Schizophrenia help

Hello I have an older family member dealing with schizophrenia among other things. They say they’ve been hearing voices detailing how to hurt/kill people which they almost acted upon. In addition to schizophrenia, they have also been diagnosed with severe anxiety and depression which has put them in the hospital multiple times. They are slightly skeptical of morphic fields but are okay with me requesting some to help them out.

Please recommend a few free or patreon exclusive fields for me to send to them that can possibly help treat schizophrenia, anxiety, and depression specifically as they no longer want to see any doctors. Nothing too out-of-the-box or abstract, please. They also want to try subliminals as I told them those worked really fast for me so if someone has any suggestions for those as well please inbox me if you’re not comfortable posting them in the forum (nothing created by teenagers though). Thanks


This is troubling. The diagnoses you’re sharing are serious and really do need a doctor’s care and supervision, or else they (and others) can get in trouble.

I know it’s not what you’re asking, but I would strongly urge you to make finding a doctor that they can work with the priority here.

You can use the New Release-The All Purpose Anxiety removal field for the anxiety component. That and the Depression fields might bring them some relief. The challenge will be the schizophrenia which will distort their experience of the results that these fields will produce. IOW, these fields may do a really good job for them but their schizophrenia might interfere with their ability to recognize that good job.


Believe me I’ve tried but they only get upset at the mention of a doctor. It’s out of the question at this point


Okay my playlist so far is

Trauma Release
Depression the Relief
All Purpose Anxiety Rmoval
Emotional Release


There are so many audios I could recommend and I will, I do agree with what Well-being said above, but if they refuse to go then at least they need a willingness and the inner strength to do everything they can to resist doing anything harmful. Maybe before recommending listening you can work with them to create a framework so that when emotions come up to be released (and they will), they can properly handle that. Are you available to them often to field phone calls? Will they make them?

That having been said, the point of no return stack (searchable in the forum)

Unstoppable willpower, inner strength

Exorcism, bhooted boots

Anything related to the aura, blockage removal

Pure magnetic heart coherence, any audio related to love (alchemy of love album)

Mental health album

  • I would suggest brain audios like amygdala healing/ptsd but I think (and let me know everyone if this is backward) maybe that should come a bit later

Again, this may promote further reaction so I would say definitely have a system in place for that. I wish you so much luck and I hope this person is able to heal. Maybe in time they will agree to see a doctor


Thanks. I sent them the Exorcism audio a few months ago and they play it occasionally but said the music scares them. I’ll look into some aura audios as well. I try to call them every day but both of us are busy with our work schedules. I normally don’t find out they’ve been in the hospital or were doing something harmful until after the fact; but I’ll make more of an effort.


I know these are out-of-the-box ideas, but in fact, I would start with the basics. I believe that every illness, problem has a spiritual cause (but I am not sure), so with starting with the basics it will be possible to ease anxiety, perhaps the power of voices in the head and naturally depression. I would split the fields into several stacks:
Clearing the aura and removing blockages
Strengthening the aura and working with traumas Restoration of the nervous system, brain.
Final treatment.
To begin with, I would go with this stack:
Aura Clearing x1
Ego Dissolution x1
Subconscious Limits Removal x1
Energy Blockage Removal x1
Emotional Release x2
Grief Loss Loneliness x2
Forgiveness and Release x2
Om Mani Padme Hum (patreon) x2


Excellent suggestions thank you so much


It’s said schyzophrenia is related with an imbalance of dopamine.
This could help to balance it:


There are studies that glutathione helps reduce the symptoms of schizophrenia. Therefore, you can also add Glutathione Fields and an antioxidant brain field.


Schizophrenia is also accompanied by atrophy of the hippocampus. Perhaps the brain regeneration field will be useful


If you’re OK with fields from other creators I found this from Morphic Doctor.

Read the comments.

Also, don’t forget brain regeneration. Perhaps brain regeneration is more important than everything else in this list. :slight_smile:


The new nerve inflammation one is essential!

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Am now just seeing this thread. Much helpful information. I’d like to add a few non fields info having worked worked in the field prof for many years.
There is a medicine called Orthomolecular in Canada and treatment is a combination of Vit B3 and Vitamin C. Do a search about this and you will find some good articles. I don’t know if many MDs in US do this but perhaps a naturopath would know. The dose amounts should be managed by someone.
A young man I worked with many years back began hearing voices and he started meds from an MD and but then quit.
In our work together we did a lot of childhood trauma work and the voices stopped completely. I helped him self manage his autonomic ns as well. We never even got to the B3 and C work. But he didn’t need to.
Good luck


Screen Shot 2022-09-09 at 10.24.35 PM
From the pietersite video spoke volumes to my soul.


i personally had felt as I describe the dark side of me come out, the “maniac” version of me today. I felt engulfed with powerful anger and great hatred. My mind became cluttered as struggled to breathe today, and became nauseous. I was going through like my delusions today like the world is watching me and shit, people are gonna jump out of wood works and shoot or me whatever, my food is poisoned and shit. This brings me back to sembalance of clarity sometimes. Brings me back to earth the intrusive thoughts stop. I used to like not be able to sleep some days and stuff and used to be super depressed. I noticed this year that I rarely have insomnia although this could be due to the deep sleeper field. But I have used it last year to less effectiveness. I have improved in school and I’m starting to set more concrete goals and think more concretely. My thoughts are still super jumbled up most of the time and people still think I’m crazy but you know I’m improving and that’s all that matters

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Strengthening the blood brain barrier helps with so many issues. One of my favorite fields.


Just to clarify, are you giving a testimonial here for the pierersite field or another field?

I flubbed in my first edit I thought there was a schizophrenia field

I don’t know if they’re can be a schizophrenia field. But It really helps with intrusive thoughts. I think it’s due to the “orienting effect” I know that made no sense but I guess it just snaps some sense.