Self Reflection Thread

Maybe you should just do bungee jumping


The zone ? :)


Thanks Dream for making my cellular age go from 386.000.000 to around ~25 again. Hence the profile picture change.

We eternal youth clan!


It gives me suicidal thoughts when I have to think about that I have to work the rest of my life 8h 7/5
I need another perspectives

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You really don’t need to. That’s the bullshit you’ve been grown into, doesn’t make it real.

Find your passion, something you live for, and something you’re good at. Pursue that and the rest will fall into place. Sure, you’ll maybe have to work a job on the side for a while, but once you find that thing that you love and thus will be good at, that nobody else can do like you, people will want you, and you will be able to live from it.

Doesn’t have to be anything ‘exotic’ (which it is for this world, again, 9-5) like generating morphic fields, and doesn’t have to be a male stripper either, could be anything.

Listen to SLR, man. SLR. And broaden up that mind with abundance.


I recommend this👇🏿 field and Heart chakra on gumroad.


If you notice that I am no longer posting on the Forum anymore it may be because I became breakfast for some predator :open_mouth: :lion: :sweat_smile:

Every Saturday morning a group of ladies meet up for an early morning walk. We park our 4x4’s behind the cricket ground along the river’s edge. Our little bush town doesn’t actually have a cricket ground, it’s more an open piece of land that has no trees in the centre and is sort of flat enough to play cricket on. The area isn’t even fenced. It doesn’t get used as much these days. There used to be a strip of astro turf in the centre but I think one of the locals thought it would look cool to have some fake lawn in front of his hut. :roll_eyes:

It was my birthday last month, after our walk the girls thought it would be super cool to tie balloons behind me while we sat and had our morning coffee :roll_eyes: :smile:



I wonder what would happen if you started wearing the lion mandala :joy:


Ahh feels good to do nothing. Sort of.

Put on a pair of earphones, wash the car, fix stuff around the house, dust off my kindle and just relax.

No work stuff. :100:

Belated happy birthday @Jennyfire :partying_face:


Thank you @Hyperion :grinning:


Maybe Armor of Light and Glory
for predator problems


Imagine getting banned on somewhere…
Where you will get the most welcomed and fulfilled by love than anywhere else on internet…
Where you are given million chances…
Years, lifetimes of knowledge in just few days…
Where 99% of people would put this place in “crazy” hospital…
Where people truly want to help you…


Someone’s been lurking ;)

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Thanks for sharing this story. I had a smile on my face reading this.


It’s because your post is reminding me of one of the good things about MY childhood. We had a (built like a tank) tricycle with chain wheel drive and a step in the back for another person to ride on. It was sturdy enough and big enough that someone older (like an 8 yr. old) could stand on that back step. That thing could “move”. I’m certain my parents got it 2nd hand-didn’t matter.
I always liked to ride on a bike, even as a teenager and an adult. I liked to go fast. As a child I also loved to roller skate on the street with the heavy metal skates that u would tighten with a “skate key”. I always loved the wind on my face blowing back my hair.
Then my father got me a skateboard, now (this is in the 1960’s) and I loved that, though my mother would worry (a bit) I would fall off it and get hurt. (This is before they had any safety padding or helmet) . ( It was highly unusual that my father purchased any present for his children, my mom did that. And it wasn’t for a birthday or Christmas the only time we got presents.) Sure, I fell off and got hurt, went inside cleaned up the scrapes and skinned knees and kept going. I have collected quite a number of body scars and my knees still look crappy. :slightly_smiling_face:.

When I was a teenager (about 14-15) I saved up a year to buy my 10 speed Italia emerald green 10 speed racer bike. I remember cleaning 3 story apartment house halls for the $. It cost $180, which was a good amount of $ back then. I still have that bike.

Anyway thanks for the trip down memory lane. I am going to tell my sister and one of my brothers about your post. To see if they remember that tricycle too.

I share your excitement with awaiting your tricycle. If u could post a picture of it, would be great! Thanks.

BTW for the last 4 hrs. I have been sleeping with
The Shamanic Medicine Blend playing.
Initial personal review forthcoming.


My initial review is already there. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Wow, I would have loved that hill!

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It was my birthday recently and my ex started texting me… which is fine i guess, we never ever meet but remained on good terms, so marry christmas texts etc.
He started with the long texts now, which he did before in the summer telling me he had “moved on and life was really good”
well… then i was like… if youre really so happy, why are you randomly sending me 5-6 page long detailed explanation of how great your life is and how you are doing everything we ever planned, but with someone else??
It did make me feel shitty about myself for a couple of days back then - more precisely, it khmmm… triggered my ego, which made me feel bad :D

Now he texted me happy birthday to then tell me he introduced his girlfriend to his family and everyone loves her lol
I guess it does still rub me the wrong way, otherwise i wouldnt feel like writing about it here :joy:
but unlike in the summer, there is no part of me now that somehow wants to know more or wants to talk to him, so I didnt really answer much and so he stopped.


i felt really warm reading this. growing up different than kids from my village wasn’t the best part of my life and my only friend was a neighbor (he’s now in his 70s whereas i’m 20) who used to tell me all kinds of stories from his early life and adulthood, he traveled a lot when he was younger and was a great storyteller. this reminded me to pay him a visit! much love :smile: