Sapien Medicine doesn‘t care about money?


Spend your whole life looking for THE Answer, you’ll never find it. It’s always there staring you in the face, but it can’t be seen, heard, tasted, touched, or smelled. We’ve developed vehicles to get us closer to that Answer, but didn’t Icarus’s wings burn up when he got too close to the Sun? He drowned if I remember. We rely on our methodologies, paradigms, to advance us closer to the Truth, but tools only get you so far. You can cut, dissect, label, and take apart with a scalpel and say “this” is “that” and “that” is “this” all you want, but take this method all the way to its conclusion and you’ve kill your subject. It won’t make sense anymore. You’ve destroyed the meaning in the process to find meaning. The surgery was a success! But the patient died. What was the point, again?

There’s a strange thing that happens when you strive and strive and strive for a thing and then suddenly give up, either the search or the want: you put in the work and the answer finds you without you looking for it, as you’ve just made yourself ready for it. You’ve plowed and tended to the fields, but the product of your work wasn’t just a matter of more toil, it was getting out of the way so God could water your crops so they can grow. In the search for Meaning, Truth, Peace, that which cannot quite be described but is what we are all chasing after, you only have so much control before the result is out of your hands.


No “-ism” will heal the world because the world is exactly how it was made to be, and you can feel any way about that as you like.


If life could be boiled down to equations and algorithms we’d let AI just run the show for us, but we know there’s nuance to interpretation because meaning is based on context and is also NOT subjective, but which perhaps can only be understood from a Higher perspective. The renaissance, the enlightenment, the industrial and scientific revolutions, the AI revolution, all of these things rediscover different avenues to describing and great Knowing, but ride any one of these trains to their ultimate destination and you’ll find yourself at the bottom of a ravine. Science, philosophy, and even mathematics are only good until they are not, when your forward progress makes a turn and then falls back into its own loop. Those who are always charging forward, “progressing” ahead throughout history tend to be the ones who find themselves looping back to where they started, or worse.

Those who admit they do not know get the furthest down the path. There is no one size fits all, there is no magic pill or morphic field or school of thought that will save us all. The more you fight this the more foolish you look to those who’ve already made these mistakes and have learned from them. Of course you must always start the journey, but you are not the one who finishes it. The end is not up to you, and it is certainly not up to you to define, because that is ultimately impossible and fool-ish to attempt.

Some -isms will get us further down the road than others, but until we realize that they’re vehicles and not ends in themselves, we’ll never make True progress.

Continuing, we’ve followed the capitalist/communist paradigm to its end, and this is where we are. Can anyone say the result has been, good? Is the acquisition, improvement, and control of resources the great destiny of man, or has it just been the latest in a long line of memes? Would you have a different -ism you believe in if you were born in a different place at a different time? We have concepts so one day we can grow past them and leave those concepts behind, to shed those skins and fill out new ones. The change begins at the intellectual tip of the spear-itual. Do you have the courage to go there? Sometimes that is admitting that we do not know where we are going and admitting to the faults of our methods, but no one should forever be a slave to their memes. The physical follows the mental follows the spiritual for a reason. Everyone should get out of their own way once in a while and brave wiping away their mental foundations, because if you don’t do it yourself God will eventually do it for you. It will hurt.

These thoughts are for anyone reading to ponder, if interested.

Red + Blue = Purple. “For I care not who makes a country’s laws,” you know the rest. If you’re going to pin 2008 on one party, you’ve again missed the point and all of the steps that led there. Your scope is so narrow you’ve missed the point of this debate and are now intellectually rampaging to “correct” everything you think is wrong.

The surgery was a success! The patient died.


I’m talking about state control against freedom, but you found a low hanging fruit to take the spiritual high ground with vague catchphrases.

Yeah, let’s not think about why failures happen, it’s all pre-ordained.

Are you saying that a direction by a group of people can’t be wrong ?

Try to keep up.

Plus, I said a bunch of times that I disagree with republicans.


