to talk quantum mechanics when asked about how to change a light bulb.

You are not showing yourself to be capable to have pragmatic and productive convos. That’s my opinion

Even if your ideas make sense, you need to be relevant. You need to filter something or you can’t talk or do anything.

I’m interested in the best way to have good societies and achieve good outcomes.


I had this exact thought the other day when the forum was discussing marketing Sapien Med.

The kind of talk I see in this forum just isn’t going to fly with the average Joe. It hurts the brand.

As Sapien Med grows I think there will need to be major changes around here.


The real and reality are two different things.

Mathematics can bridge the gap of unknown indeterminations more efficiently than empirical interpretations of data, because it is not imaginary mediated by meaning.

That is why in psychoanalisis we use math to comprehend psychopathological structures that are also: incomplete, partial and inconsistent, because they are subject to change and may be latent.

In this sense, science is abstract.

I know what abstract means.
We’re talking politics and economics btw.

See that’s why centralized planning and communism always fail. You’re not grounded, your pretty ideas are meaningless, you can’t predict everything, you need to test, you need data, you need to consult the actual people involved.

Mental masturbation without rigorous testing is why all those mega project fails.

I give up.
A couple more back and forth won’t fix this.

I remove what I said earlier about you making word salads and your advices not being useful or practical.