Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?

You guys are mental. (no offense its like a joke)

Last night I was searching for a link for Male Enhancement on Patreon, and while searching the thread to find the link, I saw comments about communisam and politics.

I thought to my self, ohh I accidentally clicked on this thread somehow, but no, it was male enhancement thread.

You guys find a way to talk about politcs and stuff in every thread, dont you feel like you are wasting time doing so?


I’m not a communist.

Sociobiology cannot predict anything either because humans are not bounded by causality.

We are probablistic creatures, because we are determined and free both at the same time. Not one or the other exclusively.

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Learn about predictive analytics. People are very predictable.

Let’s not learn about anything that ever happened, we’re not creature of habits. No one never knew anything and since nobody knows anything and everything is relative, why learning at all.

Lol, seriously, was nice debating. Lots of fun for both of us.

Now it’s probability, I wonder if it’s linked to the statistics and data I mentioned. If something are ob—- servable

If only there was a field of science for it hmm

If only we could observe things and find patterns.
It would be so crazy if reality was fractal you know.

If we could observe something and then predict something accurately, that would be… science. Then we’d learn from our mistakes and compare observations until we get closer to our goals.

Then we could do actual stuff.
Crazy talk

That’s why we need falsifiability, otherwise people can claim whatever sounds good in their head and spend the rest of the time dressing it up with fancy words

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Not at all. People are wierd as fuck.

And their patterns are always subject to change.

Also, if you go out and do interviews people will tell you one thing depending on mood, or how their day unfolded, if you interview the same person the next day, will tell you two different things.

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Talking about spirituality and magic in any way will never fly with average Joe, imo

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I agree with falsifiability, although I don’t think we will get anywhere.

We are based on different ontological grounds, or “what things are” before we actually get to understand them, so, we will just have to agree to disagree.

even when the unvaccinated thread was there the forum was still having bunch for users interacting

and that unvaccinated thread was about the other opinion that the vaxxed should respect like unvaxxed respect the vaxxed but instead it was more like treating with some sort stupidity. so please don’t give excuses. respect others opinion, you don’t have to accept it, but you have to respect it.

but this only happens at some level of respect to different opinions im not sure how you dismiss others people opinions help in building good societies, can’t you see that civil wars start just from dismissing other people, opinions, indifference, choices…


since there is no scientific proof of morphic field outside of rupert sheldrake, there will be only one way to grow forum is through spirituality, if you count on science well there is a bit of critics from scientific community a lack of evidence for morphic resonance and inconsistencies between its tenets and data from genetics, embryology, neuroscience, and biochemistry. They also express concern that popular attention paid to Sheldrake’s books and public appearances undermines the public’s understanding of science. so when talks about spirituality you talk about freedom of thoughts, openminded, different opinions, backgrounds and lot of others things, if you can’t have the support of scientific community at least you will have the support spiritual community. but you can’t dismiss their opinion just because you can’t accept them.

you remember when i was sharing post about remote viewing and you dismissed them you said because its not real lol it can’t be possible predicting these things through remote viewing, after few months you endup developping your own NFT in psychic abilities, it took a lot of time for you to process that it can be possible.

what is real nothing is real but everything is at the same time.


I am the living real being with this ability lol.

If I say how many times I spy my friends. And collect all the conversation. You’ll think twice about remote viewing. It’s real. But not lot of people talk about it. Because let’s face it. People will disagree with you.

And it’s true. If you can do remote viewing. The rest of predicting thing come easily.


i can do lol just i was spying too but not for long just was experimenting but even you endup telling the person what he was doing he won’t believe you lol, so its bit difficult only spiritual people will understand people with logic forget it you will sound out of your mind.

so the logic and magic won’t workout.

the logic and magic will workout if you understand the science of it, but will scientific community follow?


is there a bad intuition?

may be its your ego

intuition is intuition
there is no bad intuition or good intuition i don’t undertand how you can explain the duality of intuition
may be you refer to
bad vibe
good vibe

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The future vision you have of AI regarding jobs etc is the exact same vision I’ve had for a while now.

As people leave behind jobs they don’t enjoy and find more fulfilment in their lives, the world will naturally become a better place (I hope).