Capitalism and socialism, hell it’s even just about indépendant statements and implicit ideologies at this point is just an example on why all opinions are not equal and some people can be plain wrong.

Sammy and I agreed to take our time and he asked for specific challenges.

Gotta step up your game

What are Morphic fields ?

Lacan didn’t talk about that did he ?
He didn’t talk about alchemy either I’m sure.

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Please stop editing your comment, thank you.

One, make me.
Two, It didn’t change the meaning of what I said.

It added that: I previously said I disagreed with republicans (why would I say that ?)

Two, Sammy and I agreed to debate specifics.

You can check the edit marks.
But also, you’re not obligated to make a comeback :slight_smile:


I think morphic fields fit well Lacan’s anti-ontology, as long as Rupert Sheldrake considers them along the lines of contemporary physics.

I think Lacan would say that alchemy is a mythical form of knowledge that hasn’t develop into scientific knowledge, but it well could with the proper formulae.

I do believe that topology of surfaces and knots used by Lacan to explain intercontected fields of relationships regarding the subject of the unconscious can also function to explain many alchemical relationships which are homogeneous and therefore non-heterogenous in nature.

Lacan started to use strings theory before it was well accepted by physicists, back in 1960, early 1970.

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Morphic fields old the informations that makes things (identity) which are set and we can modify (I mean the wizard can) and alchemy involves the “souls” and identity of things including metals and other inanimate objects.

If you believe in those things

If you say the are not real, ok
If you say they are real, you have to reconsider the inconsistency


I’m done. This is the childish stuff I mentioned in a previous comment. I’m willing to engage in debate, but not a disingenuous one. Every word you use or do not use changes the meaning so don’t pretend otherwise.

If you want to walk away, walk away.

But me saying I already said that I did not agree with republicans and saying that Sammy and I agreed to debate specifics doesn’t change the context and only prevents ridiculous attacks.

Did you want to go on with those exact points ?

If so I prevented some childish debate


This thread is pure chaos and I love it :smiley:
notice how it started as question about marketing lmao


Thank you for watching the pilot.

We have one week. If somebody feels uncomfortable, protect yourselves and avoid this thread. I’m serious, if you can’t handle the energy. Lay back.

I say people can be wrong. That’s not extreme at all.
And I say, we should have the integrity to challenge each other.

I also say that the information is more important than the way by which it is conveyed. Otherwise you are easily emotionally manipulated.

Most of us live in democracies. It’s important stuff for a society.

Talk about extremism.

But there has been so many claims, it’s gonna take a while. I can’t fact-check everything in one day.


Im anything but uncomfortable my man.
Its just kinda funny to me how random some of posts are.
Perfect combination of effort and “S-posting” :smiley:
I do appreciate and admire Your effort here. I wouldn’t be able to do this.

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My 2 Cents on the discussion

I think here the problem is not the Capitalism on it’s own, it served the Human Race better than any other metod till now.

The main issue here is the shift from the real economy to the financial one, which in my opinion it is a facade, artificially sustained.

At the moment the biggest issue I can see, that prevents the market forces to work and regulate themselves on a fair pace, is the artificial increase of the Money Supply, way above the quantity that was needed by the Real Economy to function, this in my opinion is the main cause of Crisis and huge inflation.

Rule out the financial side of the economy, get back to a flat source of Money, impossible to be increased artificially, and things hopefully would work well again, for a while.

After that, maybe in the near future, a shift of paradigm will be required, who knows how far AI can go, and if they replace 99% of workers, TPTB have two thing to do: Kill the unnecessary or support it universally


Before I begin, I’ll just like say I apologize to you for making it out to be like you’re a constant issue or like you’re being disrespectful to people most of the time. That wasn’t my intention. Sure, you used to get into these kinds of fights often a few years ago but that hasn’t been the case for a while. I honestly wasn’t referring to you in most of the conversation when I’m speaking about ya’ll toxicity and behavior and whatnot. But I was scolding you for the behavior in this thread so that all got meshed together. So, sorry for that. You certainly have changed quite a bit. You perhaps stepping out of line once isn’t indicative of lack of growth. We all step out of line sometimes.

