Sapien should release a video to "clear any morphic field results"

People have their reasons to feel regret, some have their physical health worsened it unintended results, not it what was promised. Some have their regret for convictions or who didn’t want the result and regreted later. Whatever we need all to agree that is egotistical to negate the want of a person if it’s way far from any injustification! So please take a look at these people who had incompatibility it frequencies for some reason i want to know:
Hair loss after listening to hair growth audios

Even if the reason is wrong it’s true that these people need help and sapien may provide one by working on a video to clean yourself from morphic fields and other energy works (maybe)

The only solution that is possible to use the “Deep aura cleaning from dreamseeds”

If we trust this person he read from sapien this: Sapien told me that even after month if you listened to aura cleaning it will remove any previous effect Reversing effects

If this topic reaches Sapien he may want to read this topic or if you want to know About people who are incompatible it frequencies/subliminals. Is there a way to undo every energy work?

Sapien Medicine = Dream Seeds

Yes, “Deep aura cleaning from dreamseeds” is what you should listen to.


i do agree it would be nice to have a specific field to reverse results or negate undesirable results.

that being said, i hope there will be no blaming targeted at the creator. sapien medicine created these tools for our benefit and we are the ones responsible on how to use them.

when someone has an unintended result, they should do their best to share everything possible that could relate to their issue. i believe this would make it more fair as the same audios have helped so many more people positively.


yes there is a compatible person and an incompatible who had the unintended result. as for reversing it’s to much ambiguious, i mean: should i reverse the morphic field of “becoming strong” to weak or in another sense reverse back to what i was ? so it shouldn’t be for this purpose for example i used “quadible integrity reverse” and only got bad results as i got it the others.

He already have, you just need to listen it more times and observe your results due to many times of your listening:

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yes friend but it’s not intended for this purpose it’s to clear the energy body, if it would be a focused thing it would be better, right ? i don’t even know if it clears the energy or the result i’m trusting a “guy”

Field = Energy = Results/ Effects of fields

This field will clear your energy body where is found origin of fields you were already listening, which caused you “unwanted” results

Or just try whatever you want, what feels you right

that’s what i want to believe but he didn’t say that did he ? he said it will clear energies after a morphic session the logic is too weak

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Listen I know you seem to believe other things
but these fields affect your body, by chemical and biological process.
to state that I should make a field to clear results, means that you think there is some other effect taking place.

If you slice open your arm, and it heals, you will likely bare the effects of that. You can help reduce the effects with something to diminish scar tissue perhaps, but a lot of the effects will remain.
Do you understand my logic?
I don’t understand how you wish to make a all encompassing field to revert your body in multiple cellular ways to another function.
What exactly is the problem and how do you wish to treat it.
That is what you need to focus on. Not this idea you think is going on.
These aren’t subliminals not ‘programmed energy’
It is direct processes inside your body.
That is the truth of it.
Not who believes in angels or aliens and if that is rubbish or not.
(from your deleted posts)
You keep asking this over and over without any idea of the process but something else that you think is happening.


it doenst revert results if you use it befor energy work

that’s what i said “revert” is ambiguious and unfit to find my problem. I want to clear it, so the thing that sustains it will be gone and i will be left as me without the “dirt” and if the thing that sustains it is gone you are left it the purely natural processes to work towards what was natural. I maybe be ingenuous here because there is something that sustains a permanent field, so the problem is: How can i make a scar a natural scar and leave to time (permanence) for my natural system to clean what is not a natural of a “scar” Same it the eye because i had an eye and i want to leave to my system to remember the eye

sorcerers are articulate persons it occult knowledge like solomon who was a good king but you don’t disrespect them because you aren’t believable at all

thanks for the consideration for my text but i need to clarify one thing, most of my problems i don’t blame sapien for it, it was the subliminals and frequencies, morphic fields are what i listen to and what i trust (without subliminals) “deep aura cleaning” and “entity removal” what i said about subliminals and frequencies are just a sugestion so sapien may help the person “subliminal support” and others.