Sapien Shop

No, I meant the audio, which had been listed for sale on SoundWeave (for a reasonable price, as I recall). But it seems to have been taken down.

I really don’t recall the audio being available on Sound Weave, but it is possible I simply missed it.

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Or I could’ve been hallucinating :rofl: but, seriously, I wouldn’t have made my reply if I didn’t think I’d seen it. (And even then, I may have been mistaken.)

In any event, it’s for sure not there now which is all that really matters, right?

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Hi, Is there any active discount at the moment? @Dreamweaver

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Why have we stopped selling field tags because I cant find any on the shop?

The whole process of fulfillment (including delivery) was burdensome. Team Dream took a bath on refunding tags that were lost in transit. In the meantime, we have newer, easier delivery mechanisms.

More details are in the Black Friday 2021 thread.


Cant we just buy the picture digitally with the field on it and print it to size? It doesn’t have to be imbedded in to a dog tag, I’ll just put it in one of those plastic photograph case keyrings so I can carry it with me without it getting damaged.

It’s only the image with the field on it you need right?


You do what you said above and you have created a tag! :mage: :partying_face:


Right. (And what @Rosechalice said.)

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That’s what I mean and there’s no shipping hassle or lost orders. Just buy it, download it, print it and tag it!… everyone’s a winner! :man_dancing:

Also if you lose your tag whilst out, not to worry just go print another off again :laughing:


Yep our Dream Team is genius! :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face: :partying_face:


It would be nice if when you changed the drop down menu to sort the items it would keep that choice after you refreshed the page.

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What do Sapien Shop Points do? How do we use them?

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You accumulate .09 Sapien Shop points for every $1 spent. You can redeem points for coupons off purchase. For example 10 points for a $10 off coupon, 50 points for $50 off. Just make sure you’re logged in and then click the gift box icon at the bottom left of the screen to see your points and options.

Once you redeem it’s probably a good idea to use up the entire discount on one order since it’s a coupon discount and not a credit so you may lose any unused portion of the coupon.


Very informative. Thank you @Milamber .


One possibility is that you didn’t enable necessary cookies when you first went to the Sapien Shop and so your browser won’t allow cookies for that site.

Another thing is to not place an order if you logged in but still don’t see the gift box icon on the bottom corner because there may be a temporary issue with the plugin loading that tracks orders for Sapien Shop points. I noticed yesterday that I reloaded the page several times but still didn’t see the gift box icon but I see that it is back now.

I placed the order anyway yesterday but I didn’t get the points for it even though my order history shows the order in my account. So make sure you’re logged in and can see the gift box icon before ordering if you want to get the points. I’ve gotten points for all my previous orders. You can check your e-mail too because I usually get an e-mail about the Sapien Shop points right after the order such this previous example below:

It’s supposed to be handled by Super Rewards on behalf of The Sapien Shop but the plugin may sometimes not load and then it won’t be able to track your order for Sapien Shop points.


Thank you for this. I realized now the same thing happened to me. Only on one of my orders but I’ll definitely be making sure it doesn’t happen again. Thanks for letting us know how. There’s some peace of mind in that.

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Oh wow thanks for heads up. Bought stuff at the store without knowing anything about points, looks like that email was sent to spam

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The store worked for me now, was able to login and redeem my points

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It seems like it’s letting me accumulate points again from purchasing. But I apply the coupon code from redeeming the points and it says it’s invalid.


Also, I ended up with two coupons and have a negative balance. Was just trying to redeem the one coupon. Don’t want you guys to think I’m trying to steal (assuming the coupons eventually work). So PM if you want, we can figure out how to delete my extra coupon.

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