Now I am going to keep my callouts of people vague but know, that this is not directed to you.

There is a lot that I will respond to in this thread and I’ll try to get through some of it tonight. Such as the original posts directed to me.

There are 300k subscribers to sapienmed. Trust me on this, I have spoken to far more of them than anyone here as most of my conversations with people are through email. There are only a little over 200 active members out of about 300k peeps.

Some of them with are very high vibrational (some farther along the path than me), healers, some celebrities or even rich folk, artists and all kinds of interesting people with a lot they could have contributed to this community. Yes, the weird threads push away some people but beyond that, it was the behavior here. Some of the people here insulting people and dismiss them for having different opinions. And then these people would ask me things ’ why do you keep guys like **** in the forum? Your forum isn’t spiritual.’

Hell, my wife tried this forum our for a few days and asked me ‘why don’t you just kick these people out of your forum? These are not the kind of people you want around if you are trying to help people.’

But I didn’t. I have tolerated the toxicity for ages and yet I’ve been called woke and pc. I have tolerated all kinds of bs, the breaking my rules over and over again and then hear that I don’t stand by my principles of love and compassion. I have tolerated some of you preventing the growth of this forum and repelling some people I actually really liked. I have tolerated you all at your worst. I have tolerated it all but I have had to sit here and listen to you guys about how I should be intolerant of others. Maybe I should have been intolerant to some of you.

I gave all of you the time and grace to grow. I gave you the patience and respect to not suspend most of you for breaking the rules. I treated you like adults. The most I did was just respectfully call you out on your behavior and ask you to do better. But even then, you guys don’t even have the audacity to take accountability for your actions. They have cost me. They have never led to anything good.

Everytime you guys disrespect people, they disrespect you back and you then end up having these long toxic arguments that lead to nothing productive. You want me to allow this for what? Is it for discipline cause if so, nobody really ends up learning anything as ya’ll repeat the same behavior over and over again. OM did it to some of you to discipline ya’ll but in allowing him to discipline you, you gave him too much power over you. Power to demean you, not respect your different views and take advantage of certain people. Discipline is necessary but not at the cost of respect.

And all I’m doing is speaking up about these things. I want this forum to be better. There are moments that I don’t want to be around the energy in here either. We clearly need to heal. Dreamweaver doesn’t even spend much time here anymore either.

I’m not blaming you guys for everything or trying to make you feel bad. Everything that is being said here and done here is me exposing all the feelings I have inside. I don’t find this forum to live up to the potential it has to nurture love and growth. And I think it’s important to have a conversation as to why it’s not living up to its potential. It’s important to let out our feelings and call eachother out on things. That’s why I’ve asked people to call me out too. I wanted it all out in the open because it’s time we stop shying away from these hard truths and work on actually making this into a better place.


I apologize to Sammy too.

We’ve talked a while in private. I do get sensitive about Marxism, socialism in general.

I also said some silly things a few years back myself, many people here need help and time to heal and grow themselves. It’s important to remember.

Thank you @SammyG

We’ve been laughing in private, now it feels strange to come back to this mess.


And so we should restrict people from thinking or feeling how they do? Is that the solution? When has this ever worked in the history of mankind? People have been doing this in all human societies and all it leads is to the same thing that some of you are fighting against. It leads to us then cancelling anyone with marxist views. It leads to us outcasting them or killing them. Hell, my dad was a marxist and was almost killed for it when he was younger. Should he have been killed for that? This kind of thing turns people against eacother just for having different thoughts.

All the witchhunts, genocides and destruction of cultures throughout history. You guys really would prefer the government restrict certain thoughts and ideologies? You want to set a precedent that you can’t think certain things or share them? Yeah, that allows nasty ideologies to spread like white supremacy or black isrealites or marcist or whatever you think is cancerous. But the latter is far, far worse.

Nature is everything. Anything that exists is natural. There is no such thing as ‘correct nature.’ By default, everything that happens is a result of nature. People think otherwise because nature seems to be consistent and what is natural, is what is matches that consistency. But nature changes over time.

