Here is a list of current Polls on the site:
Estimates for what the YouTube Subscribers number will be by the end of the year? (Poll closes 1st June)
How did you discover Sapien Medicine?
How many different Sapien Medicine and/or Dream Seeds audios do you usually listen to per day?
How many Advanced Fields do you own?
Estimates for how many views the CoronaVirus Disruption Audio on YouTube will have by the 1st of May 2020? (Poll closes 1st of April) (Audio Link here)
How many Patrons will there be on Patreon by the 1st of May 2020? (Poll closes 1st of April)
Do you usually listen to the audios with speakers, earphones or headphones?
What do you usually do while listening to the audios?
What percentage of full volume do you usually listen to the audios?
What’s your favorite Neuro Album track?