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One more interesting quote, this is Lacan on ontology or “what things are”, extracted from “Science and Truth”.

To conclude, let us give an example of a modern scientific approach worthy of the name, and in particular with the explanation of the conservation of energy given by Richard Feynman[13].

Feynman, to explain what energy is, takes as an example Dennis the Menace: his mother gives him 28 identical and indestructible blocks. Once the mother returns to his room, there are only 23 left. However, a box in the room, which we are not going to open of course, has increased in weight (Dennis has hidden some blocks in it); also, the level of dirty water in the bathtub, so dirty that you can’t see what’s in it, has raised (Denis threw blocks in the bathtub), etc. Feynman explains to us that with calculations (comparison of the weight of the box before and after, calculation of the change in volume of the water, etc.), we can and must find exactly the same number of blocks from the start, i.e. a constant.

THE PSEUDO-SCIENTIST: So the blocks are the energy! It’s observable and factual data!

FEYNMAN: “The most remarkable aspect that must be abstracted from this picture is that there are no blocks”[14]

THE PSEUDO-SCIENTIST: So what the fuck is energy then?!

FEYNMAN: “[…] in physics today, we have no knowledge of what energy is[15].

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We have to live life and make decisions with incomplete informations. That’s basic.

We don’t know 100% what energy is, that’s why we keep doing research but we know a lot about how it operates and what we can do with it.

From Morphic fields, surgery, quantum chemistry, space travel, we have microchips and electric cars.

You are not gonna say, Lacan doesn’t know and there may not be more stuff to know and discover. You’re not doubting those points.

It’s insanity
It doesn’t help with anything

The goal is not to know just to know but to have results and do things.

Not using data is the reason things fail, why people donates tons of the wrong meds to sub-Saharan countries. Send machines and materials not adapted to the topography and weather. Food that the locals don’t like.

That’s why decision can be better informed than others.

Is it not true that hitting a nail with a hammer causes it to sink into the wood ?
Cannot this be used to join different types of woods to creates houses that protects from the weather.

That’s a big backward step.

What good is an engineer that talks all day about knowledge not being real instead of building tools ?

What good is a doctor who can’t make decision about what to do over a broken leg because he doesn’t know that one equation in quantum mechanics ?

Or politicians and economists who rejects everything at their disposal to speculate about ontology instead of managing the society ?

Don’t you use the tangible fruits of technology, science and knowledge everyday ?

It’s escapism and perfectionism, the enemies of doing real things and improving.

It’s a fun hobby and field of study for a niche of philosophers. Virtually no practical use.

We have scientific paradigms, that’s how science works.

You are going backward


I think we do, but exact-sciences and physics had been able to show that we live in a Platonic world, not an Aristotelic one.

A world governed primarely by insubstantial relationships and not substantial identities.

Trying to look at identities to formulate scientific solutions will always be way behind of contemporary sciences.

Physicists can prove through formulae the existence of stuff that we are probably 500 years behind in terms of technology available to prove it empirically, because with our senses it is not enough to collect scientific empirical data for it.

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I just came across this.

Spot on imo


The Rich Mindset Wants To Employ People, Not Work For A Paycheck.

What if I just want to chill at home with as little responsibilities as possible? :smiley:
I dont care about luxury and splendor at all.
Is that rich or poor mindset?
I dont want to be bossed around and I dont want to boss around others either.
The secret ending


Actually, the government launched many housing regulations in the 80s and 90s drastically cutting back and actively blocking construction of new housing. Which led to the housing prices to skyrocket in specific areas mostly blue areas.

Then Bill Clinton (also democrat) decided that it was the government’s role to raise homeownership in the United States through his “National Home Ownership strategy”

The National Homeownership Strategy was a plan put in place by President Bill Clinton’s administration in 1995. The goal of the strategy was to increase homeownership across the United States, particularly among low-income households and minorities.