There are species of birds, insects and even mammals whose gender roles reversed over evolution. Nature can be seen as the pattern of life adapting to the now and environmental factors will sometimes change that pattern. Male and female primates at some point were rather equal at some point throughout evolution but the male primates eventually became stronger and the dynamic changed.

As humans evolved, humans were polygamous at first as men would spread their seed as much as they can and women did their best to nurture. We eventually became more monogamous and men would hunt as women nurtured children. Resources were scarce and this was the best way to survive for all humans. Nature was just the pattern that most consistently led to our survival. It was never a fixed thing.

Now in the modern world today, human nature is so much diverse now because our ability to survive completely evolved and allowed us all to become more independent and have more space to freely express ourselves. All the standards of ‘nature’ only served its purpose in a world where we had to compete for resources and so, certain standards of the game had to be met to survive. These standards don’t make sense in the world anymore. Nature changed.

Nature changed into allowing humanity more freedom to express itself outside the rigid standards of survival throughout its history. But it has been a very long and arduous fight. Blacks were restricted from even voting only 60 years ago. Women were also only recently been giving equal rights. Many humans have been restricted from the people in power from being themselves for so much of human history.

So part of what has been happening is humanity freeing itself from the many restrictions it has placed on itself. But I think some people want some of these restrictions still in place for the things they disagree with and find dangerous. And that is the state of society today. The war between 'tolerance vs intolerance. ’ We all disagree on what should be tolerated and not tolerated and it is making us all go mad.

That is why I think finding peace with reality as it is is the only way to peace. We all think differently and that’s okay. None of us are going to change everyone’s opinions and going to war against them is a losing battle as ideas exist forever in the internet. You can’t eliminate thoughts. You can limit their influence of course but the moment you set the precedent that people can’t and shouldn’t think certain things, the moment you give the government far too much power over you. You guys want the same thing that the woke people want. To restrict people from having their own damned thoughts on things.

Ya’ll speak of cancel culture but want to also cancel out people with thoughts you don’t like. It’s the same thing. And it doesn’t work. You can’t outcast or hang people anymore. The internet will always have echo chambers for every idea. Going to war with ideas is a losing battle.

I agree that this is a hypocritical sentiment.

That is fine. I am okay with you guys calling eachothers ideas stupid. Never been against that. It’s moreso when we call eachother stupid. I don’t think insulting people adds to the conversation and only turns it into an argument.


As I said, it was dismissive.

Christianity and Islam are ideas that you can say have killed millions of people as well. But I’m not going to blame christianity or Islam for it. I’m going to blame people. Same with socialism. If socialism was the most destructive thing in the universe, why have western governments applied so many socialist policies? Why are the highly thriving and peaceful Nordic countries full of socialist policies? Because these policies ensure fairness and generally lead to more balance within the people in a market economy, where things can get pretty unfair. The marrying of the two ideas is rather balancing as the nordic countries have proven. I don’t know why everything has to be so black and white. ‘This thing is evil!’ ‘No, that is evil.’ They are both sides of the same coin.

The line is crossed when you guys belittle people for thinking differently. It’s rather clear from this thread, you guys think lesser of him for believing in socialism. You would rather him be gone. I can feel the ‘**** this guy’ off of your posts and it’s clear as day.

That’s like me calling a flat earther stupid for believing in flat earth theory. He’s not going to listen to me after that. That’s like calling a child stupid for not knowing something he does not know. He’s going to feel hurt and like he’s in the wrong for not knowing.

Saying someone doesn’t know what they’re talking about and then proclaiming they can’t process things is in other words, calling them stupid and incapable of understanding things. It’s dismissive and not indicative of you trying to teach someone anything. A teacher doesn’t insult his student.

’ Okay so you believe in flat earth. Here’s what I know.’ That’s how you share ideas. Not by first telling someone how they don’t know shit. Respecting where people are at or what they believe is common human decency.