The strategy involved several components:

  1. Encouraging Lending: The government encouraged banks and other lending institutions to make it easier for low-income individuals and families to secure mortgages. This included reducing down payment requirements and loosening underwriting standards.
  2. Partnerships: The National Homeownership Strategy aimed to create partnerships between all the stakeholders in the homeownership process, including lenders, builders, real estate professionals, community groups, and federal, state, and local government agencies.
  3. Education: The strategy promoted initiatives to educate potential homeowners about the buying process and the responsibilities of homeownership.
  4. Government-Sponsored Enterprises (GSEs) Role: As part of the strategy, the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) set higher targets for the percentage of loans that GSEs (Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac


The majority of people who defaulted would not have been able to borrow money with the previous system and the government pressured financial institutions to follow their guidelines.

Fannie Mae (the Federal National Mortgage Association) and Freddie Mac (the Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation) were created by the U.S. government at different times to fulfill specific needs in the country’s housing finance system.

Fannie Mae was created to buyback mortgages from lenders (ie: the banks).
Fannie Mac was launched to expand the secondary market.

Both Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac fulfill their mandates by buying mortgages from lenders, :point_right: :point_right: :point_right: packaging them into mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and selling those securities to investors. :point_left: :point_left: :point_left: :point_left: The process helps ensure a steady supply of funding for home loans across the country.

They went after investor to pump more and more money into an artificially inflated market for years.

The government raised housing cost by limiting and blocking the construction of new housing, raising prices. The government forced banks to loan money to people with lower and lower credit score and while offering to buy back bad loans from banks to keep the market afloat.

Surrounded by young couples who recently bought first homes, President Clinton yesterday said he wants the nation to increase the rate of ownership to an all-time high of 67.5 percent within five years and unveiled a list of “100 specific actions” that he boasted could achieve that goal but “not cost taxpayers one extra cent.”

The recommendations in the “National Homeownership Strategy” were produced by the Department of Housing and Urban Development as part of a partnership with numerous private groups such as the American Bankers Association and the National Association of Counties, as well as with government-chartered firms such as the Federal National Mortgage Corp. (Fannie Mae) and the Resolution Trust Corp.

Clinton boasted that the administration’s homeownership strategy is designed to produce 8 million new homeowners by 2000, boosting the rate to 67.5 percent from the current level of about 64 percent.

The federal funds rate, the primary tool of the Federal Reserve, was reduced to 1% by mid-2003, the lowest level in 45 years.

Low interest rates made borrowing cheaper, which had several effects:

  1. Increase in Mortgage Borrowing: Low rates made mortgages more affordable, which contributed to a housing boom. Many people bought homes, believing that housing prices would continue to rise. This demand pushed up house prices, leading to a housing bubble.
  2. Subprime Lending and Adjustable-Rate Mortgages (ARMs): Low interest rates contributed to the growth of subprime lending (lending to individuals with poor credit). Many of these subprime mortgages were adjustable-rate mortgages, which initially offer low interest rates that reset to higher rates after a few years. When interest rates rose, many borrowers were unable to meet their mortgage payments.
  3. Search for Yield and Risk-Taking: Low interest rates reduced the return on safe assets, which led investors to “search for yield” by investing in riskier assets. This included mortgage-backed securities (MBS) and collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) tied to subprime mortgages. Financial institutions and investors underestimated the risk of these securities, partly due to flawed risk models and misaligned incentives.
  4. Leverage and Financial Fragility: Cheap borrowing costs encouraged financial institutions to take on high levels of debt, known as leverage. This made the financial system more fragile and susceptible to a downturn.

When the housing bubble burst, mortgage defaults rose, especially in the subprime sector. Losses on MBS and CDOs led to a full-blown financial crisis, as many highly leveraged financial institutions faced insolvency.

The government also forced financial institutions to hold assets that meet specific standards and ratings, limiting the scope of investment. Contributing to the bubble.
Plus, by wrecking interest rates and limiting certain investing, financial companies went for riskier securities like CDOs to compensate.

Areas with specific local regulations took the great majority of the loses impacting the whole country.

Same with the Great Depression, people are not stupidly throwing up their money. The government messes with the market, then people fight to find alternative ways and these are riskier.


See how much effort to refute just 1 sentence.

The mental gymnastic is scary

The funny part is that the government did all that in the name of woke equality. Yet somehow the solution is even more state control.

Banks didn’t want to give money to people who couldn’t repay, especially in an overvalued real estate market.

The leftist called racism and forced them to give money without caring about the economy.