In hindsight, I’m rather sure if you are just expressing your thoughts and someone came into the thread saying ‘jaaj doesn’t know what he’s talking about. and he can’t process things,’ I’m pretty sure you’d get triggered by that and get get on the offensive. I’ve seen you do this kind of thing time and time again here. You also get offended by peoples opinions. Remember when you got offended by my opinion of you and me thinking you have never been with a woman or something like that? That was honestly wrong on my part and I genuinely apologize. But you got offended by that for sure.

That’s fair. That is your personal choice. Although I have something to say about this. To be of light and darkness is to be accepting of darkness. To truly reach your highest self, is to not be in rejection to anything. There are walls in your mind that prevent you from reaching a higher vibration and the things you reject, are those walls. Being dark to others is rejecting people for harboring things you reject. This is you rejecting darkness. So I don’t believe you are light and darkness. You are light restricting its shine into a very linear path, limited by all the darkness you reject. Wholeness, is to become one with the dark. You, in choosing to see the world as black and white, have subscribed to duality.

I’m telling you this moreso cause I know you’re more in the spiritual path of higher vibration and these sorts of things. Not everyone is but I know you are. The bad news is, that allness is inevitable and the only way to reach it is to accept everything you hate and dislike… for to not do so, is the reject your true self (god, tao, universe). I had to do it and it was very uncomftorable. So much pain and suffering but when I accepted, it released like it was all nothing at all.

Unfortunately, as I am seeing it, this is the way up in vibration. Many people here in the forum are also struggling with this and are held back by how much we restrict ourselves in this regard. So as long as these walls still exist, you will likely remain where you are. You are all that you hate and reject. There is no escaping that but if you wish to, your path will likely not reach the full potential. You can still learn much from duality and grow quite a bit of course. But then, you’re just another face in the matrix.

Just words from a soul to a soul. You can continue on your path as you are. Me and dream had to do this to go higher but maybe there’s an easier way. I don’t think there is but that’s okay if you don’t figure it out in this life. You’ll get to where you need to eventually.

I’m with you on this whole segment. Don’t disagree with anything you said here. But you know, universal basic income will be very necessary in this new kind of economy. That’s a very socialist policy. As I mentioned earlier, western capitalism is riddled with socialist policies to make the game fair. That is just going to be the icing on the cake of marrying the two concepts together. We are over here arguing about which one is better when society has already been marrying the two best aspects of eachother to become the more viable one for humanity.

I’m sorry about your family man and I hope their souls are thriving today.

Haven’t we been able to see that under capitalism or socialism, humanity will be corrupted by power and exploit people to the fullest in whatever way they can? Humanity is the problem. Not ideas brother.

Now of course, Communism as an idea allows for far corruption of power from humanity. I’m not fond of it either. But it’s just an idea and the concept behind it is all property is publicly owned and each person works and is paid according to their abilities and needs. That idea is literally not saying ‘murder millions of people.’ Under enlightened leaders, a system like that could work rather well. Natives in tribes practically lived like this and tend to live pretty harmonious lives where they were at peace with things. Some people just want to exist in peace and not fall into the endless competition and chase of consumption or growth. Not everyone wants to create and expand and explore the universe. Some people just want to live in harmony with others and survive. I get why some people would resonate with that. That’s just the concept behind it. The problem is the people that enforced that concept would do it with brute force.

Anyone who wasn’t in line with communism in a communist society would be killed. That is cancel culture with a death sentence lol. But now, we want to enforce cancel culture on people who have these ideas? Are we really any better than them if we want to play this game?

Is it? I am saying that he doesn’t have everything figured out and niether do you and niether do I. All within a post of me expressing compassion. Context matters and the distinction between posts was very clear here.

I’m not asking you to. All I am saying is to try to respect people’s point of view. Without that respect, there is no meaningful discussion and we end up having meaningless arguments that turn into egoic wars. Arguments that have diminishing returns. Waste of time and energy on my part and your part. I’m asking you guys to try to behave in a way that doesn’t keep leading to these diminishing returns.